CQ893A product picture

Part Number: CQ893A

HP DesignJet t520 36-in eprinter

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$2,483.77 CQ893A

HP DesignJet t520 36-in eprinter Parts List

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113699 CQ890-67096 CQ890-67096 #Belt,#Parts,#CQ890-67096
AmpXL 24 Encoder strip SV-Rein. AmpXL 24 Encoder strip SV-Rein 24'' Encoder Strip Fit HP Designjet T120 T520 T125 T130 T525 T830 and similar models.
110496 CQ893-67016 CQ893-67016 #Belt,#Parts,#CQ893-67016
AmpXL 36 Belt SV Belt pulley 36-inch - Include pulley
110495 F9A30-67068 F9A30-67068 #Belt,#Parts,#F9A30-67068
Belt and pulley 36 inch HP Designjet T520 T730 eprinter plotters.
113842 5HB06-67028 5HB06-67028 #Brush,#Parts,#5HB06-67028
Brush line sensor with adhesive 5 sets
111234 CQ890-67021 CQ890-67021 #Cable,#Parts,#CQ890-67021
Cables Service assembly - Includes encoder rewind FFC, ink door FFC, pick motor encoder FFC, control panel FFC, power button FFC, paper feed sensors FFC, and bundle-24 assembly FFC
111349 Q6659-67019 Q6659-67019 #Cable,#Parts,#Q6659-67019
Carriage assembly - Includes the carriage with line sensor, cover, latch, PC board (PCA), rear bushing, color sensor, and trailing cable - For the 44-inch Designjet Z3100 photo printer series
113849 CQ893-60043 CQ893-60043 #Carriage,#Parts,#CQ893-60043
AmpXL 36inch Carriage assembly w/b and lube. (for size 24inch plotters order CQ890-60239).
111351 CQ893-60077 CQ893-60077 #Carriage,#Parts,#CQ893-60077
AmpXL 36inch Carriage assembly w/b and lube. (for size 24inch plotters order CQ890-60239).
111352 CQ893-67011 CQ893-67011 #Carriage,#Parts,#CQ893-67011
AmpXL 36 Carriage assembly w/b and lube. (for 24inch models order CQ890-60239).
Control Panel
0 CQ890-67026 CQ890-67026 #Control Panel,#Parts,#CQ890-67026
Control panel assembly - Includes front panel PCA power button cable and ribbon cable incorporated and assembled.
0 CQ890-67082 CQ890-67082 #Control Panel,#Parts,#CQ890-67082
AmpXL Control Panel Text_and_Gloss SV
113859 CQ890-67011 CQ890-67011 #Cover,#Parts,#CQ890-67011
Cutter assembly - Includes cutter body cutter extrusion lead cover cutter bridge and instruction flier Case right cover - Plastic cover that protects the right end side of the Designjet
113396 CQ890-67012 CQ890-67012 #Cover,#Parts,#CQ890-67012
Case left cover - Plastic cover that protects the left end side of the Designjet
114056 CQ890-67046 CQ890-67046 #Cover,#Parts,#CQ890-67046
AmpXL Ink Door Cover Textured
113397 CQ890-67084 CQ890-67084 #Cover,#Parts,#CQ890-67084
AmpXL Left Cover Textured SV
113858 CQ890-67085 CQ890-67085 #Cover,#Parts,#CQ890-67085
Cutter assembly - Includes cutter body cutter extrusion lead cover cutter bridge and instruction flier Right cover assembly - Plastic cover that protects the right side of the printer
114057 CQ890-67086 CQ890-67086 #Cover,#Parts,#CQ890-67086
AmpXL Ink Door Cover Textured
113857 CQ890-67107 CQ890-67107 #Cover,#Parts,#CQ890-67107
Cutter assembly - Includes cutter body cutter extrusion lead cover cutter bridge and instruction flier AmpXL Right Cover Textured SV
0 CQ893-67002 CQ893-67002 #Cover,#Parts,#CQ893-67002
36 Back cover
0 CQ893-67003 CQ893-67003 #Cover,#Parts,#CQ893-67003
36 Roll cover
0 CQ893-67025 CQ893-67025 #Cover,#Parts,#CQ893-67025
AmpXL 36 Central Cover Textured
0 CQ894-67001 CQ894-67001 #Cover,#Parts,#CQ894-67001
36 Front Cover
113864 CQ890-40339 CQ890-40339 #Cutter,#Parts,#CQ890-40339
Cutter Designjet T120 T125 T520 T530 T730 T830 Cutter with clutch - Includes cutter body cutter extrusion lead (cover) cutter bridge and instruction flier Cutter AXLP SCR SV KIT
109856 CQ890-67017 CQ890-67017 #Cutter,#Parts,#CQ890-67017
Cutter assembly - Includes cutter body, cutter extrusion lead cover and cutter bridge.
109857 CQ890-67066 CQ890-67066 #Cutter,#Parts,#CQ890-67066
Cutter Y margin new Extract Li HP Plotter / Designjet
109930 CQ890-67090 CQ890-67090 #Cutter,#Parts,#CQ890-67090
Cutter CSR SV kit Designjet T120 T520 T730 T830 Cutter With Clutch
109871 CQ890-67091 CQ890-67091 #Cutter,#Parts,#CQ890-67091
Cutter Y margin new Extract Li Designjet T120 T520 T730 T830 Cutter With Clutch
111650 CQ890-67108 CQ890-67108 #Cutter,#Parts,#CQ890-67108
Cutter with clutch - Includes cutter body cutter extrusion lead (cover) cutter bridge and instruction flier Cutter AXLP SCR SV KIT
0 CQ893-67027 CQ893-67027 #Cutter,#Parts,#CQ893-67027
Output Platen Cutter CSR Lid 36P
113690 CQ890-67033 CQ890-67033 #Disk,#Parts,#CQ890-67033
Encoder disk Encoder Disk for the HP Designjet T120 T130 T520 T530 T830 T650 T630 Series
113701 CQ890-67065 CQ890-67065 #Encoder,#Parts,#CQ890-67065
AmpXL 24 Encoder strip SV-Rein 24'' Encoder Strip Fit HP Designjet T120 T520 T125 T130 T525 T830 and similar models.
Encoder Strip
0 CQ890-67004 CQ890-67004 #Encoder Strip,#Parts,#CQ890-67004
36 Encoder strip
110048 CQ893-60067 CQ893-60067 #Encoder Strip,#Parts,#CQ893-60067
AmpXL 36 Encoder strip SV
111323 CQ893-67020 CQ893-67020 #Encoder Strip,#Parts,#CQ893-67020
AmpXL 36 Encoder strip SV
110049 CQ893-67029 CQ893-67029 #Encoder Strip,#Parts,#CQ893-67029
AmpXL 36 Encoder strip SV
110047 CQ893-80003 CQ893-80003 #Encoder Strip,#Parts,#CQ893-80003
AmpXL 36 Encoder strip SV
111342 cq890-67105 cq890-67105 #Firmware,#Parts,#cq890-67105
USB New module with FirmWare F/W SV.
Gear Assembly
0 CQ890-67041 CQ890-67041 #Gear Assembly,#Parts,#CQ890-67041
Right gear train assemlby;Part CQ890-67041 is no longer supplied. Please order the replacement, CQ890-67077
106124 CQ890-67077 CQ890-67077 #Gear Assembly,#Parts,#CQ890-67077
Right gear train assemlby
111365 CQ890-60244 CQ890-60244 #Grease,#Parts,#CQ890-60244
Kit Friction KIT friction repair grease.
0 CQ894-67002 CQ894-67002 #Guide,#Parts,#CQ894-67002
36 Upper roll media guide
111133 CQ890-67030 CQ890-67030 #Hardware,#Parts,#CQ890-67030
AmpXL Prime pump assy SV
112551 CQ893-67009 CQ893-67009 #Hub,#Parts,#CQ893-67009
Spindle hubs set of Blue and Black hub cap.
0 CQ890-67057 CQ890-67057 #Kit,#Supplies,#CQ890-67057
Labels kit - Includes ink supply label, serial label, nameplates, and ink supply labels
0 CQ893-67017 CQ893-67017 #Kit,#Parts,#CQ893-67017
AmpXL 36in PM Kit SV_Grease_Y_Lid CSR HP T520 T730 T830 Ampxl 36In PREVENTIVEMAINTENANCE Kit GENUINE
0 CQ893-67028 CQ893-67028 #Kit,#Parts,#CQ893-67028
AmpXL 36in PM Kit SV_Grease_Y_Lid CSR HP T520 T730 T830 Ampxl 36In PREVENTIVEMAINTENANCE Kit GENUINE
111342 cq890-67105 cq890-67105 #Module,#Parts,#cq890-67105
USB New module with FirmWare F/W SV.
113405 CQ890-67006 CQ890-67006 #Motor,#Parts,#CQ890-67006
Carriage motor - Includes flier
0 CQ890-67036 CQ890-67036 #Motor,#Parts,#CQ890-67036
AmpXL Paper motor SV
0 F9A30-67049 F9A30-67049 #Motor,#Parts,#F9A30-67049
Candela Paper Motor SV kit
PC Board
113523 CQ890-60273 CQ890-60273 #PC Board,#Parts,#CQ890-60273
Interconnect PC board Designjet Plotter T520 / T120 series.
111556 CQ890-67020 CQ890-67020 #PC Board,#Parts,#CQ890-67020
Feed index encoder sensor PCA - Includes encoder PCA, index plus cable, output tray sensor plus cable, and top cover sensor
106816 CQ890-67022 CQ890-67022 #PC Board,#Parts,#CQ890-67022
Interconnect PC board Designjet Plotter T520 / T120 series.
106336 CQ890-67081 CQ890-67081 #PC Board,#Parts,#CQ890-67081
Amp XL PRO main PCA SV new ID. Main logic PC board - Includes the PC board HP Designjet T520 24 inch Eprinter / HP Designjet T520 Main Board W/Door sensor (for 36inch order CQ893-67032).
111235 CQ890-67088 CQ890-67088 #PC Board,#Parts,#CQ890-67088
PCA - Bundle New CAPs SV
106059 CQ890-67097 CQ890-67097 #PC Board,#Parts,#CQ890-67097
Main PCA Board AXL MPCA and Bundle Pro kit. T520 Main Board W/Door sensor (for 36inch order CQ893-67032).
106337 CQ890-80251 CQ890-80251 #PC Board,#Parts,#CQ890-80251
Main logic PC board - Includes the PC board HP Designjet T520 24 inch Eprinter / HP Designjet T520 Main Board W/Door sensor (for 36inch order CQ893-67032).
Pinch Assembly
0 CQ890-67060 CQ890-67060 #Pinch Assembly,#Parts,#CQ890-67060
Pinch wheels assembly
Power Cord
0 CQ891-60022 CQ891-60022 #Power Cord,#Parts,#CQ891-60022
Power cord (Black) - 18 AWG two conductor 1.8m (6.0ft) long - Has straight (F) C7 receptacle - For 110-120 VAC in the United States Canada Mexico Latin America and Taiwan
0 CQ891-60023 CQ891-60023 #Power Cord,#Parts,#CQ891-60023
Power Cord- APJ SV KIT
Power Supply
110468 CQ890-67025 CQ890-67025 #Power Supply,#Parts,#CQ890-67025
Power supply assembly for Hewlett Packard unit.
110469 CQ890-67089 CQ890-67089 #Power Supply,#Parts,#CQ890-67089
AmpXL 5V Power Supply SV
111378 CQ890-40324 CQ890-40324 #Sensor,#Parts,#CQ890-40324
OOPS Sensor flag HP Designjet T520 T120
110491 CQ890-67001 CQ890-67001 #Sensor,#Parts,#CQ890-67001
Carriage line sensor assembly kit - Includes T-6 screwdriver
110493 CQ890-67028 CQ890-67028 #Sensor,#Parts,#CQ890-67028
Ink cartridge door cover sensor
109853 CQ890-67032 CQ890-67032 #Sensor,#Parts,#CQ890-67032
Out-Of-Paper sensor - AmpXL OOPS Sensor flag w/tape SV
106515 CQ890-67076 CQ890-67076 #Sensor,#Parts,#CQ890-67076
AmpXL OOPS Sensor flag w/tape SV
109854 CQ890-67102 CQ890-67102 #Sensor,#Parts,#CQ890-67102
OOPS Sensor flag w/tape-Big Lo
0 CQ893-67018 CQ893-67018 #Sensor,#Parts,#CQ893-67018
Output tray sensor - Does not include FFC cable
Service Manual
0 CQ893A-Manual_DesignJet CQ893A-Manual_DesignJet #Service Manual,#Service Guide,#CQ893A-Manual_DesignJet
Printer Service Manual - Includes troubleshooting, error messages, paper jams, parts and parts diagrams.
Service Parts
0 5HB06-67029 5HB06-67029 #Service Parts,#Parts,#5HB06-67029
Spark Candela 5v Psu Sv Kit
0 CQ890-67073 CQ890-67073 #Service Parts,#Parts,#CQ890-67073
Case right
0 CQ890-67094 CQ890-67094 #Service Parts,#Parts,#CQ890-67094
MPCA and Bundle-PowerOn SV Kit
0 CQ893-67004 CQ893-67004 #Service Parts,#Parts,#CQ893-67004
36 Central Cover
0 CQ893-67005 CQ893-67005 #Service Parts,#Parts,#CQ893-67005
36 Output platen
0 CQ893-67007 CQ893-67007 #Service Parts,#Parts,#CQ893-67007
AmpXL 36 Starwheel assy SV
0 CQ893-67021 CQ893-67021 #Service Parts,#Parts,#CQ893-67021
AmpXL 36-in PM Kit SV with grease
0 CQ893-67024 CQ893-67024 #Service Parts,#Parts,#CQ893-67024
AmpXL 36in PM Kit SV_Grease_Y margin
0 Q6659-67017 Q6659-67017 #Service Parts,#Parts,#Q6659-67017
Trailing Cable 44-in PCA w/ Hitachi TC
Service Station
109841 CQ890-67045 CQ890-67045 #Service Station,#Parts,#CQ890-67045
Service station assembly
112970 B3Q37A B3Q37A #Spindle,#Parts,#B3Q37A
AmpXL 36 Spindle module SV HP - Printer Spindle - 36" - For DesignJet Studio T520 T520 EPrinter T525 T530 T630 T650 (36") T730 T830 (36") and similar models.
112565 CQ893-67008 CQ893-67008 #Spindle,#Parts,#CQ893-67008
AmpXL 36 Spindle module SV AmpXL 36 Spindle module SV HP - Printer Spindle - 36" - For DesignJet Studio T520 T520 EPrinter T525 T530 T630 T650 (36") T730 T830 (36") and similar models.
108571 CQ890-67044 CQ890-67044 #Spitton,#Parts,#CQ890-67044
Left side spittoon assembly
0 5ZY56-67012 5ZY56-67012 #Stand,#Parts,#5ZY56-67012
Stand 36in
113142 CQ890-67053 CQ890-67053 #Stand,#Parts,#CQ890-67053
36 Stand Assy Service assy stand AXL 36in. Please order hardware kit. Does not include (denote#2 CQ890-67054 hardware kit)
0 CQ893-67022 CQ893-67022 #Starwheel,#Parts,#CQ893-67022
36 Starwheel assy and Output shaft
0 CQ890-67037 CQ890-67037 #Support,#Parts,#CQ890-67037
36-inch left roll support with rewinder and cover
0 CQ890-67038 CQ890-67038 #Support,#Parts,#CQ890-67038
Right roll support with cover and dampers
113143 CQ890-67054 CQ890-67054 #Tool,#Parts,#CQ890-67054
Stand hardware tool kit - Includes all screws and tools to repair and mount the stand
Trailing Cable
111651 CQ893-67001 CQ893-67001 #Trailing Cable,#Parts,#CQ893-67001
AmpXL 36Trailing cable SV
0 CQ890-67019 CQ890-67019 #Tray,#Parts,#CQ890-67019
Pull out paper tray - Out put paper tray extension
0 CQ890-67047 CQ890-67047 #Tray,#Parts,#CQ890-67047
Multi-sheet paper tray extension - Located on the the accessory tray
0 CQ891-67010 CQ891-67010 #Tray,#Parts,#CQ891-67010
Pull out paper tray - Out put paper tray extension
Tray Assembly
110842 CQ890-67007 CQ890-67007 #Tray Assembly,#Parts,#CQ890-67007
Multi-sheet accessory paper tray assembly for HP DesignJet T100 / T130/ T730/ T520/ T120/ T830 Multi-sheet Accessory Paper Tray Assembly and compatible Plotter models.
0 CQ890-67008 CQ890-67008 #Window,#Parts,#CQ890-67008
36 Central Window
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