8120-6801 printer parts diagram.


8120-6801 is represented by #2 in the diagram below.

8120-6801 is represented by #2 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 8120-6806 - Power cord (Flint Gray) - 17 AWG, 2.3m (7.5ft) long - Has 90 degree (F) receptacle (for 220V in Denmark)
  • 2
    • 2 8120-6801 - Power cord (Flint Gray) - 17 AWG, 2.3m (7.5ft) long - Has 90 degree (F) C13 receptacle (For 240VAC in the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Singapore)
  • 3
    • 3 8120-6807 - Power cord (Flint Gray) - 17 AWG, 2.3m (7.5ft) long - Has 90 degree (F) receptacle (for 220V in Switzerland)
  • 4
    • 4 8120-6802 - Power cord (Flint Gray) - 2.3m (7.5ft) long - Has 90 degree (F) receptacle (for 220V in Europe, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and India)
  • 5
    • 5 8120-6805 - Power cord (Flint Gray) - 18 AWG, 2.3m (7.5ft) long - Has 90 degree receptacle (for 120V in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Philippines, and Taiwan)
    • 5 8120-8381 - Power cord (Flint Gray) - 18 AWG, 1.8m (6.0ft) long - Has 90 degree (F) C13 receptacle (For 120VAC in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand)
8120-6806 Power Cord Power cord (Flint Gray) - 17 AWG, 2.3m (7.5ft) long - Has 90 degree (F) receptacle (for 220V in Denmark)
8120-6801 Power Cord Power cord (Flint Gray) - 17 AWG, 2.3m (7.5ft) long - Has 90 degree (F) C13 receptacle (For 240VAC in the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Singapore)
8120-6807 Power Cord Power cord (Flint Gray) - 17 AWG, 2.3m (7.5ft) long - Has 90 degree (F) receptacle (for 220V in Switzerland)
8120-6802 Power Cord Power cord (Flint Gray) - 2.3m (7.5ft) long - Has 90 degree (F) receptacle (for 220V in Europe, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and India)
8120-6805 Power Cord Power cord (Flint Gray) - 18 AWG, 2.3m (7.5ft) long - Has 90 degree receptacle (for 120V in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Philippines, and Taiwan)
8120-8381 Power Cord Power cord (Flint Gray) - 18 AWG, 1.8m (6.0ft) long - Has 90 degree (F) C13 receptacle (For 120VAC in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand)
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