XB4-7300-809CN printer parts diagram.


XB4-7300-809CN is represented by #9 in the diagram below.

Internal components
XB4-7300-809CN is represented by #9 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RM1-4265-000CN - Paper retainer assembly - Bracket assembly with two flapper levers - Keeps paper in the top output bin from sliding back into the printer
  • 2
    • 2 RL1-0527-000CN - Top output bin delivery roller assembly - Plastic rod with four rubber wheels (two narrow and two wide)
  • 4
    • 4 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 4
    • 4 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 4
    • 4 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
    • 4 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 4
    • 4 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 4
    • 4 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 5
    • 5 RC2-1569-000CN - DC cable guide - Attaches to the main drive assembly
  • 6
    • 6 RM1-1301-000CN - Double gear assembly - Includes the gear body, inset gear (both with a toothless area) and compression spring - For driving the paper pickup roller
  • 8
    • 8 XB4-7401-005CN - M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
  • 9
    • 9 XB4-7300-809CN - M3 self-tapping pan head phillips screw (Black oxide finish) - 8mm long
  • 10
    • 10 RC2-0419-000CN - Multipurpose paper input tray separation pad base - Where the separation pad attaches to
  • 11
    • 11 RU5-2894-000CN - Compression spring - Located on the separation pad base of the multipurpose tray
  • 13
    • 13 RC1-3472-000CN - Paper sensor flag - cylindrical plastic piece with a flag on each end (One senses the paper, the other activates the photo-sensor)
  • 14
    • 14 RB2-2895-000CN - Shaft bushing/retainer - Right side pickup roller support bushing
  • 15
    • 15 RC1-3470-000CN - Idler roller (plastic) - Free wheeling roller - Two used
    • 15 RC1-3470-000CN - Idler roller (plastic) - Free wheeling roller - Two used
  • 16
    • 16 RL1-0540-000CN - Paper pickup roller - Includes the D shaped pickup roller spindle with the rubber tire - Does NOT include (RC1-3470-000CN) the idler rollers on each side of the pickup roller
  • 17
    • 17 RB2-2896-000CN - Shaft bushing/retainer - Left side pickup roller support bushing
  • 19
    • 19 RU5-0331-000CN - 29-tooth gear (White plastic) - Main drive gear for the fusing assembly - Mounts on the right end of the fusing assembly
  • 21
    • 21 XA9-1503-000CN - M3 truss head (Flanged) phillips screw (Black oxide finish) - 6mm long
  • 22
    • 22 RC1-3665-000CN - Bushing/shaft retainer (Plastic) - Small plastic cylinder with four nubs that twist - Locks into the side frame
  • 22
    • 22 RC1-3665-000CN - Bushing/shaft retainer (Plastic) - Small plastic cylinder with four nubs that twist - Locks into the side frame
  • 23
    • 23 RM1-4943-000CN - Speaker assembly - Located on the left lower side of the printer
RM1-4265-000CN Retainer Paper retainer assembly - Bracket assembly with two flapper levers - Keeps paper in the top output bin from sliding back into the printer
RL1-0527-000CN Roller Top output bin delivery roller assembly - Plastic rod with four rubber wheels (two narrow and two wide)
RM1-4263-000CN Guide Paper feed guide assembly
XA9-1495-000CN Screw 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
XA9-1495-000CN Screw 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
RC2-1569-000CN Guide DC cable guide - Attaches to the main drive assembly
RM1-1301-000CN Gear Assembly Double gear assembly - Includes the gear body, inset gear (both with a toothless area) and compression spring - For driving the paper pickup roller
RL1-1524-000CN Pad Multipurpose paper input tray separation pad
XB4-7401-005CN Screw M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
XB4-7300-809CN Screw M3 self-tapping pan head phillips screw (Black oxide finish) - 8mm long
RC2-0419-000CN Base Multipurpose paper input tray separation pad base - Where the separation pad attaches to
RU5-2894-000CN Spring Compression spring - Located on the separation pad base of the multipurpose tray
RC1-3471-000CN Shaft Drive shaft - Drives pickup roller
RC1-3472-000CN Flag Paper sensor flag - cylindrical plastic piece with a flag on each end (One senses the paper, the other activates the photo-sensor)
RB2-2895-000CN Bushing Shaft bushing/retainer - Right side pickup roller support bushing
RC1-3470-000CN Roller Idler roller (plastic) - Free wheeling roller - Two used
RC1-3470-000CN Roller Idler roller (plastic) - Free wheeling roller - Two used
RL1-0540-000CN Roller Paper pickup roller - Includes the D shaped pickup roller spindle with the rubber tire - Does NOT include (RC1-3470-000CN) the idler rollers on each side of the pickup roller
RB2-2896-000CN Bushing Shaft bushing/retainer - Left side pickup roller support bushing
RU5-2323-000CN Spring Compression spring
RU5-0331-000CN Gear 29-tooth gear (White plastic) - Main drive gear for the fusing assembly - Mounts on the right end of the fusing assembly
RU5-0332-000CN Gear 19-tooth gear (White plastic)
XA9-1503-000CN Screw M3 truss head (Flanged) phillips screw (Black oxide finish) - 6mm long
RC1-3665-000CN Bushing Bushing/shaft retainer (Plastic) - Small plastic cylinder with four nubs that twist - Locks into the side frame
RC1-3665-000CN Bushing Bushing/shaft retainer (Plastic) - Small plastic cylinder with four nubs that twist - Locks into the side frame
RM1-4943-000CN Speaker Speaker assembly - Located on the left lower side of the printer
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