VS1-7257-007CN printer parts diagram.


VS1-7257-007CN is represented by #3 in the diagram below.

Paper feeder main body
VS1-7257-007CN is represented by #3 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 CC468-67911 - Paper pick-up roller and separation pad assembly - Use for the 250-sheet cassette tray 2 and tray 3Paper pick-up roller and separation roller assembly - Use for the 250-sheet tray 2 and 500-sheet tray 3
    • 1 CC468-67924 - Paper pick-up roller and separation pad assembly - Use for the 250-sheet cassette tray 2 and tray 3Paper pick-up roller and separation roller assembly - Use for the 250-sheet tray 2 and 500-sheet tray 3
  • 2
    • 2 CC468-67911 - Paper pick-up roller and separation pad assembly - Use for the 250-sheet cassette tray 2 and tray 3Paper pick-up roller and separation roller assembly - Use for the 250-sheet tray 2 and 500-sheet tray 3
    • 2 CC468-67924 - Paper pick-up roller and separation pad assembly - Use for the 250-sheet cassette tray 2 and tray 3Paper pick-up roller and separation roller assembly - Use for the 250-sheet tray 2 and 500-sheet tray 3
  • 3
    • 3 VS1-7257-007CN - Drawer connector - Connector located on top of tray assembly frame (right side) which connects tray assemblies to each other
CC468-67911 Pickup Assembly Paper pick-up roller and separation pad assembly - Use for the 250-sheet cassette tray 2 and tray 3Paper pick-up roller and separation roller assembly - Use for the 250-sheet tray 2 and 500-sheet tray 3
CC468-67924 Roller Paper pick-up roller and separation pad assembly - Use for the 250-sheet cassette tray 2 and tray 3Paper pick-up roller and separation roller assembly - Use for the 250-sheet tray 2 and 500-sheet tray 3
CC468-67911 Pickup Assembly Paper pick-up roller and separation pad assembly - Use for the 250-sheet cassette tray 2 and tray 3Paper pick-up roller and separation roller assembly - Use for the 250-sheet tray 2 and 500-sheet tray 3
CC468-67924 Roller Paper pick-up roller and separation pad assembly - Use for the 250-sheet cassette tray 2 and tray 3Paper pick-up roller and separation roller assembly - Use for the 250-sheet tray 2 and 500-sheet tray 3
VS1-7257-007CN Connector Drawer connector - Connector located on top of tray assembly frame (right side) which connects tray assemblies to each other
RC2-5416-000CN Holder Drawer connector holder - Used for tray 3
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