RU6-2468-000CN printer parts diagram.


RU6-2468-000CN is represented by #5 in the diagram below.

Internal components
RU6-2468-000CN is represented by #5 in the diagram below.
  • 5
    • 5 RU6-2468-000CN - Tension spring - Provides tension to the lifter assembly
  • 6
    • 6 RK2-2418-000CN - Cartridge area cooling fan (FM2) Fuser area cooling fan (FM4)
  • 7
    • 7 RM1-5498-000CN - Flexible flat cable assembly - Includes two FFC, DCC to laser/scanner
  • 8
    • 8 RM1-5521-000CN - Main drive motor assembly
    • 8 RM1-5776-000CN - Main DC Motor assymotor M3-M6 - CLJ CP4025 / CP4525 / CM4540 / M651 / M680 series
  • 9
    • 9 RM1-5549-000CN - Paper pick-up drive assembly - For tray 1 - Includes multi-purpose/tray 1 motor (M13)
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
    • 13 RM1-5656-000CN - Fusing drive assembly - Include fusing motor (M2) duplex capability. (for Simplex order RM1-5001-030CN).
  • 14
    • 14 RM1-4983-000CN - Fuser motor (M2) assembly - Drives the fuser sleeve, pressure Roller, fuser pressure Roller, and primary transfer Roller disengagement
  • 15
    • 15 RK2-2415-000CN - Development disengagement stepping DC motor (M10) - Disengages the developer from the primary charge roller
  • 16
    • 16 RM1-5777-000CN - ITB motor (M1) assembly - Drives the ITB and residual toner feed screw
RC2-4044-000CN Holder Paper pickup connector holder
RM1-4973-000CN Drive Assembly Duplexing drive assembly
RU6-2468-000CN Spring Tension spring - Provides tension to the lifter assembly
RK2-2418-000CN Fan Cartridge area cooling fan (FM2) Fuser area cooling fan (FM4)
RM1-5498-000CN Cable Flexible flat cable assembly - Includes two FFC, DCC to laser/scanner
RM1-5521-000CN Motor Main drive motor assembly
RM1-5776-000CN Motor Main DC Motor assymotor M3-M6 - CLJ CP4025 / CP4525 / CM4540 / M651 / M680 series
RM1-5549-000CN Drive Assembly Paper pick-up drive assembly - For tray 1 - Includes multi-purpose/tray 1 motor (M13)
CC493-67915 Drive Assembly Main gear drive assembly
RM1-5914-000CN Lifter Lifter assembly - One required for each cassette
RM1-5821-000CN Cable Cooling fan - Provides air to the cartridge area
RM1-5656-000CN Drive Assembly Fusing drive assembly - Include fusing motor (M2) duplex capability. (for Simplex order RM1-5001-030CN).
RM1-4983-000CN Motor Fuser motor (M2) assembly - Drives the fuser sleeve, pressure Roller, fuser pressure Roller, and primary transfer Roller disengagement
RK2-2415-000CN Motor Development disengagement stepping DC motor (M10) - Disengages the developer from the primary charge roller
RM1-5777-000CN Motor ITB motor (M1) assembly - Drives the ITB and residual toner feed screw
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