RU5-0040-000CN printer parts diagram.


RU5-0040-000CN is represented by #7 in the diagram below.

Internal Components
RU5-0040-000CN is represented by #7 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RC1-0268-000CN - Metal rod between external power button and switch on power supply board
  • 4
    • 4 RU5-0045-020CN - 18 tooth gear - Located on right side of printer in the Tray 2 paper pickup assembly
  • 5
    • 5 RL1-0264-000CN - Gear - Gear with attached shaft - Driven by pickup drive assembly on right front of printer
  • 6
    • 6 WG8-5624-000CN - Replacement for part WG8-5362-000CN ORDER WG8-5624-000CN PHOTO-INTERRUPTER TLP1241 Photo-sensor (TLP1241) - Sensor flag activated
    • 6 WG8-5624-000CN - Replacement for part WG8-5362-000CN ORDER WG8-5624-000CN PHOTO-INTERRUPTER TLP1241 Photo-sensor (TLP1241) - Sensor flag activated
  • 7
    • 7 RU5-0040-000CN - Gear - 23 tooth gear in lower front section of pickup drive assembly
  • 8
    • 8 RC1-0206-000CN - Bushing - On right side of paper pickup drive assembly
  • 8
    • 8 RC1-0206-000CN - Bushing - On right side of paper pickup drive assembly
  • 9
    • 9 RM1-1067-000CN - Replacement for part RM1-1067-000CN Laser/scanner assembly for 4250/4350 series LaserJet printers
    • 9 RM1-1067-030CN - Replacement for part RM1-1067-000CN Laser/scanner assembly for 4250/4350 series LaserJet printers
  • 10
    • 10 RC1-0264-000CN - Feed roller shaft bushing - Bushing on right side of printer that supports the feed roller shaft.
  • 11
    • 11 RM1-1198-000CN - Laser cable - Connects between DC Controller board and laser scanner unit - J145 to J83
  • 12
    • 12 XA9-1500-000CN - M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
  • 14
    • 14 RM1-0036-000CN - Paper pickup roller - Gray spongy rubber roller on a white cylinder and 24 tooth white gear on one side. Paper pickup roller - For Tray 2, 3 or 4 paper cassette
    • 14 RM1-0036-020CN - Paper pickup roller - Gray spongy rubber roller on a white cylinder and 24-tooth white gear on one side
  • 15
    • 15 RM1-0037-020CN - Paper feed/seperation roller assembly - Black rubber roller on a blue plastic cylinder
  • 17
    • 17 RC1-0209-000CN - Paper sensor flag for Tray 2 paper pickup assembly
    • 17 RC1-0209-020CN - Paper sensor flag for Tray 2 paper pickup assembly
  • 18
    • 18 RC1-0243-000CN - Right front power supply guide - Attaches to right side of printer chassis
  • 19
    • 19 RC1-3352-000CN - Paper pickup arm - Pickup and feed roller holder for Tray 2 paper pickup assembly
  • 20
    • 20 RC1-0212-000CN - Paper pickup arm holder - Holder for pickup roller shaft
  • 21
    • 21 RC1-0371-000CN - 23 Gear - Gear that drives paper feed roller - Attaches to feed roller shaft
  • 22
  • 23
    • 23 RC1-0213-000CN - Compression spring - Provides pressure for paper pickup and feed rollers in Tray 2 pickup assembly
  • 25
    • 25 RC1-0330-020CN - Solenoid damper - Locate on right side of Tray 2 guide - Works with kicker to dampen Tray 2 pickup solenoid on right side of tray guide
  • 26
    • 26 RM1-1192-000CN - Power cable for Tray 3 paper feeder - Black connector with 42mm six wire cable to white connector
  • 27
    • 27 RL1-0015-000CN - Kicker assembly - Mounts to right side of the printer and is connected to the right side guide - Senses when the paper cassette is inserted into the printer
  • 28
    • 28 RM1-0041-020CN - Tray 2 paper size tray sensing assembly - White plastic tray size sensing fingers and microswitch assembly
  • 29
    • 29 RB1-8107-000CN - Rubber foot - Replacement rubber foot for the bottom of the printer (four used)
  • 30
    • 30 RC1-0242-000CN - Inner right side edge guard - Small plastic guard that protects wires inside chassis on right side of printer.
  • 31
    • 31 RC1-0244-000CN - Support guide - Supports right rear side of power supply board
  • 32
    • 32 RC1-0247-000CN - Right side edge guard - Small plastic guard that protects wires - Mounts on right outer side of printer chassis.
  • 33
    • 33 XA9-1503-000CN - M3 truss head (Flanged) phillips screw (Black oxide finish) - 6mm long
  • 34
    • 34 RM1-0042-000CN - Accessory cable/connector - Connector for stacker and stacker/stapler accessory at top right rear of printer
  • 35
    • 35 5851-2766 - Swing plate assembly kit - For Tray 2 paper lift assembly - Located between the main gear assembly and the fuser, just above the power supply - Contains swing plate assembly and new fuser pressure release gear
    • 35 RM1-0043-060CN - Swing plate assembly - Pressure Roller GearSwing plate assembly - For tray 2 paper lift assembly Located between the main gear assembly and the fuser, just above the power supply. swing plate assembly usually comes with black and white large gears.
  • 37
    • 37 RM1-1193-000CN - Envelope feeder cable - From DC Controller board to envelope feeder connector - Includes envelope feeder connector
  • 38
    • 38 RC1-0254-000CN - Torsion spring - Provides tension for Tray 2 kicker - Mounts on Tray 2 guide assembly
  • 39
    • 39 RC1-1923-000CN - Torsion spring - Provides tension for paper sensor flag
  • 41
    • 41 RM1-0034-070CN - Paper pick-up assembly - Paper pickup drive assembly for tray 2 input tray - Does not include the 18-tooth gear - In order to install this part the 18-tooth gear must be removed and replaced
RC1-0268-000CN Rod Metal rod between external power button and switch on power supply board
RC1-0340-020CN Guide Guide for scanner cable 1
RC1-0273-000CN Guide Paper feed belt guide for left side
RU5-0045-020CN Gear 18 tooth gear - Located on right side of printer in the Tray 2 paper pickup assembly
RL1-0264-000CN Gear Gear - Gear with attached shaft - Driven by pickup drive assembly on right front of printer
WG8-5624-000CN Sensor Replacement for part WG8-5362-000CN ORDER WG8-5624-000CN PHOTO-INTERRUPTER TLP1241 Photo-sensor (TLP1241) - Sensor flag activated
WG8-5624-000CN Sensor Replacement for part WG8-5362-000CN ORDER WG8-5624-000CN PHOTO-INTERRUPTER TLP1241 Photo-sensor (TLP1241) - Sensor flag activated
RU5-0040-000CN Gear Gear - 23 tooth gear in lower front section of pickup drive assembly
RC1-0206-000CN Bushing Bushing - On right side of paper pickup drive assembly
RC1-0206-000CN Bushing Bushing - On right side of paper pickup drive assembly
RM1-1067-000CN Laser Scanner Replacement for part RM1-1067-000CN Laser/scanner assembly for 4250/4350 series LaserJet printers
RM1-1067-030CN Laser Scanner Replacement for part RM1-1067-000CN Laser/scanner assembly for 4250/4350 series LaserJet printers
RC1-0264-000CN Bushing Feed roller shaft bushing - Bushing on right side of printer that supports the feed roller shaft.
RM1-1198-000CN Cable Laser cable - Connects between DC Controller board and laser scanner unit - J145 to J83
XA9-1500-000CN Screw M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
RK2-0269-000CN Solenoid Paper pick-up solenoid
RM1-0036-000CN Roller Paper pickup roller - Gray spongy rubber roller on a white cylinder and 24 tooth white gear on one side. Paper pickup roller - For Tray 2, 3 or 4 paper cassette
RM1-0036-020CN Roller Paper pickup roller - Gray spongy rubber roller on a white cylinder and 24-tooth white gear on one side
RM1-0037-020CN Roller Paper feed/seperation roller assembly - Black rubber roller on a blue plastic cylinder
RC1-0208-030CN Holder Paper sensor flag holder
RC1-0209-000CN Flag Paper sensor flag for Tray 2 paper pickup assembly
RC1-0209-020CN Flag Paper sensor flag for Tray 2 paper pickup assembly
RC1-0243-000CN Guide Right front power supply guide - Attaches to right side of printer chassis
RC1-3352-000CN Holder Paper pickup arm - Pickup and feed roller holder for Tray 2 paper pickup assembly
RC1-0212-000CN Holder Paper pickup arm holder - Holder for pickup roller shaft
RC1-0371-000CN Gear 23 Gear - Gear that drives paper feed roller - Attaches to feed roller shaft
RL1-0013-000CN Mount Swing plate - Pivot mount for pickup roller shaft
RC1-0213-000CN Spring Compression spring - Provides pressure for paper pickup and feed rollers in Tray 2 pickup assembly
RC1-0153-030CN Guide Right side Tray 2 paper cassette guide
RC1-0330-020CN Damper Solenoid damper - Locate on right side of Tray 2 guide - Works with kicker to dampen Tray 2 pickup solenoid on right side of tray guide
RM1-1192-000CN Cable Power cable for Tray 3 paper feeder - Black connector with 42mm six wire cable to white connector
RL1-0015-000CN Flag Kicker assembly - Mounts to right side of the printer and is connected to the right side guide - Senses when the paper cassette is inserted into the printer
RM1-0041-020CN Sensor Tray 2 paper size tray sensing assembly - White plastic tray size sensing fingers and microswitch assembly
RB1-8107-000CN Foot Rubber foot - Replacement rubber foot for the bottom of the printer (four used)
RC1-0242-000CN Guard Inner right side edge guard - Small plastic guard that protects wires inside chassis on right side of printer.
RC1-0244-000CN Guide Support guide - Supports right rear side of power supply board
RC1-0247-000CN Guard Right side edge guard - Small plastic guard that protects wires - Mounts on right outer side of printer chassis.
XA9-1503-000CN Screw M3 truss head (Flanged) phillips screw (Black oxide finish) - 6mm long
RM1-0042-000CN Connector Accessory cable/connector - Connector for stacker and stacker/stapler accessory at top right rear of printer
5851-2766 Lever Swing plate assembly kit - For Tray 2 paper lift assembly - Located between the main gear assembly and the fuser, just above the power supply - Contains swing plate assembly and new fuser pressure release gear
RM1-0043-060CN Lever Swing plate assembly - Pressure Roller GearSwing plate assembly - For tray 2 paper lift assembly Located between the main gear assembly and the fuser, just above the power supply. swing plate assembly usually comes with black and white large gears.
RM1-1189-000CN Cable Top bin full sensor cable
RM1-1193-000CN Cable Envelope feeder cable - From DC Controller board to envelope feeder connector - Includes envelope feeder connector
RC1-0254-000CN Spring Torsion spring - Provides tension for Tray 2 kicker - Mounts on Tray 2 guide assembly
RC1-1923-000CN Spring Torsion spring - Provides tension for paper sensor flag
RM1-0034-070CN Pickup Assembly Paper pick-up assembly - Paper pickup drive assembly for tray 2 input tray - Does not include the 18-tooth gear - In order to install this part the 18-tooth gear must be removed and replaced
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