RS6-2496-000CN printer parts diagram.


RS6-2496-000CN is represented by #6 in the diagram below.

ADF Paper Pickup Assembly
RS6-2496-000CN is represented by #6 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RG5-6275-000CN - Paper pickup assembly - Includes the pickup structure pieces, motors, gears, belts, rollers and sloenoid (Does NOT include the ADF main assembly) - Mounts on top of the ADF base assembly towards the left end
    • 1 RG5-6275-060CN - Paper pickup assembly - Includes the pickup structure pieces, motors, gears, belts, rollers and sloenoid (Does NOT include the ADF main assembly) - Mounts on top of the ADF base assembly towards the left end
  • 3
    • 3 RB2-8002-000CN - Flag lever - Lever half of the sensor flag for detecting when the ADF input tray is empty - Flag part hangs down at the entrance to the ADF paper pickup assembly
  • 4
    • 4 RG5-6298-000CN - Weight plate assembly - Solenoid activated plate assembly that drops down during the paper pickup process and pushes against the paper stack on the pickup rollers - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly
  • 5
    • 5 RB2-7999-000CN - Weight plate (Only) - Black plastic plate that drops down during the paper pickup process and pushes against the paper stack on the pickup rollers - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly
  • 6
    • 6 RS6-2496-000CN - Tension spring - Attaches between the delivery motor mount and the ADF paper pickup assembly rear frame - Provides tension for ADF delivery motor belt
  • 7
    • 7 WC4-5175-000CN - Micro-switch - Detects when the paper feeder/scanner assembly is open - Mounts in a support bracket on the rear frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
  • 8
    • 8 RH7-1488-000CN - 24VDC motor assembly - Drives the paper pickup roller, feed roller, separation belt assembly, and registration rollers - Mounts at an angle in a bracket on the rear frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
    • 8 RH7-1488-030CN - Motor (24 VDC) assembly - Drives the paper pickup roller, feed roller, separation belt assembly, and registration rollers - Mounts at an angle in a bracket on the rear frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
  • 9
    • 9 RH7-5312-000CN - 24VDC solenoid assembly - Activates the paper feed shutter assembly - Mounts on the rear frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly towards the right
    • 9 RH7-5312-020CN - Solenoid (24 VDC) assembly - Activates the paper feed shutter assembly - Mounts on the rear frame of the ADF paper pick-up assembly towards the right
  • 10
    • 10 RH7-1487-000CN - 24VDC motor assembly - Drives the output delivery rollers - Mounts in a bracket about in the center of the rear frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
    • 10 RH7-1487-020CN - Motor (24 VDC) assembly - Drives the output delivery rollers - Mounts in a bracket about in the center of the rear frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
  • 11
    • 11 RB2-7978-000CN - Flag lever - Sensor activator half of the sensor flag for detecting when the ADF input tray is empty - Activates the sensor on the rear wall of the ADF paper pickup assembly
  • 12
    • 12 RB2-7964-000CN - ADF open flag - Quarter round plastic flag on a short arm - Activates the photo-sensor when the ADF assembly is open - Mounts on the front frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
  • 13
    • 13 RG5-6277-000CN - Lower registration roller assembly - Includes a steel shaft with four gray rollers and a drive gear - Mounts in the lower center of the ADF paper pickup assembly
RG5-6275-000CN Pickup Assembly Paper pickup assembly - Includes the pickup structure pieces, motors, gears, belts, rollers and sloenoid (Does NOT include the ADF main assembly) - Mounts on top of the ADF base assembly towards the left end
RG5-6275-060CN Pickup Assembly Paper pickup assembly - Includes the pickup structure pieces, motors, gears, belts, rollers and sloenoid (Does NOT include the ADF main assembly) - Mounts on top of the ADF base assembly towards the left end
RB2-8002-000CN Flag Flag lever - Lever half of the sensor flag for detecting when the ADF input tray is empty - Flag part hangs down at the entrance to the ADF paper pickup assembly
RG5-6298-000CN Weight Weight plate assembly - Solenoid activated plate assembly that drops down during the paper pickup process and pushes against the paper stack on the pickup rollers - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly
RB2-7999-000CN Weight Weight plate (Only) - Black plastic plate that drops down during the paper pickup process and pushes against the paper stack on the pickup rollers - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly
RS6-2496-000CN Spring Tension spring - Attaches between the delivery motor mount and the ADF paper pickup assembly rear frame - Provides tension for ADF delivery motor belt
WC4-5175-000CN Switch Micro-switch - Detects when the paper feeder/scanner assembly is open - Mounts in a support bracket on the rear frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
RH7-1488-000CN Motor 24VDC motor assembly - Drives the paper pickup roller, feed roller, separation belt assembly, and registration rollers - Mounts at an angle in a bracket on the rear frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
RH7-1488-030CN Motor Motor (24 VDC) assembly - Drives the paper pickup roller, feed roller, separation belt assembly, and registration rollers - Mounts at an angle in a bracket on the rear frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
RH7-5312-000CN Solenoid 24VDC solenoid assembly - Activates the paper feed shutter assembly - Mounts on the rear frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly towards the right
RH7-5312-020CN Solenoid Solenoid (24 VDC) assembly - Activates the paper feed shutter assembly - Mounts on the rear frame of the ADF paper pick-up assembly towards the right
RH7-1487-000CN Motor 24VDC motor assembly - Drives the output delivery rollers - Mounts in a bracket about in the center of the rear frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
RH7-1487-020CN Motor Motor (24 VDC) assembly - Drives the output delivery rollers - Mounts in a bracket about in the center of the rear frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
RB2-7978-000CN Flag Flag lever - Sensor activator half of the sensor flag for detecting when the ADF input tray is empty - Activates the sensor on the rear wall of the ADF paper pickup assembly
RB2-7964-000CN Flag ADF open flag - Quarter round plastic flag on a short arm - Activates the photo-sensor when the ADF assembly is open - Mounts on the front frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
RG5-6277-000CN Roller Lower registration roller assembly - Includes a steel shaft with four gray rollers and a drive gear - Mounts in the lower center of the ADF paper pickup assembly
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