RM1-5803-000CN printer parts diagram.


RM1-5803-000CN is represented by #12 in the diagram below.

Internal components
RM1-5803-000CN is represented by #12 in the diagram below.
  • 2
    • 2 RK2-2577-000CN - Power supply fan (FM1) - Provides air to the power supply area - Located around the power supply unit
  • 3
    • 3 RK2-2603-000CN - Flexible flat cable - Connects the upper high voltage power supply (HVPS) with the controller PC board
  • 4
    • 4 RM1-5502-000CN - Contact support - Mounts next to the power supply fan (FM1)
  • 5
    • 5 RK2-2604-000CN - DC controller to lower high voltage flat flexible cable
  • 8
    • 8 WC2-5637-000CN - Push switch - Right cartridge door open switch (SW6)
  • 11
    • 11 RM1-5799-000CN - Connecting cable assembly - Connects the developing disengagement motor connector (J38), laser driver PCA connector (J72), developing disengagement sensor connector (J87) to the DC controller PC board and the high-voltage power supply PC board
  • 12
    • 12 RM1-5803-000CN - Duplexing cable assembly - Connects to the reverse motor, duplex reverse solenoid and the upper high voltage power supply PCB
  • 13
    • 13 RM1-5804-000CN - Feed cable assembly - Connects the pick-up motor drive assembly to the DC controller PCB
  • 14
    • 14 RM1-5807-000CN - Switch cable assembly - Connects the (J43) right door switch to the connector (J147) on the DC controller PCB
  • 16
    • 16 RM1-5832-000CN - Interlock switch cable assembly - For switches (SW1) and (SW2)
RK2-2577-000CN Fan Power supply fan (FM1) - Provides air to the power supply area - Located around the power supply unit
RK2-2603-000CN Cable Flexible flat cable - Connects the upper high voltage power supply (HVPS) with the controller PC board
RM1-5502-000CN Support Contact support - Mounts next to the power supply fan (FM1)
RK2-2604-000CN Cable DC controller to lower high voltage flat flexible cable
RM1-5724-000CN Cable High voltage power supply cable assembly
RM1-5801-000CN Cable Lower main cable assembly
WC2-5637-000CN Switch Push switch - Right cartridge door open switch (SW6)
RM1-5826-000CN Cable DC Sub-controller cable assembly
RM1-5825-000CN Cable Sub PS AD cable assembly
RM1-5799-000CN Cable Connecting cable assembly - Connects the developing disengagement motor connector (J38), laser driver PCA connector (J72), developing disengagement sensor connector (J87) to the DC controller PC board and the high-voltage power supply PC board
RM1-5803-000CN Cable Duplexing cable assembly - Connects to the reverse motor, duplex reverse solenoid and the upper high voltage power supply PCB
RM1-5804-000CN Cable Feed cable assembly - Connects the pick-up motor drive assembly to the DC controller PCB
RM1-5807-000CN Cable Switch cable assembly - Connects the (J43) right door switch to the connector (J147) on the DC controller PCB
RM1-5815-000CN Cable Sensor cable assembly - Tray media feed sensor
RM1-5832-000CN Cable Interlock switch cable assembly - For switches (SW1) and (SW2)
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