RM1-5089-000CN printer parts diagram.


RM1-5089-000CN is represented by #12 in the diagram below.

Internal components
RM1-5089-000CN is represented by #12 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RM1-4511-000CN - Laser/Scanner assembly - Mounts on the support structure in the print engine frame assembly
    • 1 RM1-5465-000CN - Laser/Scanner assembly - Mounts on the support structure in the print engine frame assembly
    • 1 RM1-7419-000CN - Laser/Scanner assembly - Mounts on the support structure in the print engine frame assembly
  • 2
    • 2 RL1-1657-000CN - Feed DC motor (M101) 24V - Drives the cassette pick-up roller, multi-purpose/tray 1 pickup roller, feed roller,and rollers for the input accessory
  • 3
    • 3 RL1-1658-000CN - Retard drive shaft - Mounts on the right front guide assembly
  • 4
    • 4 RK2-0270-000CN - Tray 2 pick-up solenoid - Mounts on the paper pick-up drive assembly
    • 4 RK2-0270-000CN - Tray 2 pick-up solenoid - Mounts on the paper pick-up drive assembly
  • 5
    • 5 RM1-0036-020CN - Paper pickup roller - Gray spongy rubber roller on a white cylinder and 24-tooth white gear on one side
  • 6
    • 6 RM1-0037-020CN - Paper feed/seperation roller assembly - Black rubber roller on a blue plastic cylinder
  • 7
    • 7 RM1-4532-000CN - Paper pickup drive assembly - Includes a metal plate with the paper feeder pick-up clutch, pick-up roller drive shaft, and drive gears
  • 9
    • 9 RM1-4562-000CN - Paper feed shaft (Z) assembly - Where paper pick-up roller and feed roller mounts on
  • 11
    • 11 XD9-0232-000CN - E-ring keeper - Attaches to drive end of registration roller to secure cluster gear
  • 12
    • 12 RM1-5089-000CN - Feed motor cable - Connects the motor (M101) to the multi-bin mail box
  • 14
    • 14 RM1-5087-000CN - Laser/scanner cable - Connects laser/scanner to the laser driver PCB
  • 16
    • 16 RC1-0206-000CN - Bushing - On right side of paper pickup drive assembly
  • 17
    • 17 RC1-0264-000CN - Feed roller shaft bushing - Bushing on right side of printer that supports the feed roller shaft.
  • 18
    • 18 RU5-0045-020CN - 18 tooth gear - Located on right side of printer in the Tray 2 paper pickup assembly
  • 19
    • 19 RU6-0159-000CN - 23-tooth gear - Located on the paper pick-up drive assembly
  • 20
    • 20 RC2-5783-000CN - Bushing - Mounts on the paper pick-up drive assembly
  • 21
    • 21 RU6-2115-000CN - Torsion spring - Provides torsion to the tag holder assembly
  • 22
    • 22 RC1-0213-000CN - Compression spring - Provides pressure for paper pickup and feed rollers in Tray 2 pickup assembly
RM1-4511-000CN Laser Scanner Laser/Scanner assembly - Mounts on the support structure in the print engine frame assembly
RM1-5465-000CN Laser Scanner Laser/Scanner assembly - Mounts on the support structure in the print engine frame assembly
RM1-7419-000CN Laser Scanner Laser/Scanner assembly - Mounts on the support structure in the print engine frame assembly
RL1-1657-000CN Motor Feed DC motor (M101) 24V - Drives the cassette pick-up roller, multi-purpose/tray 1 pickup roller, feed roller,and rollers for the input accessory
RL1-1658-000CN Shaft Retard drive shaft - Mounts on the right front guide assembly
RK2-0270-000CN Solenoid Tray 2 pick-up solenoid - Mounts on the paper pick-up drive assembly
RM1-0036-020CN Roller Paper pickup roller - Gray spongy rubber roller on a white cylinder and 24-tooth white gear on one side
RM1-0037-020CN Roller Paper feed/seperation roller assembly - Black rubber roller on a blue plastic cylinder
RM1-4532-000CN Drive Assembly Paper pickup drive assembly - Includes a metal plate with the paper feeder pick-up clutch, pick-up roller drive shaft, and drive gears
RM1-4539-000CN Holder Memory tag holder assembly
RM1-4562-000CN Shaft Paper feed shaft (Z) assembly - Where paper pick-up roller and feed roller mounts on
XD9-0232-000CN Clip E-ring keeper - Attaches to drive end of registration roller to secure cluster gear
RM1-5089-000CN Cable Feed motor cable - Connects the motor (M101) to the multi-bin mail box
RM1-4576-000CN Guide Right front guide assembly - For tray 2
RM1-5087-000CN Cable Laser/scanner cable - Connects laser/scanner to the laser driver PCB
RC2-2667-000CN Rod Rod, switch for HP LaserJet P4014 Printer
RC1-0206-000CN Bushing Bushing - On right side of paper pickup drive assembly
RC1-0264-000CN Bushing Feed roller shaft bushing - Bushing on right side of printer that supports the feed roller shaft.
RU5-0045-020CN Gear 18 tooth gear - Located on right side of printer in the Tray 2 paper pickup assembly
RU6-0159-000CN Gear 23-tooth gear - Located on the paper pick-up drive assembly
RC2-5783-000CN Bushing Bushing - Mounts on the paper pick-up drive assembly
RU6-2115-000CN Spring Torsion spring - Provides torsion to the tag holder assembly
RC1-0213-000CN Spring Compression spring - Provides pressure for paper pickup and feed rollers in Tray 2 pickup assembly
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