RM1-3226-000CN printer parts diagram.


RM1-3226-000CN is represented by #10 in the diagram below.

Printer internal components
RM1-3226-000CN is represented by #10 in the diagram below.
  • 2
    • 2 RU5-2822-000CN - Tension spring - Provides tension to the scanner assembly
  • 2
    • 2 RU5-2822-000CN - Tension spring - Provides tension to the scanner assembly
    • 2 RU5-2822-000CN - Tension spring - Provides tension to the scanner assembly
  • 2
    • 2 RU5-2822-000CN - Tension spring - Provides tension to the scanner assembly
  • 6
    • 6 RK2-1354-000CN - Laser flexible flat cable - Connects the laser driver PCA through (J501B) connector and the DC controller PCA through (J127) connector
  • 7
    • 7 RK2-1355-000CN - Laser flexible flat cable - Connects to the laser driver PCA through (J501A) connector and the DC controller PCA through (J126) connector
  • 8
    • 8 RU5-2825-000CN - Torsion spring - Located on the back of the scanner assembly
  • 8
    • 8 RU5-2825-000CN - Torsion spring - Located on the back of the scanner assembly
  • 12
    • 12 RM1-3250-000CN - Photo sensor (SR26) assembly - Fuser home position sensor
  • 13
    • 13 XA9-1449-000CN - M3 pan-head Phillips screw with machine threads - 8mm long
  • 15
    • 15 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
    • 15 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 15
    • 15 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 15
    • 15 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 15
    • 15 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 15
    • 15 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 15
    • 15 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 15
    • 15 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 17
    • 17 Q3931-67907 - Laser/scanner assembly kit, CLJ CP6015/CM6030/CM6040/CM6049 Series.
  • 17
    • 17 Q3931-67907 - Laser/scanner assembly kit, CLJ CP6015/CM6030/CM6040/CM6049 Series.
  • 19
    • 19 WG8-5696-000CN - Photo-interrupter sensor assembly (Does not include the sensor flag)
  • 20
    • 20 RC1-9324-000CN - Environment sensor holder - Holds the humidity sensor unit
  • 23
    • 23 RC1-9334-000CN - Duct, scanner for HP HP Color LaserJet CP6015 Printer
  • 24
    • 24 RK2-1363-000CN - Thermistor unit - Monitors the temperature inside the scanners
  • 28
    • 28 RM1-3589-000CN - Interlock switch assembly - Where the right door open detection sensor (SR11) mounts on
XA9-1504-000CN Screw M3 truss head (flanged) screw - 8mm long
XA9-1504-000CN Screw M3 truss head (flanged) screw - 8mm long
RU5-2822-000CN Spring Tension spring - Provides tension to the scanner assembly
RU5-2822-000CN Spring Tension spring - Provides tension to the scanner assembly
RL1-1283-000CN Guide Multi-purpose/tray 1 right guide assembly
RC1-8959-000CN Guide Guide, face-down inner
RC1-9206-000CN Rail Rear reverse scanner rail
RK2-1354-000CN Cable Laser flexible flat cable - Connects the laser driver PCA through (J501B) connector and the DC controller PCA through (J127) connector
RK2-1355-000CN Cable Laser flexible flat cable - Connects to the laser driver PCA through (J501A) connector and the DC controller PCA through (J126) connector
RU5-2825-000CN Spring Torsion spring - Located on the back of the scanner assembly
RU5-2825-000CN Spring Torsion spring - Located on the back of the scanner assembly
RM1-3225-000CN Grip Front grip support assembly
RM1-3226-000CN Grip Rear grip support assembly
RM1-3232-000CN Case Thermopile case assembly
RM1-3250-000CN Sensor Photo sensor (SR26) assembly - Fuser home position sensor
XA9-1449-000CN Screw M3 pan-head Phillips screw with machine threads - 8mm long
RM1-4399-000CN Guide Rear guide reader assembly
XA9-1495-000CN Screw 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
XA9-1495-000CN Screw 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
RM1-3364-000CN Fan Exhaust fan assembly - Cools the fuser area
Q3931-67907 Scanner Laser/scanner assembly kit, CLJ CP6015/CM6030/CM6040/CM6049 Series.
Q3931-67907 Scanner Laser/scanner assembly kit, CLJ CP6015/CM6030/CM6040/CM6049 Series.
RM1-4398-000CN Guide Front guide reader assembly
WG8-5696-000CN Sensor Photo-interrupter sensor assembly (Does not include the sensor flag)
RC1-9324-000CN Holder Environment sensor holder - Holds the humidity sensor unit
RK2-2376-000CN Sensor Sensor unit, humidity
RC1-9260-000CN Holder Holder, scanner thermistor
RC1-9334-000CN Duct Duct, scanner for HP HP Color LaserJet CP6015 Printer
RK2-1363-000CN Thermistor Thermistor unit - Monitors the temperature inside the scanners
VS1-7177-002CN Connector Fuser electrical connector
RM1-3589-000CN Interlock Interlock switch assembly - Where the right door open detection sensor (SR11) mounts on
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