RM1-2530-000CN printer parts diagram.


RM1-2530-000CN is represented by #1 in the diagram below.

RM1-2530-000CN is represented by #1 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RM1-2530-000CN - Paper pickup assembly for 250 sheet Tray 2 paper cassette - Includes the base structure with the paper pickup roller, paper feed roller, drive gears, and paper sensors.
    • 1 RM1-2530-090CN - Cassette Paper P/U Assy
  • 2
    • 2 RM1-0731-040CN - Paper pickup roller assembly - Includes the D shaped rubber roller on a plastic shaft - Mounts in the lower center of the center frame assembly
    • 2 RM1-0731-050CN - Paper pickup roller assembly - Includes the 'D' shaped rubber roller on a plastic shaft - Mounts in the lower center of the center frame assembly
  • 3
    • 3 RC1-7410-000CN - Paper sensor flag for Tray 2 paper pickup assembly - Located on paper pickup roller shaft.
  • 4
    • 4 WG8-5696-000CN - Photo-interrupter sensor assembly (Does not include the sensor flag)
  • 5
    • 5 RC1-7080-000CN - Paper sensor cover - Cover for paper sensor flag on 250 sheet paper cassette.
RM1-2530-000CN Pickup Assembly Paper pickup assembly for 250 sheet Tray 2 paper cassette - Includes the base structure with the paper pickup roller, paper feed roller, drive gears, and paper sensors.
RM1-2530-090CN Pickup Assembly Cassette Paper P/U Assy
RM1-0731-040CN Roller Paper pickup roller assembly - Includes the D shaped rubber roller on a plastic shaft - Mounts in the lower center of the center frame assembly
RM1-0731-050CN Roller Paper pickup roller assembly - Includes the 'D' shaped rubber roller on a plastic shaft - Mounts in the lower center of the center frame assembly
RC1-7410-000CN Flag Paper sensor flag for Tray 2 paper pickup assembly - Located on paper pickup roller shaft.
WG8-5696-000CN Sensor Photo-interrupter sensor assembly (Does not include the sensor flag)
RC1-7080-000CN Cover Paper sensor cover - Cover for paper sensor flag on 250 sheet paper cassette.
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