RM1-1716-000CN printer parts diagram.


RM1-1716-000CN is represented by #15 in the diagram below.

Internal components
RM1-1716-000CN is represented by #15 in the diagram below.
  • 2
    • 2 RM1-1659-000CN - Drum motor assembly - Provides power for all four drums - For motors (M1) through (M4) - One each - Four used
  • 2
    • 2 RM1-1659-000CN - Drum motor assembly - Provides power for all four drums - For motors (M1) through (M4) - One each - Four used
  • 2
    • 2 RM1-1659-000CN - Drum motor assembly - Provides power for all four drums - For motors (M1) through (M4) - One each - Four used
  • 2
    • 2 RM1-1659-000CN - Drum motor assembly - Provides power for all four drums - For motors (M1) through (M4) - One each - Four used
  • 5
    • 5 RC1-4354-000CN - Cartridge interlock plate - Right side plate that provides motion for cartridge pressure levers
  • 6
    • 6 RC1-4353-000CN - Right side cartridge pressure lever - Holds cartridge against high voltage contact - Three used
  • 8
    • 8 RC1-4352-000CN - Right Electrostatic Transfer Belt (ETB) cap - Lower right side of Electrostatic Transfer Belt (ETB) assembly - Slides into a purple plastic piece
    • 8 RC1-4352-000CN - Right Electrostatic Transfer Belt (ETB) cap - Lower right side of Electrostatic Transfer Belt (ETB) assembly - Slides into a purple plastic piece
  • 9
    • 9 RC1-4352-000CN - Right Electrostatic Transfer Belt (ETB) cap - Lower right side of Electrostatic Transfer Belt (ETB) assembly - Slides into a purple plastic piece
  • 11
    • 11 RC1-4423-000CN - Tension spring - Provides tension for ETB right side lower pressure plate
  • 12
    • 12 RC1-4356-000CN - 70-tooth gear - Located at bottom of right side cartridge interlock plate
  • 13
    • 13 RM1-1628-000CN - Motor cable - From DC Controller to all four drum motor assemblies
  • 15
    • 15 RM1-1716-000CN - Main drive assembly - Large gear assembly on right side that all four drum motors attach to
  • 16
    • 16 RL1-0639-000CN - Top right side cartridge pressure lever - Holds cartridge against high voltage contact - One used
  • 17
    • 17 RC1-4360-000CN - Pressure plate - When this plate is pushed, it rotates a gear, which then moves a bar which engages the main drive assembly
RM1-1671-000CN Switch Power switch assembly
RM1-1659-000CN Motor Drum motor assembly - Provides power for all four drums - For motors (M1) through (M4) - One each - Four used
RM1-1659-000CN Motor Drum motor assembly - Provides power for all four drums - For motors (M1) through (M4) - One each - Four used
RK2-0618-000CN Motor Stepper motor - Disengaging motor - Motor M8
RC1-4357-000CN Spring Tension spring -
RC1-4354-000CN Plate Cartridge interlock plate - Right side plate that provides motion for cartridge pressure levers
RC1-4353-000CN Lever Right side cartridge pressure lever - Holds cartridge against high voltage contact - Three used
WC4-5188-000CN Switch Front door ajar switch - Switch SW1
WC4-5188-000CN Switch Front door ajar switch - Switch SW1
WC4-5242-000CN Switch Front door ajar switch - Switch SW1
WC4-5242-000CN Switch Front door ajar switch - Switch SW1
RC1-4352-000CN Cap Right Electrostatic Transfer Belt (ETB) cap - Lower right side of Electrostatic Transfer Belt (ETB) assembly - Slides into a purple plastic piece
RC1-4352-000CN Cap Right Electrostatic Transfer Belt (ETB) cap - Lower right side of Electrostatic Transfer Belt (ETB) assembly - Slides into a purple plastic piece
RC1-4352-000CN Cap Right Electrostatic Transfer Belt (ETB) cap - Lower right side of Electrostatic Transfer Belt (ETB) assembly - Slides into a purple plastic piece
RC1-4423-000CN Spring Tension spring - Provides tension for ETB right side lower pressure plate
RC1-4356-000CN Gear 70-tooth gear - Located at bottom of right side cartridge interlock plate
RM1-1628-000CN Cable Motor cable - From DC Controller to all four drum motor assemblies
RM1-1643-000CN Cable Door switch cable assembly
RM1-1716-000CN Drive Assembly Main drive assembly - Large gear assembly on right side that all four drum motors attach to
RL1-0639-000CN Lever Top right side cartridge pressure lever - Holds cartridge against high voltage contact - One used
RC1-4360-000CN Plate Pressure plate - When this plate is pushed, it rotates a gear, which then moves a bar which engages the main drive assembly
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