RM1-1370-000CN printer parts diagram.


RM1-1370-000CN is represented by #7 in the diagram below.

Internal components
RM1-1370-000CN is represented by #7 in the diagram below.
  • 2
    • 2 RK2-0472-000CN - DC Controller fan (FN104) - Provides air to the DC controller area
    • 2 RK2-6509-000CN - Low voltage power supply fan (FN104)
  • 3
    • 3 RK2-0280-000CN - Cooling fan (FN105) - Located on right side of printer - Provides air to the print cartridge area
  • 4
    • 4 RM1-1013-000CN - DC power supply - 110VACc RM1-1013 DC Power Supply - 110v - LJ 4345 / M4345 MFP series.
    • 4 RM1-1013-020CN - DC power supply - 110VACc RM1-1013 DC Power Supply - 110v - LJ 4345 / M4345 MFP series.
    • 4 RM1-1013-050CN - DC power supply - 110VACc RM1-1013 DC Power Supply - 110v - LJ 4345 / M4345 MFP series.
    • 4 RM1-1014-000CN - DC power supply - 220VAC
    • 4 RM1-1014-020CN - DC power supply - 220VAC
    • 4 RM1-1014-060CN - Low voltage power supply (LVPS)- For 220 VAC
  • 5
    • 5 RM1-1354-000CN - DC Controller board - DC Controller PCA for LaserJet 4345mfp series
    • 5 RM1-1403-000CN - DC controller PCA - For LaserJet 4345mfp series
    • 5 RM1-1403-050CN - DC Controller board - DC Controller PCA for LaserJet 4345mfp
    • 5 RM1-1403-060CN - DC controller PCA - For LaserJet 4345mfp series
  • 6
    • 6 RU5-2265-000CN - Small compression grounding spring - Located on the upper rear side of printer chassis
  • 7
    • 7 RM1-1370-000CN - Feeder cable - Data cable for optional 500 sheet feeder assembly - From DC Controller to 500 sheet optional feeder
  • 8
    • 8 RM1-0041-020CN - Tray 2 paper size tray sensing assembly - White plastic tray size sensing fingers and microswitch assembly
  • 9
    • 9 5851-2766 - Swing plate assembly kit - For Tray 2 paper lift assembly - Located between the main gear assembly and the fuser, just above the power supply - Contains swing plate assembly and new fuser pressure release gear
    • 9 RM1-0043-060CN - Swing plate assembly - Pressure Roller GearSwing plate assembly - For tray 2 paper lift assembly Located between the main gear assembly and the fuser, just above the power supply. swing plate assembly usually comes with black and white large gears.
  • 10
    • 10 RM1-1375-000CN - Power cable - From DC Controller PCA to power factor correction (PFC) power supply PCA
  • 11
    • 11 RM1-1376-000CN - Fan cable - From DC Controller PCA to DC Controller PCA cooling fan (FN104)
    • 11 RM1-1376-020CN - Fan cable - From DC Controller PCA to DC Controller PCA cooling fan (FN104)
  • 12
    • 12 RM1-1027-000CN - Guide assembly - Guide that protects the large flat cable between the Scanner Controller PCA to the Formatter PCA
  • 13
    • 13 Q3942-67901 - LaserJet 4345 MFP Formatter assembly update part number.
    • 13 Q3942-67906 - LaserJet 4345 MFP Formatter assembly
    • 13 Q3942-69011 - Formatter PC board assembly - For LaserJet 4345 MFP
  • 15
    • 15 RM1-1357-000CN - Flat ribbon cable - Ribbon cable between the Scanner Controller PCA and the Formatter PCA.
RK2-0472-000CN Fan DC Controller fan (FN104) - Provides air to the DC controller area
RK2-6509-000CN Fan Low voltage power supply fan (FN104)
RK2-0280-000CN Fan Cooling fan (FN105) - Located on right side of printer - Provides air to the print cartridge area
RM1-1013-000CN Power Supply DC power supply - 110VACc RM1-1013 DC Power Supply - 110v - LJ 4345 / M4345 MFP series.
RM1-1013-020CN Power Supply DC power supply - 110VACc RM1-1013 DC Power Supply - 110v - LJ 4345 / M4345 MFP series.
RM1-1013-050CN Power Supply DC power supply - 110VACc RM1-1013 DC Power Supply - 110v - LJ 4345 / M4345 MFP series.
RM1-1014-000CN Power Supply DC power supply - 220VAC
RM1-1014-020CN Power Supply DC power supply - 220VAC
RM1-1014-060CN Power Supply Low voltage power supply (LVPS)- For 220 VAC
RM1-1354-000CN PC Board DC Controller board - DC Controller PCA for LaserJet 4345mfp series
RM1-1403-000CN PC Board DC controller PCA - For LaserJet 4345mfp series
RM1-1403-050CN PC Board DC Controller board - DC Controller PCA for LaserJet 4345mfp
RM1-1403-060CN PC Board DC controller PCA - For LaserJet 4345mfp series
RU5-2265-000CN Spring Small compression grounding spring - Located on the upper rear side of printer chassis
RM1-1370-000CN Cable Feeder cable - Data cable for optional 500 sheet feeder assembly - From DC Controller to 500 sheet optional feeder
RM1-0041-020CN Sensor Tray 2 paper size tray sensing assembly - White plastic tray size sensing fingers and microswitch assembly
5851-2766 Lever Swing plate assembly kit - For Tray 2 paper lift assembly - Located between the main gear assembly and the fuser, just above the power supply - Contains swing plate assembly and new fuser pressure release gear
RM1-0043-060CN Lever Swing plate assembly - Pressure Roller GearSwing plate assembly - For tray 2 paper lift assembly Located between the main gear assembly and the fuser, just above the power supply. swing plate assembly usually comes with black and white large gears.
RM1-1375-000CN Cable Power cable - From DC Controller PCA to power factor correction (PFC) power supply PCA
RM1-1376-000CN Cable Fan cable - From DC Controller PCA to DC Controller PCA cooling fan (FN104)
RM1-1376-020CN Cable Fan cable - From DC Controller PCA to DC Controller PCA cooling fan (FN104)
RM1-1027-000CN Guide Guide assembly - Guide that protects the large flat cable between the Scanner Controller PCA to the Formatter PCA
Q3942-67901 PC Board LaserJet 4345 MFP Formatter assembly update part number.
Q3942-67906 PC Board LaserJet 4345 MFP Formatter assembly
Q3942-69011 PC Board Formatter PC board assembly - For LaserJet 4345 MFP
RC1-0266-020CN Screw M3 stepped shaft screw
RM1-1357-000CN Cable Flat ribbon cable - Ribbon cable between the Scanner Controller PCA and the Formatter PCA.
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