RM1-0835-020CN printer parts diagram.


RM1-0835-020CN is represented by #10 in the diagram below.

Internal Components
RM1-0835-020CN is represented by #10 in the diagram below.
  • 2
    • 2 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
    • 2 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 2
    • 2 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 2
    • 2 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 3
    • 3 XA9-1503-000CN - M3 truss head (Flanged) phillips screw (Black oxide finish) - 6mm long
  • 6
    • 6 RA0-1176-000CN - 69 tooth gear - Large gear with ribs and six small holes
  • 7
    • 7 RM1-0846-000CN - Fan Assembly - Includes the tubeaxial fan and the plastic mounting bracket/airflow guide
  • 10
    • 10 RM1-0835-000CN - Right side plate assembly - Includes the right side plate, drive motor, most all drive gears, and cam levers - Does not come with the pickup roller solenoid or 69 tooth gear - Right side of the internal printer mechanism
    • 10 RM1-0835-020CN - Right side plate assembly - Includes the right side plate, drive motor, most all drive gears, and cam levers - Does not come with the pickup roller solenoid or 69 tooth gear - Right side of the internal printer mechanism
  • 11
    • 11 RA0-1451-000CN - Front guide assembly - Ribbed plastic piece that runs the width of the printer
  • 12
    • 12 RM1-0836-000CN - Left plate assembly - Left side of internal printer mechanism - The printer formatter board mounts to this plate
    • 12 RM1-0836-020CN - Left plate assembly - Left side of internal printer mechanism - The printer formatter board mounts to this plate
  • 13
    • 13 RM1-0999-000CN - Fuser Assembly - Bonds toner to paper with heat - For 100V to 127VAC operation
    • 13 RM1-1000-070CN - Fuser Assembly - Bonds toner to paper with heat - For 220V to 240VAC operation
    • 13 RM1-2075-030CN - Fuser Assembly - Bonds toner to paper with heat - For 100V to 127VAC operation
    • 13 RM1-2076-000CN - Fuser Assembly - Bonds toner to paper with heat - For 220V to 240VAC operation
    • 13 RM1-2076-030CN - Fusing assembly - Bonds toner to paper with heat - For 220V to 240VAC operation
XA9-1495-000CN Screw 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
XA9-1495-000CN Screw 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
XA9-1503-000CN Screw M3 truss head (Flanged) phillips screw (Black oxide finish) - 6mm long
RA0-1447-000CN Bracket Right side fuser bracket (L-shaped)
RA0-1447-020CN Bracket Right side fuser bracket (L-shaped)
RA0-1088-000CN Gear 29 tooth gear for HP LaserJet 1200 Series
RA0-1176-000CN Gear 69 tooth gear - Large gear with ribs and six small holes
RM1-0846-000CN Fan Fan Assembly - Includes the tubeaxial fan and the plastic mounting bracket/airflow guide
RA0-1457-000CN Link Connecting link
RA0-1457-000CN Link Connecting link
RK2-0064-000CN Solenoid 24VDC Solenoid for HP LaserJet 3380 Series
RM1-0835-000CN Plate Right side plate assembly - Includes the right side plate, drive motor, most all drive gears, and cam levers - Does not come with the pickup roller solenoid or 69 tooth gear - Right side of the internal printer mechanism
RM1-0835-020CN Plate Right side plate assembly - Includes the right side plate, drive motor, most all drive gears, and cam levers - Does not come with the pickup roller solenoid or 69 tooth gear - Right side of the internal printer mechanism
RA0-1451-000CN Guide Front guide assembly - Ribbed plastic piece that runs the width of the printer
RM1-0836-000CN Plate Left plate assembly - Left side of internal printer mechanism - The printer formatter board mounts to this plate
RM1-0836-020CN Plate Left plate assembly - Left side of internal printer mechanism - The printer formatter board mounts to this plate
RM1-0999-000CN Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly - Bonds toner to paper with heat - For 100V to 127VAC operation
RM1-1000-070CN Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly - Bonds toner to paper with heat - For 220V to 240VAC operation
RM1-2075-030CN Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly - Bonds toner to paper with heat - For 100V to 127VAC operation
RM1-2076-000CN Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly - Bonds toner to paper with heat - For 220V to 240VAC operation
RM1-2076-030CN Fuser Assembly Fusing assembly - Bonds toner to paper with heat - For 220V to 240VAC operation
RA0-1446-000CN Bracket Left side fuser bracket (L-shaped)
RA0-1446-020CN Bracket Left side fuser bracket (L-shaped)
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