RL1-0303-000CN printer parts diagram.


RL1-0303-000CN is represented by #7 in the diagram below.

Internal Components
RL1-0303-000CN is represented by #7 in the diagram below.
  • 2
    • 2 RG0-1085-000CN - Paper pickup assembly - Includes the feed roller assembly, separation pad, plastic housing and other associated parts - Does not include pickup roller
  • 4
    • 4 RG0-1090-000CN - Connector PC board assembly - Has connector for the cable
  • 5
    • 5 RG0-1087-000CN - LED status panel assembly (or control panel) - Plastic front cover support with two LED's
  • 6
    • 6 RG9-1483-000CN - Transfer roller assembly - Transfers static charge to the media being printed on
  • 7
    • 7 RL1-0303-000CN - Paper pickup roller (D-shaped roller) - Picks up media from the paper input tray
  • 8
    • 8 RA0-1172-000CN - 17 tooth gear assembly - Includes the 17 tooth gear mounted on a black plastic lever/bracket
  • 10
    • 10 RG0-1020-000CN - Gear/clutch assembly - Includes two gear bodies and internal spring
  • 12
    • 12 RG9-1498-000CN - Laser/Scanner assembly for HP LaserJet printers and MFP models.
    • 12 RG9-1498-000CN - Laser/Scanner assembly for HP LaserJet printers and MFP models.
    • 12 RG9-1498-040CN - Laser/Scanner assembly - Mounts on top of the print structure frame. HP LJ 1200/ 1000W/ 3300/ 3310/ 3320/ 3330/ 3380
  • 14
    • 14 RA0-1182-000CN - Shutter lever - Spring loaded lever - Mounts to the top of the laser/scanner assembly
RG0-1085-000CN Pickup Assembly Paper pickup assembly - Includes the feed roller assembly, separation pad, plastic housing and other associated parts - Does not include pickup roller
RG0-1090-000CN PC Board Connector PC board assembly - Has connector for the cable
RG0-1087-000CN LED LED status panel assembly (or control panel) - Plastic front cover support with two LED's
RG9-1483-000CN Roller Transfer roller assembly - Transfers static charge to the media being printed on
RL1-0303-000CN Roller Paper pickup roller (D-shaped roller) - Picks up media from the paper input tray
RA0-1172-000CN Gear Assembly 17 tooth gear assembly - Includes the 17 tooth gear mounted on a black plastic lever/bracket
RA0-1184-000CN Support Right side cover mounting support
RG0-1020-000CN Gear Assembly Gear/clutch assembly - Includes two gear bodies and internal spring
RG0-1097-000CN Cable 4-wire cable assembly
RG9-1498-000CN Laser Scanner Laser/Scanner assembly for HP LaserJet printers and MFP models.
RG9-1498-040CN Laser Scanner Laser/Scanner assembly - Mounts on top of the print structure frame. HP LJ 1200/ 1000W/ 3300/ 3310/ 3320/ 3330/ 3380
RA0-1169-000CN Spring Compression spring
RA0-1182-000CN Lever Shutter lever - Spring loaded lever - Mounts to the top of the laser/scanner assembly
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