RH5-3075-090CN printer parts diagram.


RH5-3075-090CN is represented by #2 in the diagram below.

Scanner engine PCAs
RH5-3075-090CN is represented by #2 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RH5-3073-000CN - Flatbed intermediate PC Board - Intermediate Board between the scanner control board (J502) and the flatbed analog processor board (J501) - Mounts in the bottom of the scanner housing (below the copyboard glass)
    • 1 RH5-3073-030CN - Flatbed intermediate PC Board - Intermediate Board between the scanner control board (J502) and the flatbed analog processor board (J501) - Mounts in the bottom of the scanner housing (below the copyboard glass)
  • 2
    • 2 RH5-3075-080CN - Scanner controller PC Board
    • 2 RH5-3075-090CN - Scanner control PC board - Controls the scanner and ADF functions - Connects to all the drive motors in both units and all the sensors in the scanner - Mounts in rear of the scanner towards the left rear
  • 3
    • 3 RH5-3078-000CN - ADF intermediate PC board - Has for cable connectors (J701, J702, J703, and J704) plus the ADF close angle detection sensor - Mounts on top of the ADF base assemby towards the center rear
    • 3 RH5-3078-030CN - ADF intermediate PC board - Has four cable connectors (J701, J702, J703, and J704) plus the ADF close angle detection sensor - Mounts on top of the ADF base assembly towards the center rear
  • 4
    • 4 RH5-3079-000CN - ADF sensor PC board assembly - Narrow strip PC board with the two document skew sensors, registration sensor, and timing sensor - Mounts on top of the registration guide assembly in the ADF main assembly
    • 4 RH5-3079-030CN - ADF sensor PC board assembly - Narrow strip PC board with the two document skew sensors, registration sensor, and timing sensor - Mounts on top of the registration guide assembly in the ADF main assembly
  • 5
    • 5 RG1-4153-000CN - Scanner power supply assembly - Includes the power supply electronics, fan, and support bracket - Provides power for the ADF and scanner assemblies - Mounts on the rear of the scanner assembly
    • 5 RG1-4153-020CN - Scanner power supply assembly - Includes the power supply electronics, fan, and support bracket - Provides power for the ADF and scanner assemblies - Mounts on the rear of the scanner assembly
    • 5 RG1-4386-020CN - Scanner power supply assembly - Includes the power supply electronics, fan, and support bracket - Provides power for the ADF and scanner assemblies - Mounts on the rear of the scanner assembly
  • 6
    • 6 RG5-6274-000CN - ADF media width sensor assembly (includes the white sensor gear that mates with the rack gear) - Works with the front and rear width guides - Mounts on the bottom center of the ADF base assembly (behind the copyboard cover assembly)
RH5-3073-000CN PC Board Flatbed intermediate PC Board - Intermediate Board between the scanner control board (J502) and the flatbed analog processor board (J501) - Mounts in the bottom of the scanner housing (below the copyboard glass)
RH5-3073-030CN PC Board Flatbed intermediate PC Board - Intermediate Board between the scanner control board (J502) and the flatbed analog processor board (J501) - Mounts in the bottom of the scanner housing (below the copyboard glass)
RH5-3075-080CN PC Board Scanner controller PC Board
RH5-3075-090CN PC Board Scanner control PC board - Controls the scanner and ADF functions - Connects to all the drive motors in both units and all the sensors in the scanner - Mounts in rear of the scanner towards the left rear
RH5-3078-000CN PC Board ADF intermediate PC board - Has for cable connectors (J701, J702, J703, and J704) plus the ADF close angle detection sensor - Mounts on top of the ADF base assemby towards the center rear
RH5-3078-030CN PC Board ADF intermediate PC board - Has four cable connectors (J701, J702, J703, and J704) plus the ADF close angle detection sensor - Mounts on top of the ADF base assembly towards the center rear
RH5-3079-000CN PC Board ADF sensor PC board assembly - Narrow strip PC board with the two document skew sensors, registration sensor, and timing sensor - Mounts on top of the registration guide assembly in the ADF main assembly
RH5-3079-030CN PC Board ADF sensor PC board assembly - Narrow strip PC board with the two document skew sensors, registration sensor, and timing sensor - Mounts on top of the registration guide assembly in the ADF main assembly
RG1-4153-000CN Power Supply Scanner power supply assembly - Includes the power supply electronics, fan, and support bracket - Provides power for the ADF and scanner assemblies - Mounts on the rear of the scanner assembly
RG1-4153-020CN Power Supply Scanner power supply assembly - Includes the power supply electronics, fan, and support bracket - Provides power for the ADF and scanner assemblies - Mounts on the rear of the scanner assembly
RG1-4386-020CN Power Supply Scanner power supply assembly - Includes the power supply electronics, fan, and support bracket - Provides power for the ADF and scanner assemblies - Mounts on the rear of the scanner assembly
RG5-6274-000CN Sensor ADF media width sensor assembly (includes the white sensor gear that mates with the rack gear) - Works with the front and rear width guides - Mounts on the bottom center of the ADF base assembly (behind the copyboard cover assembly)
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