RG5-6907-030CN printer parts diagram.


RG5-6907-030CN is represented by #3 in the diagram below.

Internal Components
RG5-6907-030CN is represented by #3 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RH2-5524-000CN - Flat flexible cable (FFC) assembly - Connects between the formatter assembly (J1001) and the DC controller board (J101)
  • 2
    • 2 RB3-0023-000CN - Interlock switch holder (Quartz Gray plastic) - Does NOT include the micro-switch
  • 3
  • 6
    • 6 RB2-9852-000CN - Rotary release guide - Small plastic clip that allows for manual carousel rotation (with a straightened paper clip) for removing toner cartridges without power
  • 8
    • 8 XA9-0849-000CN - 4 M3 truss-head phillips screw with machine threads included - 6mm long
    • 8 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 8
    • 8 XA9-0849-000CN - 4 M3 truss-head phillips screw with machine threads included - 6mm long
    • 8 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 8
    • 8 XA9-0849-000CN - 4 M3 truss-head phillips screw with machine threads included - 6mm long
    • 8 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
    • 8 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 9
    • 9 RG5-7114-000CN - Cable assembly (two 4-pin connectors) with shield
    • 9 RG5-7114-020CN - Cable assembly (two 4-pin connectors) with shield - Connects between the cartridge drive motor and the DC controller board
  • 12
    • 12 RG5-7631-000CN - Right support assembly - Metal frame which supports the top mounted scanner and the camera (photo) memory interface board assembly - Also includes the scanner release button/lever
  • 13
    • 13 RG5-7632-000CN - Left support assembly - Metal frame which supports the top mounted scanner
  • 14
    • 14 RB2-9976-000CN - Cross-member support - 'L' shaped bracket used to help support the camera (photo) memory card interface boards
  • 15
    • 15 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 15
    • 15 XA9-1495-000CN - 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
  • 17
    • 17 RB3-1379-000CN - Insulator sheet - 'L' shaped plastic insulator sheet - Protects the camera (photo) memory interface assembly from shorting against the support bracket
  • 18
    • 18 RG5-7612-000CN - Top of page photoelectric sensor PC board - Includes the photoelectric top of page sensor and the print engine test switch
  • 19
    • 19 Q3964-67901 - Imaging drum/transfer assembly cartridge - Inserts into printer through the top door - Life expectancy is 20,000 pages for black print ONLY, 5,000 pages for color (typical combined life is approximately 8,000 to 10,000 pages)
  • 20
    • 20 Q3960-67901 - Color LaserJet smart Black print cartridge - Will print approximately 5,000 pages based on a 5% print density (not for Europe)
    • 20 Q3960-67902 - Color LaserJet smart Black print cartridge - Will print approximately 5,000 pages based on a 5% print density (Europe)
    • 20 Q3961-67901 - Color LaserJet smart Cyan print cartridge - Will print approximately 4,000 pages based on a 5% print density (not for Europe)
    • 20 Q3961-67902 - Color LaserJet smart Cyan print cartridge - Will print approximately 4,000 pages based on a 5% print density (Europe)
    • 20 Q3962-67901 - Color LaserJet smart Yellow print cartridge - Will print approximately 4,000 pages based on a 5% print density (not for Europe)
    • 20 Q3962-67902 - Color LaserJet smart Yellow print cartridge - Will print approximately 4,000 pages based on a 5% print density (Europe)
    • 20 Q3963-67901 - Color LaserJet smart Magenta print cartridge - Will print approximately 4,000 pages based on a 5% print density (not for Europe)
    • 20 Q3963-67902 - Color LaserJet smart Magenta print cartridge - Will print approximately 4,000 pages based on a 5% print density (Europe)
    • 20 Q3971-67901 - Color LaserJet smart Cyan print cartridge - Will print approximately 2,000 pages at based on a 5% print density (not for Europe)
    • 20 Q3971-67902 - Color LaserJet smart Cyan print cartridge - Will print approximately 2,000 pages based on a 5% print density (Europe)
    • 20 Q3972-67901 - Color LaserJet smart Yellow print cartridge - Will print approximately 2,000 pages based on a 5% print density (not for Europe)
    • 20 Q3972-67902 - Color LaserJet smart Yellow print cartridge - Will print approximately 2,000 pages based on a 5% print density (Europe)
    • 20 Q3973-67901 - Color LaserJet smart Magenta print cartridge - Will print approximately 2,000 pages based on a 5% print density (not for Europe)
    • 20 Q3973-67902 - Color LaserJet smart Magenta print cartridge - Will print approximately 2,000 pages based on a 5% print density (Europe)
RH2-5524-000CN Cable Flat flexible cable (FFC) assembly - Connects between the formatter assembly (J1001) and the DC controller board (J101)
RB3-0023-000CN Holder Interlock switch holder (Quartz Gray plastic) - Does NOT include the micro-switch
RG5-6907-030CN Support Laser/scanner support assembly (sheet metal plate)
RB2-9903-000CN Guide Cable guide (Quartz Gray plastic)
RG5-6890-000CN Laser Scanner Laser/scanner assembly
RG5-6890-030CN Laser Scanner Laser/scanner assembly
RB2-9852-000CN Guide Rotary release guide - Small plastic clip that allows for manual carousel rotation (with a straightened paper clip) for removing toner cartridges without power
RH7-6051-000CN Switch Microswitch with lever activator
XA9-0849-000CN Screw 4 M3 truss-head phillips screw with machine threads included - 6mm long
XA9-0849-000CN Screw 4 M3 truss-head phillips screw with machine threads included - 6mm long
XA9-1495-000CN Screw 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
XA9-1495-000CN Screw 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
RG5-7114-000CN Cable Cable assembly (two 4-pin connectors) with shield
RG5-7114-020CN Cable Cable assembly (two 4-pin connectors) with shield - Connects between the cartridge drive motor and the DC controller board
RG5-6935-000CN Guide Left cartridge guide assembly
RG5-6935-020CN Guide Left cartridge guide assembly
RG5-7117-000CN Cable Cable assembly (two 3-pin connectors)
RG5-7631-000CN Support Right support assembly - Metal frame which supports the top mounted scanner and the camera (photo) memory interface board assembly - Also includes the scanner release button/lever
RG5-7632-000CN Support Left support assembly - Metal frame which supports the top mounted scanner
RB2-9976-000CN Support Cross-member support - 'L' shaped bracket used to help support the camera (photo) memory card interface boards
XA9-1495-000CN Screw 4 Wafer head machine screw included - M3, 6mm long, No. 2 Phillips recess - Secures metal to sheet metal
RB3-1379-000CN Insulator Insulator sheet - 'L' shaped plastic insulator sheet - Protects the camera (photo) memory interface assembly from shorting against the support bracket
RG5-7612-000CN PC Board Top of page photoelectric sensor PC board - Includes the photoelectric top of page sensor and the print engine test switch
Q3964-67901 Drum Imaging drum/transfer assembly cartridge - Inserts into printer through the top door - Life expectancy is 20,000 pages for black print ONLY, 5,000 pages for color (typical combined life is approximately 8,000 to 10,000 pages)
Q3960-67901 Cartridge Color LaserJet smart Black print cartridge - Will print approximately 5,000 pages based on a 5% print density (not for Europe)
Q3960-67902 Cartridge Color LaserJet smart Black print cartridge - Will print approximately 5,000 pages based on a 5% print density (Europe)
Q3961-67901 Cartridge Color LaserJet smart Cyan print cartridge - Will print approximately 4,000 pages based on a 5% print density (not for Europe)
Q3961-67902 Cartridge Color LaserJet smart Cyan print cartridge - Will print approximately 4,000 pages based on a 5% print density (Europe)
Q3962-67901 Cartridge Color LaserJet smart Yellow print cartridge - Will print approximately 4,000 pages based on a 5% print density (not for Europe)
Q3962-67902 Cartridge Color LaserJet smart Yellow print cartridge - Will print approximately 4,000 pages based on a 5% print density (Europe)
Q3963-67901 Cartridge Color LaserJet smart Magenta print cartridge - Will print approximately 4,000 pages based on a 5% print density (not for Europe)
Q3963-67902 Cartridge Color LaserJet smart Magenta print cartridge - Will print approximately 4,000 pages based on a 5% print density (Europe)
Q3971-67901 Cartridge Color LaserJet smart Cyan print cartridge - Will print approximately 2,000 pages at based on a 5% print density (not for Europe)
Q3971-67902 Cartridge Color LaserJet smart Cyan print cartridge - Will print approximately 2,000 pages based on a 5% print density (Europe)
Q3972-67901 Cartridge Color LaserJet smart Yellow print cartridge - Will print approximately 2,000 pages based on a 5% print density (not for Europe)
Q3972-67902 Cartridge Color LaserJet smart Yellow print cartridge - Will print approximately 2,000 pages based on a 5% print density (Europe)
Q3973-67901 Cartridge Color LaserJet smart Magenta print cartridge - Will print approximately 2,000 pages based on a 5% print density (not for Europe)
Q3973-67902 Cartridge Color LaserJet smart Magenta print cartridge - Will print approximately 2,000 pages based on a 5% print density (Europe)
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