RG5-6285-000CN printer parts diagram.


RG5-6285-000CN is represented by #16 in the diagram below.

ADF Paper Pickup Assembly
RG5-6285-000CN is represented by #16 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RG5-6286-000CN - Shutter assembly - Long Black plastic shaft with two curved finger-like tangs - Acts as a paper stop and helps align paper entering the ADF assembly - Mounts just to the right of the paper pickup roller in the ADF paper pickup assembly
  • 2
    • 2 RB2-7970-000CN - Static charge eliminator - Comb that dissipates static charge as paper exits the ADF assembly - Mounts above upper delivery roller in the ADF paper pickup assembly
  • 4
    • 4 RG5-6275-000CN - Paper pickup assembly - Includes the pickup structure pieces, motors, gears, belts, rollers and sloenoid (Does NOT include the ADF main assembly) - Mounts on top of the ADF base assembly towards the left end
    • 4 RG5-6275-060CN - Paper pickup assembly - Includes the pickup structure pieces, motors, gears, belts, rollers and sloenoid (Does NOT include the ADF main assembly) - Mounts on top of the ADF base assembly towards the left end
  • 5
    • 5 RB2-7991-000CN - Leaf spring - Used to lock the spacer between the drive shaft and the stationary shaft in the separation assembly - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly (three used)
    • 5 RB2-7991-000CN - Leaf spring - Used to lock the spacer between the drive shaft and the stationary shaft in the separation assembly - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly (three used)
  • 5
    • 5 RB2-7991-000CN - Leaf spring - Used to lock the spacer between the drive shaft and the stationary shaft in the separation assembly - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly (three used)
  • 6
    • 6 RF5-3689-000CN - Rear flapper arm - Part of the paper separation mechanism for the paper pickup assembly - Mounts just in front of the rear separation belts in the ADF assembly
    • 6 RF5-3689-020CN - Rear flapper arm - Part of the paper separation mechanism for the paper pickup assembly - Mounts just in front of the rear separation belts in the ADF assembly
  • 7
    • 7 RF5-3688-000CN - Front flapper arm - Part of the paper separation mechanism for the paper pickup assembly - Mounts just in front of the front separation belts in the ADF assembly
    • 7 RF5-3688-020CN - Front flapper arm - Part of the paper separation mechanism for the paper pickup assembly - Mounts just in front of the front separation belts in the ADF assembly
  • 8
    • 8 RB2-7990-000CN - Spring holder - Small Black plastic piece that holds the leaf spring against the stationary shaft in each spacer in the separation assembly - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly (three used)
    • 8 RB2-7990-000CN - Spring holder - Small Black plastic piece that holds the leaf spring against the stationary shaft in each spacer in the separation assembly - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly (three used)
  • 8
    • 8 RB2-7990-000CN - Spring holder - Small Black plastic piece that holds the leaf spring against the stationary shaft in each spacer in the separation assembly - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly (three used)
  • 9
    • 9 RB2-7989-000CN - Support spacer - Used to keep the separation belts tight between the drive shaft and the stationary shaft in the separation assembly - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly (three used)
  • 9
    • 9 RB2-7989-000CN - Support spacer - Used to keep the separation belts tight between the drive shaft and the stationary shaft in the separation assembly - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly (three used)
  • 9
    • 9 RB2-7989-000CN - Support spacer - Used to keep the separation belts tight between the drive shaft and the stationary shaft in the separation assembly - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly (three used)
  • 10
    • 10 RG5-6289-000CN - 24VDC solenoid assembly - Includes the solenoid and lever arm
    • 10 RG5-6289-020CN - Solenoid (24 VDC) assembly - Includes the solenoid and lever arm
  • 11
    • 11 RB2-7988-000CN - Separation belt - Gray rubber belt between the separation drive shaft and the stationary shaft - Mounts towards the entrance of the ADF paper pickup assembly (four used)
  • 11
    • 11 RB2-7988-000CN - Separation belt - Gray rubber belt between the separation drive shaft and the stationary shaft - Mounts towards the entrance of the ADF paper pickup assembly (four used)
    • 11 RB2-7988-000CN - Separation belt - Gray rubber belt between the separation drive shaft and the stationary shaft - Mounts towards the entrance of the ADF paper pickup assembly (four used)
  • 11
    • 11 RB2-7988-000CN - Separation belt - Gray rubber belt between the separation drive shaft and the stationary shaft - Mounts towards the entrance of the ADF paper pickup assembly (four used)
  • 12
    • 12 RS6-2498-000CN - Tension spring - Attaches between the weight solenoid assembly arm and the rear frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly - Provides tension for lifting the weight assembly
  • 13
    • 13 RG5-6281-000CN - Feed roller assembly - Includes a steel shaft with five rubber rollers, two bushings, a spring, and E clips - Mounts to the left of the paper pickup roller in the bottom of the ADF paper pickup assembly
    • 13 RG5-6281-020CN - Feed roller assembly - Includes a steel shaft with five rubber rollers, two bushings, a spring, and 'E' clips - Mounts to the left of the paper pickup roller in the bottom of the ADF paper pickup assembly
  • 14
    • 14 RG5-6283-000CN - Pickup roller assembly - Includes a steel shaft with a rubber D shaped roller, drive gear, bushings, sesnor flag, and two retaining clips - Mounts in the bottom of the ADF paper pickup assembly
    • 14 RG5-6283-020CN - Pickup roller assembly - Includes a steel shaft with a rubber 'D' shaped roller, drive gear, bushings, sensor flag, and two retaining clips - Mounts in the bottom of the ADF paper pickup assembly
  • 15
    • 15 RB2-7961-000CN - Paper pickup roller (Only) - Rubber D shaped roller - Mounts on the paper pickup drive shaft in the bottom of the ADF paper pickup assembly
  • 16
    • 16 RG5-6285-000CN - Photo-sensor assembly - Includes the sensor and mounting bracket - Paper pickup roller home position sensor - Activated by the sensor flag on the pickup roller assembly - Mounts on the front frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
    • 16 RG5-6285-020CN - Photo-sensor assembly - Includes the sensor and mounting bracket - Paper pickup roller home position sensor - Activated by the sensor flag on the pickup roller assembly - Mounts on the front frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
    • 16 WG8-5362-000CN - Photo-sensor (TLP1241) - Sensor flag activated.
    • 16 WG8-5624-000CN - Replacement for part WG8-5362-000CN ORDER WG8-5624-000CN PHOTO-INTERRUPTER TLP1241 Photo-sensor (TLP1241) - Sensor flag activated
RG5-6286-000CN Shutter Shutter assembly - Long Black plastic shaft with two curved finger-like tangs - Acts as a paper stop and helps align paper entering the ADF assembly - Mounts just to the right of the paper pickup roller in the ADF paper pickup assembly
RB2-7970-000CN Static Dissipater Static charge eliminator - Comb that dissipates static charge as paper exits the ADF assembly - Mounts above upper delivery roller in the ADF paper pickup assembly
RG5-6275-000CN Pickup Assembly Paper pickup assembly - Includes the pickup structure pieces, motors, gears, belts, rollers and sloenoid (Does NOT include the ADF main assembly) - Mounts on top of the ADF base assembly towards the left end
RG5-6275-060CN Pickup Assembly Paper pickup assembly - Includes the pickup structure pieces, motors, gears, belts, rollers and sloenoid (Does NOT include the ADF main assembly) - Mounts on top of the ADF base assembly towards the left end
RB2-7991-000CN Spring Leaf spring - Used to lock the spacer between the drive shaft and the stationary shaft in the separation assembly - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly (three used)
RB2-7991-000CN Spring Leaf spring - Used to lock the spacer between the drive shaft and the stationary shaft in the separation assembly - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly (three used)
RF5-3689-000CN Flapper Rear flapper arm - Part of the paper separation mechanism for the paper pickup assembly - Mounts just in front of the rear separation belts in the ADF assembly
RF5-3689-020CN Flapper Rear flapper arm - Part of the paper separation mechanism for the paper pickup assembly - Mounts just in front of the rear separation belts in the ADF assembly
RF5-3688-000CN Flapper Front flapper arm - Part of the paper separation mechanism for the paper pickup assembly - Mounts just in front of the front separation belts in the ADF assembly
RF5-3688-020CN Flapper Front flapper arm - Part of the paper separation mechanism for the paper pickup assembly - Mounts just in front of the front separation belts in the ADF assembly
RB2-7990-000CN Holder Spring holder - Small Black plastic piece that holds the leaf spring against the stationary shaft in each spacer in the separation assembly - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly (three used)
RB2-7990-000CN Holder Spring holder - Small Black plastic piece that holds the leaf spring against the stationary shaft in each spacer in the separation assembly - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly (three used)
RB2-7989-000CN Spacer Support spacer - Used to keep the separation belts tight between the drive shaft and the stationary shaft in the separation assembly - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly (three used)
RB2-7989-000CN Spacer Support spacer - Used to keep the separation belts tight between the drive shaft and the stationary shaft in the separation assembly - Mounts in the ADF paper pickup assembly (three used)
RG5-6289-000CN Solenoid 24VDC solenoid assembly - Includes the solenoid and lever arm
RG5-6289-020CN Solenoid Solenoid (24 VDC) assembly - Includes the solenoid and lever arm
RB2-7988-000CN Belt Separation belt - Gray rubber belt between the separation drive shaft and the stationary shaft - Mounts towards the entrance of the ADF paper pickup assembly (four used)
RB2-7988-000CN Belt Separation belt - Gray rubber belt between the separation drive shaft and the stationary shaft - Mounts towards the entrance of the ADF paper pickup assembly (four used)
RS6-2498-000CN Spring Tension spring - Attaches between the weight solenoid assembly arm and the rear frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly - Provides tension for lifting the weight assembly
RG5-6281-000CN Roller Feed roller assembly - Includes a steel shaft with five rubber rollers, two bushings, a spring, and E clips - Mounts to the left of the paper pickup roller in the bottom of the ADF paper pickup assembly
RG5-6281-020CN Roller Feed roller assembly - Includes a steel shaft with five rubber rollers, two bushings, a spring, and 'E' clips - Mounts to the left of the paper pickup roller in the bottom of the ADF paper pickup assembly
RG5-6283-000CN Roller Pickup roller assembly - Includes a steel shaft with a rubber D shaped roller, drive gear, bushings, sesnor flag, and two retaining clips - Mounts in the bottom of the ADF paper pickup assembly
RG5-6283-020CN Roller Pickup roller assembly - Includes a steel shaft with a rubber 'D' shaped roller, drive gear, bushings, sensor flag, and two retaining clips - Mounts in the bottom of the ADF paper pickup assembly
RB2-7961-000CN Roller Paper pickup roller (Only) - Rubber D shaped roller - Mounts on the paper pickup drive shaft in the bottom of the ADF paper pickup assembly
RG5-6285-000CN Sensor Photo-sensor assembly - Includes the sensor and mounting bracket - Paper pickup roller home position sensor - Activated by the sensor flag on the pickup roller assembly - Mounts on the front frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
RG5-6285-020CN Sensor Photo-sensor assembly - Includes the sensor and mounting bracket - Paper pickup roller home position sensor - Activated by the sensor flag on the pickup roller assembly - Mounts on the front frame of the ADF paper pickup assembly
WG8-5362-000CN Shaft Photo-sensor (TLP1241) - Sensor flag activated.
WG8-5624-000CN Sensor Replacement for part WG8-5362-000CN ORDER WG8-5624-000CN PHOTO-INTERRUPTER TLP1241 Photo-sensor (TLP1241) - Sensor flag activated
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