RG5-4211-000CN printer parts diagram.


RG5-4211-000CN is represented by #9 in the diagram below.

500 Sheet Feeder
RG5-4211-000CN is represented by #9 in the diagram below.
  • 1
  • 2
    • 2 RG5-4213-000CN - Cable assembly with ferrite - A large 14-pin (F) connector to a small 11-pin (F) connector - 10.0cm 3.9in long (please purchase C4115A).
  • 4
    • 4 RS5-2632-000CN - Tension spring - Provides tension for pickup roller
  • 6
    • 6 C4119-67902 - Coupler kit - Contains pickup roller coupler, four paper tray load limit clips and installation instruction sheet
    • 6 RB2-3314-000CN - Pickup roller coupler
  • 10
    • 10 RB2-3232-000CN - Feed roller - Shaft with round rollers that moves paper after pickup roller on 500 sheet feeder assembly
RB1-8865-000CN Roller Paper pickup roller (D-shaped) - Sold individually
RG5-4213-000CN Cable Cable assembly with ferrite - A large 14-pin (F) connector to a small 11-pin (F) connector - 10.0cm 3.9in long (please purchase C4115A).
RF5-2635-000CN Arm Paper arm for HP LaserJet 5000 Series
RS5-2632-000CN Spring Tension spring - Provides tension for pickup roller
RF5-2636-000CN Roller Pickup roller assembly - Picks paper out of tray
C4119-67902 Coupler Coupler kit - Contains pickup roller coupler, four paper tray load limit clips and installation instruction sheet
RB2-3314-000CN Coupler Pickup roller coupler
RF5-2634-000CN Roller Feed roller - Moves paper after pickup roller
RF5-2633-000CN Sensor Tray sensor assembly
RF5-4151-000CN Sensor Tray sensor assembly
RG5-4211-000CN PC Board Feeder controller PCA assembly
RB2-3232-000CN Roller Feed roller - Shaft with round rollers that moves paper after pickup roller on 500 sheet feeder assembly
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