RG5-3705-000CN printer parts diagram.


RG5-3705-000CN is represented by #1 in the diagram below.

Internal Components
RG5-3705-000CN is represented by #1 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RG5-3705-000CN - Cable assembly - A 6-pin (F) connector to both a 21.3cm (8.4in) cable with a 3-pin (F) connector and a 27.2cm (10.7in) cable with a 3-pin (F) connector
  • 8
    • 8 C4118-69009 - Engine controller board - Provides all power supply and motor control functions, including power switch - 110 volts - Does not include insulator sheet or bottom metal plate
    • 8 C4118-69010 - Engine controller board - Provides all power supply and motor control functions - 220 volt - Does not include insulator sheet or bottom metal plate
  • 9
    • 9 RG5-3696-000CN - AC power receptacle - Connector and housing assembly
  • 10
    • 10 RG5-2656-080CN - Paper input tray (Tray 1) - Multi-Purpose tray assembly
  • 11
    • 11 RG5-2655-360CN - Tray 1 paper pickup assembly - Complete assembly including pickup roller, separation pad, sensor arm, retaining arm and drive solenoid
  • 13
    • 13 RG5-3700-000CN - Cable assembly - 3-pin (F) connectors on each end - 10.0cm (3.9in) long
RG5-3705-000CN Cable Cable assembly - A 6-pin (F) connector to both a 21.3cm (8.4in) cable with a 3-pin (F) connector and a 27.2cm (10.7in) cable with a 3-pin (F) connector
WC4-5139-000CN Switch Top cover interlock access switch
RB1-8694-000CN Ground Interlock switch support ground strap
RG5-2645-000CN Support Right side top cover support assembly
RG5-3704-000CN Cable Envelope feeder connector and cable
RB1-8704-030CN Guide Bottom cable guide
RB1-8851-000CN Actuator Power switch actuator rod
C4118-69009 PC Board Engine controller board - Provides all power supply and motor control functions, including power switch - 110 volts - Does not include insulator sheet or bottom metal plate
C4118-69010 PC Board Engine controller board - Provides all power supply and motor control functions - 220 volt - Does not include insulator sheet or bottom metal plate
RG5-3696-000CN Receptacle AC power receptacle - Connector and housing assembly
RG5-2656-080CN Tray Paper input tray (Tray 1) - Multi-Purpose tray assembly
RG5-2655-360CN Pickup Assembly Tray 1 paper pickup assembly - Complete assembly including pickup roller, separation pad, sensor arm, retaining arm and drive solenoid
RG5-2643-020CN Guide Paper feed guide assembly
RG5-2643-160CN Guide Paper feed guide assembly
RG5-3700-000CN Cable Cable assembly - 3-pin (F) connectors on each end - 10.0cm (3.9in) long
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