RC1-6771-000CN printer parts diagram.


RC1-6771-000CN is represented by #13 in the diagram below.

Internal components
RC1-6771-000CN is represented by #13 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RC1-6584-000CN - Cam gear - 48 tooth gear associated with the cartridge for engaging the developing rollers - Four used
  • 2
    • 2 RC1-6589-000CN - 41 tooth gear - Mechanically connects the four cartridge engaging rollers - Two used
  • 3
    • 3 RC1-6593-000CN - Cluster gear - 19 tooth/30 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 4
    • 4 RC1-6594-000CN - 31 tooth gear - Gear located in the fuser drive assembly on top RC1-6275
  • 5
    • 5 RC1-6596-000CN - Cluster gear - 17 tooth/41 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 6
    • 6 RC1-6605-000CN - Aliention flag - Senses if the black or all the color cartridges are in the proper position - Two used (this price is for 1pc).
    • 6 RC1-6605-000CN - Aliention flag - Senses if the black or all the color cartridges are in the proper position - Two used (this price is for 1pc).
  • 7
    • 7 RC1-6668-000CN - Upper support cover - This is black plastic under the sheet metal that is under the fuser
  • 8
    • 8 RC1-6682-000CN - Right side cable guide - Located in the bottom right side of the printer - Round molded part fits over a motor - Black plastic
  • 9
    • 9 RC1-6823-000CN - Gear bushing - Located between the 48 tooth cam gear and the metal chassis on the right side of printer - Four used
  • 10
    • 10 RC1-7544-000CN - Upper right cable guide - Located on top of the main drive assembly and runs vertically along the almost full length of it - Black plastic.
  • 11
    • 11 RC1-7545-000CN - Right side cable guide - Located below upper right cable guide
  • 12
    • 12 RC1-7576-000CN - Drive plate cross member - Cross member plate that attaches to duplexer separation drive assembly on right side of printer
  • 13
    • 13 RC1-6771-000CN - Toner cartridge holder - Plastic support for right side of toner cartridge - Four used
    • 13 RC1-6771-020CN - Toner cartridge holder - Plastic support for right side of toner cartridge - Four used
  • 16
    • 16 RM1-2594-000CN - Scanner cable - Cable between scanner motors and DC controller PCA
  • 17
    • 17 RM1-2689-000CN - Drive motor - Print cartridge drive motor assembly
  • 18
    • 18 RC1-7597-000CN - Sensing lever - This device senses when the packaging material is removed from the toner cartridges
  • 19
    • 19 RC1-7598-000CN - Tension spring - Provides tension for sensing lever on left side of printer
  • 22
    • 22 RC1-6651-000CN - Shutter cover - Left side toner cartridge shutter cover - Four used
  • 24
    • 24 RM1-2665-090CN - Fuser Assembly (For 100 to 120VAC operation) - Bonds toner to paper with heat
    • 24 RM1-2665-150CN - Fuser Assembly - Bonds toner to paper with heat - For 100VAC to 120VAC operation
    • 24 RM1-2665-160CN - Fuser Assembly - For 100 VAC to 120 VAC operation - Bonds toner to paper with heat
    • 24 RM1-2665-170CN - Fuser Assembly (For 100 to 120VAC operation) - Bonds toner to paper with heat
    • 24 RM1-2665-180CN - Fuser Assembly - Bonds toner to paper with heat - For 100VAC to 120VAC operation
    • 24 RM1-2665-220CN - Printer Fuser Assembly (For 100 to 120VAC operation) - Bonds toner to paper with heat
    • 24 RM1-2743-060CN - Fuser Assembly (200 - 240VAC) - Bonds toner to paper by heat
    • 24 RM1-2743-150CN - FUSING ASSY 220 Fuser Assembly (200 - 240VAC) - Bonds toner to paper by heat
    • 24 RM1-2743-160CN - Fuser Assembly - For 220 VAC to 240 VAC operation - Bonds toner to paper with heat
    • 24 RM1-2743-180CN - Fuser Assembly - For 220 VAC to 240 VAC operation - Bonds toner to paper with heat
    • 24 RM1-2743-220CN - Fuser Assembly - For 220 VAC to 240 VAC operation - Bonds toner to paper with heat
    • 24 RM1-2763-020CN - Fixing / Fuser Assembly - For 100 VAC to 120 VAC operation - Bonds toner to paper with heat
    • 24 RM1-2764-020CN - Fusing assembly - For 220 VAC to 240 VAC operation - Bonds toner to paper with heat
  • 25
    • 25 RM1-2668-000CN - Fuser drive gear assembly - Includes fuser drive motor - Motor M1
  • 26
    • 26 RM1-2720-000CN - Duplexer feed drive assembly - Located under front cover on right side - Includes duplexer drive motor - For duplex models only
RC1-6584-000CN Gear Cam gear - 48 tooth gear associated with the cartridge for engaging the developing rollers - Four used
RC1-6589-000CN Gear 41 tooth gear - Mechanically connects the four cartridge engaging rollers - Two used
RC1-6593-000CN Gear Cluster gear - 19 tooth/30 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RC1-6594-000CN Gear 31 tooth gear - Gear located in the fuser drive assembly on top RC1-6275
RC1-6596-000CN Gear Cluster gear - 17 tooth/41 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RC1-6605-000CN Flag Aliention flag - Senses if the black or all the color cartridges are in the proper position - Two used (this price is for 1pc).
RC1-6605-000CN Flag Aliention flag - Senses if the black or all the color cartridges are in the proper position - Two used (this price is for 1pc).
RC1-6668-000CN Support Upper support cover - This is black plastic under the sheet metal that is under the fuser
RC1-6682-000CN Guide Right side cable guide - Located in the bottom right side of the printer - Round molded part fits over a motor - Black plastic
RC1-6823-000CN Bushing Gear bushing - Located between the 48 tooth cam gear and the metal chassis on the right side of printer - Four used
RC1-7544-000CN Guide Upper right cable guide - Located on top of the main drive assembly and runs vertically along the almost full length of it - Black plastic.
RC1-7545-000CN Guide Right side cable guide - Located below upper right cable guide
RC1-7576-000CN Plate Drive plate cross member - Cross member plate that attaches to duplexer separation drive assembly on right side of printer
RC1-6771-000CN Holder Toner cartridge holder - Plastic support for right side of toner cartridge - Four used
RC1-6771-020CN Holder Toner cartridge holder - Plastic support for right side of toner cartridge - Four used
RK2-0966-000CN Cable Scanner cable - Long flat scanner cable
RK2-0967-000CN Cable Scanner cable - Short flat scanner cable
RM1-2594-000CN Cable Scanner cable - Cable between scanner motors and DC controller PCA
RM1-2689-000CN Motor Drive motor - Print cartridge drive motor assembly
RC1-7597-000CN Flag Sensing lever - This device senses when the packaging material is removed from the toner cartridges
RC1-7598-000CN Spring Tension spring - Provides tension for sensing lever on left side of printer
RC1-6651-000CN Cover Shutter cover - Left side toner cartridge shutter cover - Four used
RM1-2627-000CN Cable E-label or memory tag cable
RM1-2665-090CN Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly (For 100 to 120VAC operation) - Bonds toner to paper with heat
RM1-2665-150CN Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly - Bonds toner to paper with heat - For 100VAC to 120VAC operation
RM1-2665-160CN Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly - For 100 VAC to 120 VAC operation - Bonds toner to paper with heat
RM1-2665-170CN Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly (For 100 to 120VAC operation) - Bonds toner to paper with heat
RM1-2665-180CN Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly - Bonds toner to paper with heat - For 100VAC to 120VAC operation
RM1-2665-220CN Fuser Assembly Printer Fuser Assembly (For 100 to 120VAC operation) - Bonds toner to paper with heat
RM1-2743-060CN Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly (200 - 240VAC) - Bonds toner to paper by heat
RM1-2743-150CN Fuser Assembly FUSING ASSY 220 Fuser Assembly (200 - 240VAC) - Bonds toner to paper by heat
RM1-2743-160CN Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly - For 220 VAC to 240 VAC operation - Bonds toner to paper with heat
RM1-2743-180CN Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly - For 220 VAC to 240 VAC operation - Bonds toner to paper with heat
RM1-2743-220CN Fuser Assembly Fuser Assembly - For 220 VAC to 240 VAC operation - Bonds toner to paper with heat
RM1-2763-020CN Fuser Assembly Fixing / Fuser Assembly - For 100 VAC to 120 VAC operation - Bonds toner to paper with heat
RM1-2764-020CN Fuser Assembly Fusing assembly - For 220 VAC to 240 VAC operation - Bonds toner to paper with heat
RM1-2668-000CN Drive Assembly Fuser drive gear assembly - Includes fuser drive motor - Motor M1
RM1-2720-000CN Drive Assembly Duplexer feed drive assembly - Located under front cover on right side - Includes duplexer drive motor - For duplex models only
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