RC1-4131-000CN printer parts diagram.


RC1-4131-000CN is represented by #6 in the diagram below.

Internal Components
RC1-4131-000CN is represented by #6 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RC1-4170-000CN - Switch link - Mechanical link between power button and ECU board
  • 2
    • 2 RC1-4169-000CN - Switch link holder - Supports mechanical link between power button and ECU board
  • 4
    • 4 RC1-4132-000CN - Test switch lever - Mechanical link to test engine switch
  • 5
    • 5 RC1-4130-000CN - Air duct - Inside half of air duct from fan FM2 in lower right front corner of printer -Black plastic
  • 6
    • 6 RC1-4131-000CN - Air duct - Outside half of air duct from fan FM2 in lower right front corner of printer -Black plastic
  • 8
    • 8 RC1-4133-000CN - Main fan holder - Plastic fan holder for main cooling fan FM1 - Located lower right front side
  • 9
    • 9 RK2-0571-000CN - Cooling fan - Main cooling fan FM1 - Located in lower right front side
  • 10
    • 10 RM1-1482-000CN - Paper pickup roller gear asembly - Gears that attach to Tray 2 pickup roller
    • 10 RM1-1482-020CN - Paper pickup roller gear asembly - Gears that attach to Tray 2 pickup roller
  • 12
    • 12 RC1-3995-000CN - Torsion spring - Provides tension and holds small individual feed roller that rides against face down shaft roller - Four used
  • 13
    • 13 RC1-4113-000CN - Right base plate - Metal plate under right side of printer
  • 14
    • 14 RM1-1485-000CN - Roller assembly - Black plastic housing that holds rollers in front of Tray 2 pickup roller assembly
  • 16
    • 16 RC1-4096-000CN - Guide assembly - Duplexer portion paper input guide assembly
  • 17
    • 17 RC1-3665-000CN - Bushing/shaft retainer (Plastic) - Small plastic cylinder with four nubs that twist - Locks into the side frame
  • 18
    • 18 RC1-3998-000CN - Roller holder - Holder for small paper delivery rollers at top rear of printer - Four used
  • 19
    • 19 RC1-3996-000CN - Delivery roller - Small paper delivery rollers at top rear of printer - Four used
  • 20
    • 20 RC1-4000-000CN - Cable cover - Fuser cable cover - Black plastic cover that protects cable in left rear portion of printer
  • 21
    • 21 XB2-7300-605CN - Machine screw with attached washer - M3, 6mm - Used to hold plastic to metal
  • 22
    • 22 RC1-3995-000CN - Torsion spring - Provides tension and holds small individual feed roller that rides against face down shaft roller - Four used
  • 23
    • 23 RC1-3994-000CN - Face down roller - Small individual feed roller that rides against face down shaft roller - Held by torsion spring - Four used
  • 24
    • 24 WG8-5624-000CN - Replacement for part WG8-5362-000CN ORDER WG8-5624-000CN PHOTO-INTERRUPTER TLP1241 Photo-sensor (TLP1241) - Sensor flag activated
  • 25
    • 25 RC1-4006-000CN - Cable guide - Small black plastic tray that supports and protects cables that go across rear of printer behind laser scanner
  • 26
    • 26 RL1-0580-000CN - Face down output roller - Paper exit roller - Black plastic shaft with four rollers attached
  • 27
    • 27 RL1-0580-000CN - Face down output roller - Paper exit roller - Black plastic shaft with four rollers attached
  • 28
    • 28 RM1-1491-000CN - LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 110V to 120VAC operation
    • 28 RM1-1535-000CN - LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 110V to 120VAC operation
    • 28 RM1-1535-030CN - FIXING ASSY- 110V LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 110V to 120VAC operation
    • 28 RM1-1535-070CN - FIXING ASSY- 110V LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 110V to 120VAC operation LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 110V to 120VAC operation
    • 28 RM1-1535-080CN - Fuser assembly - For 110 VAC - Bonds toner to paper with heat LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 110V to 120VAC operation
    • 28 RM1-1537-000CN - LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 220V to 240VAC operation
    • 28 RM1-1537-020CN - LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 220VAC to 240VAC operation
    • 28 RM1-1537-030CN - FIXING ASSY- 220V Fuser Assembly - For 220 VAC - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat
    • 28 RM1-1537-040CN - FIXING ASSY- 220V Fuser Assembly - For 220 VAC - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat
    • 28 RM1-1537-050CN - Fusing assembly - For 220 VAC - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat;Click to order the functional equivalent: RM1-1537-110CN
  • 29
    • 29 RM1-1481-000CN - Paper pickup assembly - Tray 2 paper pickup assembly
    • 29 RM1-1481-020CN - Paper pickup assembly - Tray 2 paper pickup assembly
RC1-4170-000CN Switch Switch link - Mechanical link between power button and ECU board
RC1-4169-000CN Holder Switch link holder - Supports mechanical link between power button and ECU board
RK2-0534-000CN Switch Microswitch - Door open switch - SW501
RC1-4132-000CN Lever Test switch lever - Mechanical link to test engine switch
RC1-4130-000CN Duct Air duct - Inside half of air duct from fan FM2 in lower right front corner of printer -Black plastic
RC1-4131-000CN Duct Air duct - Outside half of air duct from fan FM2 in lower right front corner of printer -Black plastic
RK2-0526-000CN Solenoid Tray 1 paper pickup solenoid - Solenoid SL1
RK2-0526-000CN Solenoid Tray 1 paper pickup solenoid - Solenoid SL1
RC1-4133-000CN Holder Main fan holder - Plastic fan holder for main cooling fan FM1 - Located lower right front side
RK2-0571-000CN Fan Cooling fan - Main cooling fan FM1 - Located in lower right front side
RM1-1482-000CN Gear Paper pickup roller gear asembly - Gears that attach to Tray 2 pickup roller
RM1-1482-020CN Gear Assembly Paper pickup roller gear asembly - Gears that attach to Tray 2 pickup roller
RC1-3995-000CN Spring Torsion spring - Provides tension and holds small individual feed roller that rides against face down shaft roller - Four used
RC1-4113-000CN Plate Right base plate - Metal plate under right side of printer
RM1-1485-000CN Roller Roller assembly - Black plastic housing that holds rollers in front of Tray 2 pickup roller assembly
RM1-1507-000CN Guide Lower feed guide assembly
RC1-4096-000CN Guide Guide assembly - Duplexer portion paper input guide assembly
RC1-3665-000CN Bushing Bushing/shaft retainer (Plastic) - Small plastic cylinder with four nubs that twist - Locks into the side frame
RC1-3998-000CN Holder Roller holder - Holder for small paper delivery rollers at top rear of printer - Four used
RC1-3996-000CN Roller Delivery roller - Small paper delivery rollers at top rear of printer - Four used
RC1-4000-000CN Cover Cable cover - Fuser cable cover - Black plastic cover that protects cable in left rear portion of printer
XB2-7300-605CN Screw Machine screw with attached washer - M3, 6mm - Used to hold plastic to metal
RC1-3995-000CN Spring Torsion spring - Provides tension and holds small individual feed roller that rides against face down shaft roller - Four used
RC1-3994-000CN Roller Face down roller - Small individual feed roller that rides against face down shaft roller - Held by torsion spring - Four used
WG8-5624-000CN Sensor Replacement for part WG8-5362-000CN ORDER WG8-5624-000CN PHOTO-INTERRUPTER TLP1241 Photo-sensor (TLP1241) - Sensor flag activated
RC1-4006-000CN Guide Cable guide - Small black plastic tray that supports and protects cables that go across rear of printer behind laser scanner
RL1-0580-000CN Roller Face down output roller - Paper exit roller - Black plastic shaft with four rollers attached
RL1-0580-000CN Roller Face down output roller - Paper exit roller - Black plastic shaft with four rollers attached
RM1-1491-000CN Fuser Assembly LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 110V to 120VAC operation
RM1-1535-000CN Fuser Assembly LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 110V to 120VAC operation
RM1-1535-030CN Fuser Assembly FIXING ASSY- 110V LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 110V to 120VAC operation
RM1-1535-070CN Fixing Assembly FIXING ASSY- 110V LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 110V to 120VAC operation LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 110V to 120VAC operation
RM1-1535-080CN Fuser Assembly Fuser assembly - For 110 VAC - Bonds toner to paper with heat LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 110V to 120VAC operation
RM1-1537-000CN Fuser Assembly LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 220V to 240VAC operation
RM1-1537-020CN Fuser Assembly LaserJet 2400 series Fuser Assembly - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat - For 220VAC to 240VAC operation
RM1-1537-030CN Fixing Assembly FIXING ASSY- 220V Fuser Assembly - For 220 VAC - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat
RM1-1537-040CN Fuser Assembly FIXING ASSY- 220V Fuser Assembly - For 220 VAC - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat
RM1-1537-050CN Fuser Assembly Fusing assembly - For 220 VAC - Bonds the toner to the paper with heat;Click to order the functional equivalent: RM1-1537-110CN
RM1-1481-000CN Pickup Assembly Paper pickup assembly - Tray 2 paper pickup assembly
RM1-1481-020CN Pickup Assembly Paper pickup assembly - Tray 2 paper pickup assembly
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