RC1-1813-000CN is represented by #2 in the diagram below.
Engine Control Board and Related Parts
- 1
- 1 RM1-0566-040CN - Engine control PC board - Control and power supply board for the printer (For 110V to 127V operation) - Includes the power cord connector and power switch
- 1 RM1-0566-060CN - Engine control PC board - Control and power supply board for the printer (For 110V to 127V operation) - Includes the power cord connector and power switch
- 1 RM1-0567-040CN - Engine control PC board - Control and power supply board for the printer (For 220V to 240V operation) - Includes the power cord connector and power switch
- 1 RM1-0567-060CN - Engine control PC board - Control and power supply board for the printer (For 220V to 240V operation) - Includes the power cord connector and power switch
- 2
- 2 RC1-1813-000CN - Support pan (case) for the engine controller PC board - Metal pan which also acts as part of the bottom of the printer
PC Board
Engine control PC board - Control and power supply board for the printer (For 110V to 127V operation) - Includes the power cord connector and power switch
PC Board
Engine control PC board - Control and power supply board for the printer (For 110V to 127V operation) - Includes the power cord connector and power switch
PC Board
Engine control PC board - Control and power supply board for the printer (For 220V to 240V operation) - Includes the power cord connector and power switch
PC Board
Engine control PC board - Control and power supply board for the printer (For 220V to 240V operation) - Includes the power cord connector and power switch
Support pan (case) for the engine controller PC board - Metal pan which also acts as part of the bottom of the printer