RC1-1353-000CN printer parts diagram.


RC1-1353-000CN is represented by #5 in the diagram below.

Internal Components
RC1-1353-000CN is represented by #5 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RC1-1284-000CN - Cluster gear - 31 tooth/19 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 2
    • 2 RC1-1300-000CN - Cluster gear - 54 tooth/17 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 3
    • 3 RC1-1302-000CN - 79 tooth gear - Large gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 4
    • 4 RC1-3249-000CN - Clutch bushing - Bushing between registration clutch CL1 and mount - On right side of printer
  • 5
    • 5 RC1-1353-000CN - Motor cover - Black plastic cover for feed motor M1
  • 6
    • 6 RC1-1488-000CN - Connector cover - Black plastic connector cover for feed motor M1
  • 7
    • 7 RC1-1497-000CN - 25 tooth gear - Mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 8
    • 8 RC1-1500-000CN - Drive shaft - Roller shaft that supports the paper cassette pickup rollers
  • 11
    • 11 RC1-1630-000CN - Gear bushing - Bushing for 25 tooth gear on right side of printer
  • 12
    • 12 RC1-1649-000CN - Grounding plate - Ground for registration clutch CL1
  • 13
    • 13 RC1-2385-000CN - Clutch shield plate - Shield plate for clutch CL2 on image drive assembly
  • 14
    • 14 RC1-1186-000CN - Clutch mount - Registration clutch (CL1) mount plate
  • 15
    • 15 RM1-0731-040CN - Paper pickup roller assembly - Includes the D shaped rubber roller on a plastic shaft - Mounts in the lower center of the center frame assembly
    • 15 RM1-0731-050CN - Paper pickup roller assembly - Includes the 'D' shaped rubber roller on a plastic shaft - Mounts in the lower center of the center frame assembly
  • 17
    • 17 RC1-1294-000CN - 43 tooth gear - 43 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 18
    • 18 RC1-1295-000CN - 27 tooth gear - 27 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 19
    • 19 RC1-1224-000CN - Cluster gear - 50 tooth/90 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 20
    • 20 RK2-0157-000CN - Low Voltage power supply - Located on bottom left side of printer - 110 volt
    • 20 RK2-0158-000CN - Low Voltage power supply - Located on bottom left side of printer - 220 volt
  • 21
    • 21 RL1-0193-000CN - Drive plate - Paper feeder gear drive assembly plate - Metal plate on lower right side of printer that gears for paper feeder drive are attached to
  • 22
    • 22 RC1-2334-000CN - Cable guide - Guide for cable in lower right front corner
  • 23
    • 23 RC1-1281-000CN - 39 tooth gear - 39 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 24
    • 24 RC1-1283-000CN - Cluster gear - 26 tooth/47 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 25
    • 25 RC1-1286-000CN - Cluster gear - 45 tooth/25 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 26
    • 26 RC1-1287-000CN - Gear holder - Pivot gear holder for 104/25 cluster gear and
  • 27
    • 27 RC1-1288-000CN - 38 tooth gear - 38 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 28
    • 28 RC1-1291-000CN - Cluster gear - 104 tooth/25 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 29
    • 29 RC1-1292-000CN - Tension spring - Provides tension for gear holder that holds 104/25 tooth cluster gear
  • 30
    • 30 RC1-1493-000CN - 20 tooth gear - 20 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 31
    • 31 RC1-1298-000CN - Cluster gear - 26 tooth/22 tooth/20 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
  • 32
    • 32 RC1-1665-000CN - Cover - Solenoid cover for SL2 on right front of printer
  • 33
    • 33 RC1-2379-000CN - Cover shield - Cover shield for registration clutch CL1 and mount
  • 34
    • 34 RL1-0217-000CN - Gear support - Pickup roller drive gears support - Piece that the 43 tooth and 27 tooth gears are mounted to on lower right front of printer
  • 36
    • 36 RM1-0482-000CN - CPR connecting cable - From DC controller to PS12/Color Misregistration sensor
  • 37
    • 37 RM1-0498-000CN - Formatter power supply cable - From Low Voltage power supply to DC controller board
  • 38
    • 38 RM1-0488-000CN - Front left cable - DC Controller to PS5/Media sensor
  • 39
    • 39 RK2-0247-000CN - Electromagnetic clutch - Registration clutch - CL1
  • 40
    • 40 WT2-5841-000CN - Cable clip - Push in white plastic stand off for cables
  • 41
    • 41 WT2-5841-000CN - Cable clip - Push in white plastic stand off for cables
RC1-1284-000CN Gear Cluster gear - 31 tooth/19 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RC1-1300-000CN Gear Cluster gear - 54 tooth/17 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RC1-1302-000CN Gear 79 tooth gear - Large gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RC1-3249-000CN Bushing Clutch bushing - Bushing between registration clutch CL1 and mount - On right side of printer
RC1-1353-000CN Cover Motor cover - Black plastic cover for feed motor M1
RC1-1488-000CN Cover Connector cover - Black plastic connector cover for feed motor M1
RC1-1497-000CN Gear 25 tooth gear - Mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RC1-1500-000CN Shaft Drive shaft - Roller shaft that supports the paper cassette pickup rollers
RC1-1355-000CN Mount Mounting plate -
XD9-0136-000CN Clip Retaining E-ring
XD9-0233-000CN Clip Retaining E-ring
RC1-1630-000CN Bushing Gear bushing - Bushing for 25 tooth gear on right side of printer
RC1-1649-000CN Pivot Grounding plate - Ground for registration clutch CL1
RC1-2385-000CN Plate Clutch shield plate - Shield plate for clutch CL2 on image drive assembly
RC1-1186-000CN Mount Clutch mount - Registration clutch (CL1) mount plate
RM1-0731-040CN Roller Paper pickup roller assembly - Includes the D shaped rubber roller on a plastic shaft - Mounts in the lower center of the center frame assembly
RM1-0731-050CN Roller Paper pickup roller assembly - Includes the 'D' shaped rubber roller on a plastic shaft - Mounts in the lower center of the center frame assembly
XD2-1100-322CN Clip E-ring retainer clip
XD9-0134-000CN Clip E-ring retainer clip
RC1-1294-000CN Gear 43 tooth gear - 43 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RC1-1295-000CN Gear 27 tooth gear - 27 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RC1-1224-000CN Gear Cluster gear - 50 tooth/90 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RK2-0157-000CN Power Supply Low Voltage power supply - Located on bottom left side of printer - 110 volt
RK2-0158-000CN Power Supply Low Voltage power supply - Located on bottom left side of printer - 220 volt
RL1-0193-000CN Plate Drive plate - Paper feeder gear drive assembly plate - Metal plate on lower right side of printer that gears for paper feeder drive are attached to
RC1-2334-000CN Guide Cable guide - Guide for cable in lower right front corner
RC1-1281-000CN Gear 39 tooth gear - 39 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RC1-1283-000CN Gear Cluster gear - 26 tooth/47 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RC1-1286-000CN Gear Cluster gear - 45 tooth/25 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RC1-1287-000CN Holder Gear holder - Pivot gear holder for 104/25 cluster gear and
RC1-1288-000CN Gear 38 tooth gear - 38 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RC1-1291-000CN Gear Cluster gear - 104 tooth/25 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RC1-1292-000CN Spring Tension spring - Provides tension for gear holder that holds 104/25 tooth cluster gear
RC1-1493-000CN Gear 20 tooth gear - 20 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RC1-1298-000CN Gear Cluster gear - 26 tooth/22 tooth/20 tooth gear mounted in gear assembly on right side of printer
RC1-1665-000CN Cover Cover - Solenoid cover for SL2 on right front of printer
RC1-2379-000CN Cover Cover shield - Cover shield for registration clutch CL1 and mount
RL1-0217-000CN Support Gear support - Pickup roller drive gears support - Piece that the 43 tooth and 27 tooth gears are mounted to on lower right front of printer
XD9-0137-000CN Clip E-Type retainer ring
XD9-0234-000CN Clip E-Type retainer ring
RM1-0482-000CN Cable CPR connecting cable - From DC controller to PS12/Color Misregistration sensor
RM1-0498-000CN Cable Formatter power supply cable - From Low Voltage power supply to DC controller board
RM1-0488-000CN Cable Front left cable - DC Controller to PS5/Media sensor
RK2-0247-000CN Clutch Electromagnetic clutch - Registration clutch - CL1
WT2-5841-000CN Clip Cable clip - Push in white plastic stand off for cables
WT2-5841-000CN Clip Cable clip - Push in white plastic stand off for cables
VS1-5057-002CN Connector Fuser electrical connector
VS1-7177-002CN Connector Fuser electrical connector
RK2-0141-000CN Solenoid Electromechanical solenoid
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