RB3-1083-000CN printer parts diagram.


RB3-1083-000CN is represented by #22 in the diagram below.

External Covers
RB3-1083-000CN is represented by #22 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 XA9-1291-000CN - M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
    • 1 XA9-1291-000CN - M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
    • 1 XA9-1500-000CN - M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
    • 1 XA9-1500-000CN - M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
  • 1
    • 1 XA9-1291-000CN - M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
    • 1 XA9-1500-000CN - M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
  • 1
    • 1 XA9-1291-000CN - M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
    • 1 XA9-1500-000CN - M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
  • 2
    • 2 RB3-1130-000CN - Upper rear cover assembly - Also guides the paper from the fusing assembly to the top output (face down) tray
  • 3
    • 3 Q3948-67909 - Right link mount kit - Includes the'L' shaped plastic piece that has a recess for the printer-to-scanner link and scanner hinge, and the scanner release lift spring
    • 3 Q3948-67909 - Right link mount kit - Includes the'L' shaped plastic piece that has a recess for the printer-to-scanner link and scanner hinge, and the scanner release lift spring
    • 3 RS6-2772-000CN - Torsion spring for HP Color LaserJet 2820 Series
  • 4
    • 4 RB3-0089-030CN - Top cover rack arm (Black) - Plastic arm with teeth on bottom edge - Disengages the imaging drum/transfer assembly drive cams when the top door is open
  • 5
    • 5 RF5-4055-000CN - Cartridge access door (ONLY) - Provides access to the toner cartridges and imaging drum/transfer assembly cartridge - Does NOT include the upper front cover
  • 6
    • 6 RB3-1136-000CN - Face-down paper output cover ('L' shaped plastic) - Serves as the rear of the tray for the face-down output on top of the printer
  • 7
    • 7 RB3-1138-000CN - Memory access door - Provides access for changing or adding DIMM memory modules to the printer
  • 8
    • 8 RG5-7645-000CN - Left scanner link assembly - Spring loaded arm - Connects between the top of the printer and the bottom of the scanner - Allows for limited tilting of the scanner assembly for toner cartridges and image drum/transfer assembly cartridge access
  • 9
    • 9 Q3948-67911 - Power switch rod kit - Includes the power switch push rod, compression spring, and mount retainer
    • 9 Q3948-67911 - Power switch rod kit - Includes the power switch push rod, compression spring, and mount retainer
    • 9 RS6-2771-000CN - Compression spring
  • 10
    • 10 RB3-1145-000CN - Power switch rod - Goes between the power button and the power switch on the low voltage power supply board
  • 11
    • 11 RB3-1128-000CN - Left side cover (ONLY) - Does NOT include the vent cover or power switch button
  • 12
    • 12 RB3-1139-000CN - Vent cover - Rectangular plastic cover with molded-in ventilation louvers
  • 13
    • 13 Q3948-67911 - Power switch rod kit - Includes the power switch push rod, compression spring, and mount retainer
    • 13 RB3-1146-000CN - Mount retainer - Holds the spring loaded power switch rod on the left side cover
  • 14
    • 14 RB3-1126-000CN - Upper left cover - Small cover that is part of the inner side wall in the cartridge access area and provides support for the exterior left side cover
  • 15
    • 15 RB3-1131-000CN - Left rear cover - 'U' shaped cover that mounts on the under-side of the extension for the left scanner hinge
  • 16
    • 16 RB3-1132-000CN - Right rear cover - 'U' shaped cover that mounts on the under-side of the extension for the right scanner hinge - Covers the scanner interconnection cables
  • 17
    • 17 RB3-1137-000CN - I/O cover - Rectangular plastic cover with a recessed cutout for the interface connectors
  • 18
    • 18 RB3-1147-000CN - Rear foot - Helps in printer stability when the scanner has been lifted up - Also forms a recess for the alignment peg on the optional paper tray
  • 19
    • 19 RB3-1154-000CN - Left link mount - Rectangular plastic piece that has a recess for the printer-to-scanner link and includes the bottom half of the scanner hinge
  • 20
    • 20 RB3-1158-000CN - Right link mount - 'L' shaped plastic piece that has a recess for the printer-to-scanner link and includes the bottom half of the scanner hinge
  • 21
    • 21 RB3-1125-000CN - Upper front cover - Rectangular plastic piece with recess for the printer logo
  • 22
    • 22 RB3-1083-000CN - Face-down paper exit arm - Helps to prevent paper re-entering the printer and paper curl
    • 22 RB3-1083-000CN - Face-down paper exit arm - Helps to prevent paper re-entering the printer and paper curl
  • 23
    • 23 RG5-7630-000CN - Right scanner link assembly - Spring loaded arm - Connects between the top of the printer and the bottom of the scanner - Allows for limited tilting of the scanner assembly for toner cartridges and image drum/transfer assembly cartridge access
  • 25
    • 25 XB4-5300-809CN - M3 pan-head phillips screw with plastite threads - 8mm long
  • 26
    • 26 XB4-7401-005CN - M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
  • 26
    • 26 XB4-7401-005CN - M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
XA9-1291-000CN Screw M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
XA9-1291-000CN Screw M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
XA9-1500-000CN Screw M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
XA9-1500-000CN Screw M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
RB3-1130-000CN Cover Upper rear cover assembly - Also guides the paper from the fusing assembly to the top output (face down) tray
Q3948-67909 Link Right link mount kit - Includes the'L' shaped plastic piece that has a recess for the printer-to-scanner link and scanner hinge, and the scanner release lift spring
Q3948-67909 Link Right link mount kit - Includes the'L' shaped plastic piece that has a recess for the printer-to-scanner link and scanner hinge, and the scanner release lift spring
RS6-2772-000CN Spring Torsion spring for HP Color LaserJet 2820 Series
RB3-0089-030CN Arm Top cover rack arm (Black) - Plastic arm with teeth on bottom edge - Disengages the imaging drum/transfer assembly drive cams when the top door is open
RF5-4055-000CN Door Cartridge access door (ONLY) - Provides access to the toner cartridges and imaging drum/transfer assembly cartridge - Does NOT include the upper front cover
RB3-1136-000CN Cover Face-down paper output cover ('L' shaped plastic) - Serves as the rear of the tray for the face-down output on top of the printer
RB3-1138-000CN Door Memory access door - Provides access for changing or adding DIMM memory modules to the printer
RG5-7645-000CN Link Left scanner link assembly - Spring loaded arm - Connects between the top of the printer and the bottom of the scanner - Allows for limited tilting of the scanner assembly for toner cartridges and image drum/transfer assembly cartridge access
Q3948-67911 Rod Power switch rod kit - Includes the power switch push rod, compression spring, and mount retainer
Q3948-67911 Rod Power switch rod kit - Includes the power switch push rod, compression spring, and mount retainer
RS6-2771-000CN Spring Compression spring
RB3-1145-000CN Rod Power switch rod - Goes between the power button and the power switch on the low voltage power supply board
RB3-1128-000CN Cover Left side cover (ONLY) - Does NOT include the vent cover or power switch button
RB3-1139-000CN Cover Vent cover - Rectangular plastic cover with molded-in ventilation louvers
Q3948-67911 Rod Power switch rod kit - Includes the power switch push rod, compression spring, and mount retainer
RB3-1146-000CN Mount Mount retainer - Holds the spring loaded power switch rod on the left side cover
RB3-1126-000CN Cover Upper left cover - Small cover that is part of the inner side wall in the cartridge access area and provides support for the exterior left side cover
RB3-1131-000CN Cover Left rear cover - 'U' shaped cover that mounts on the under-side of the extension for the left scanner hinge
RB3-1132-000CN Cover Right rear cover - 'U' shaped cover that mounts on the under-side of the extension for the right scanner hinge - Covers the scanner interconnection cables
RB3-1137-000CN Cover I/O cover - Rectangular plastic cover with a recessed cutout for the interface connectors
RB3-1147-000CN Foot Rear foot - Helps in printer stability when the scanner has been lifted up - Also forms a recess for the alignment peg on the optional paper tray
RB3-1154-000CN Mount Left link mount - Rectangular plastic piece that has a recess for the printer-to-scanner link and includes the bottom half of the scanner hinge
RB3-1158-000CN Mount Right link mount - 'L' shaped plastic piece that has a recess for the printer-to-scanner link and includes the bottom half of the scanner hinge
RB3-1125-000CN Cover Upper front cover - Rectangular plastic piece with recess for the printer logo
RB3-1083-000CN Arm Face-down paper exit arm - Helps to prevent paper re-entering the printer and paper curl
RB3-1083-000CN Arm Face-down paper exit arm - Helps to prevent paper re-entering the printer and paper curl
RG5-7630-000CN Link Right scanner link assembly - Spring loaded arm - Connects between the top of the printer and the bottom of the scanner - Allows for limited tilting of the scanner assembly for toner cartridges and image drum/transfer assembly cartridge access
XB4-5300-809CN Screw M3 pan-head phillips screw with plastite threads - 8mm long
XB4-7401-005CN Screw M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
XB4-7401-005CN Screw M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
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