RB3-0061-000CN printer parts diagram.


RB3-0061-000CN is represented by #3 in the diagram below.

Middle Frame Assembly
RB3-0061-000CN is represented by #3 in the diagram below.
  • 2
    • 2 RB1-8668-030CN - Feed guide drive belt - Small belt approximately 5/16 inch wide with 'A' shaped ribs on it
  • 3
    • 3 RB3-0061-000CN - Pulley roller (accommodates three feed belts) - Small black roller approximately 3.49cm (1-3/4 inches) long with three ball type pulleys
    • 3 RB3-0061-000CN - Pulley roller (accommodates three feed belts) - Small black roller approximately 3.49cm (1-3/4 inches) long with three ball type pulleys
  • 4
    • 4 RB3-0063-000CN - Paper feed belt - Small black rubber belt approximately 1/8 inch wide with little 'A' shaped ribs on it
  • 4
    • 4 RB3-0063-000CN - Paper feed belt - Small black rubber belt approximately 1/8 inch wide with little 'A' shaped ribs on it
  • 4
    • 4 RB3-0063-000CN - Paper feed belt - Small black rubber belt approximately 1/8 inch wide with little 'A' shaped ribs on it
    • 4 RB3-0063-000CN - Paper feed belt - Small black rubber belt approximately 1/8 inch wide with little 'A' shaped ribs on it
  • 6
    • 6 RB3-0009-000CN - Static eliminator ground plate - Right angled metal piece with small teeth on top edge
  • 7
    • 7 RB3-0011-000CN - Feed drive shaft - Long shaft with eight feed belt ball type pulleys and one ribbed feed guide drive belt pulley
  • 8
    • 8 RB3-0012-000CN - Belt roller - Small oval shaped roller approximately 1-3/4 inches long
  • 10
    • 10 RB3-0010-030CN - Feed plate - Center metal plate with slots that the ribs on the middle frame assembly go through
  • 12
    • 12 RB3-0022-000CN - 22 tooth gear (Black plastic) - Small gear with diagonally cut teeth
  • 13
    • 13 RB3-0016-000CN - Electrical contact spring - Spring steel wire with compression springs formed on both ends
  • 21
    • 21 RB3-1110-000CN - Insulating sheet (Transparent plastic) - For the power supply base assembly
  • 22
    • 22 RB3-0057-000CN - Transfer slide plate - Small 'U' shaped metal insert plates
  • 22
    • 22 RB3-0057-000CN - Transfer slide plate - Small 'U' shaped metal insert plates
  • 25
    • 25 XA9-1262-000CN - M4 pan-head phillips screw with self-tapping threads - 10mm long
    • 25 XB4-7401-005CN - M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
  • 25
    • 25 XA9-1262-000CN - M4 pan-head phillips screw with self-tapping threads - 10mm long
    • 25 XB4-7401-005CN - M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
  • 25
    • 25 XA9-1262-000CN - M4 pan-head phillips screw with self-tapping threads - 10mm long
    • 25 XB4-7401-005CN - M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
  • 25
    • 25 XA9-1262-000CN - M4 pan-head phillips screw with self-tapping threads - 10mm long
    • 25 XB4-7401-005CN - M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
  • 25
    • 25 XA9-1262-000CN - M4 pan-head phillips screw with self-tapping threads - 10mm long
    • 25 XB4-7401-005CN - M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
  • 25
    • 25 XA9-1262-000CN - M4 pan-head phillips screw with self-tapping threads - 10mm long
    • 25 XB4-7401-005CN - M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
  • 25
    • 25 XA9-1262-000CN - M4 pan-head phillips screw with self-tapping threads - 10mm long
    • 25 XB4-7401-005CN - M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
  • 25
    • 25 XA9-1262-000CN - M4 pan-head phillips screw with self-tapping threads - 10mm long
    • 25 XA9-1262-000CN - M4 pan-head phillips screw with self-tapping threads - 10mm long
    • 25 XB4-7401-005CN - M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
    • 25 XB4-7401-005CN - M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
  • 25
    • 25 XA9-1262-000CN - M4 pan-head phillips screw with self-tapping threads - 10mm long
    • 25 XB4-7401-005CN - M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
  • 26
    • 26 RG5-6939-000CN - Registration roller assembly - Includes the roller, bushings, mounting plate, paper sensor, and the sensor flag
    • 26 RG5-6939-020CN - Registration roller assembly - Includes the roller, bushings, mounting plate, paper sensor, and the sensor flag
  • 28
    • 28 RG5-6940-050CN - Registration shutter assembly - Includes the metal roller, mounting frame, grounding springs, and the dual coupling gear
  • 29
    • 29 RG5-7122-000CN - Cable assembly - 'Y' type cable (three connectors) - The 14-pin connector splits into an 8-pin connector and a 6-pin connector
  • 30
    • 30 RB3-0052-000CN - Gear Cover (Small Black plastic cover) - Covers the left end of the feed drive shaft
  • 31
    • 31 RB3-0065-000CN - Contact plate - copper clad metal spring - Holds the left end of the small 500 Meg-ohm resistor
  • 32
    • 32 RB3-0066-000CN - Contact plate - copper clad metal spring - Holds the right end of the small 500 Meg-ohm resistor
  • 33
    • 33 RB2-9925-000CN - Sensor arm and flag - Activates the photosensor (Does NOT include the roller)
  • 36
    • 36 RB3-0067-000CN - Pulley roller (accommodates one feed belt) - Small black roller approximately 1.59cm (5/8 inch) long with one ball type pulley
    • 36 RB3-0067-000CN - Pulley roller (accommodates one feed belt) - Small black roller approximately 1.59cm (5/8 inch) long with one ball type pulley
  • 38
    • 38 WG8-5382-000CN - Sensor PC board - Small board with flag activated photosensor
    • 38 WG8-5593-000CN - Sensor PC board - Small board with flag activated photosensor
  • 39
  • 41
    • 41 XA9-0890-000CN - M3 truss-head phillips screw with machine threads - 6mm long
    • 41 XA9-0890-000CN - M3 truss-head phillips screw with machine threads - 6mm long
  • 42
    • 42 WT2-5700-000CN - Cable clamp - White plastic clamp with mounting pin
  • 43
  • 44
    • 44 RF5-4067-030CN - Transfer roller assembly - Long black foam type roller - Transfers static charge to paper
  • 45
    • 45 RB3-1094-000CN - Bushing assembly (Black plastic bushing with small guide roller on top)
  • 48
    • 48 RB3-1088-000CN - Transfer inlet guide assembly - Angled metal guide between the registration roller and the transfer roller
  • 50
    • 50 WT2-5737-000CN - Drawer connector - Connector located on bottom of tray assembly frame on right side, which connects tray assemblies to each other
  • 51
    • 51 RG5-6967-000CN - Registration sensor PC Board - Small board with flag activated photosensor
    • 51 RG5-7613-000CN - Registration sensor PC Board - Small board with flag activated photosensor
RB2-6297-000CN Foot Rubber foot - Square self-adhesive rubber foot
RB2-6297-000CN Foot Rubber foot - Square self-adhesive rubber foot
RB1-8668-030CN Belt Feed guide drive belt - Small belt approximately 5/16 inch wide with 'A' shaped ribs on it
RB3-0061-000CN Pulley Pulley roller (accommodates three feed belts) - Small black roller approximately 3.49cm (1-3/4 inches) long with three ball type pulleys
RB3-0061-000CN Pulley Pulley roller (accommodates three feed belts) - Small black roller approximately 3.49cm (1-3/4 inches) long with three ball type pulleys
RB3-0063-000CN Belt Paper feed belt - Small black rubber belt approximately 1/8 inch wide with little 'A' shaped ribs on it
RB3-0063-000CN Belt Paper feed belt - Small black rubber belt approximately 1/8 inch wide with little 'A' shaped ribs on it
RB3-0286-000CN Plate Contact plate for HP Color LaserJet 2500 Seriess
RB3-0009-000CN Static Dissipater Static eliminator ground plate - Right angled metal piece with small teeth on top edge
RB3-0011-000CN Shaft Feed drive shaft - Long shaft with eight feed belt ball type pulleys and one ribbed feed guide drive belt pulley
RB3-0012-000CN Roller Belt roller - Small oval shaped roller approximately 1-3/4 inches long
RB3-0060-000CN Shaft Idler gear shaft - Short metal rod
RB3-0060-020CN Shaft Idler gear shaft - Short metal rod
RB3-0010-030CN Plate Feed plate - Center metal plate with slots that the ribs on the middle frame assembly go through
RB3-0045-000CN Spring Electrical contact spring
RB3-0022-000CN Gear 22 tooth gear (Black plastic) - Small gear with diagonally cut teeth
RB3-0016-000CN Spring Electrical contact spring - Spring steel wire with compression springs formed on both ends
RB3-0042-000CN Spring Electrical contact spring
RB3-0043-000CN Spring Electrical contact spring
RB3-0044-000CN Spring Electrical contact spring
RB3-0046-000CN Spring Electrical contact spring
RB3-0047-000CN Spring Electrical contact spring
RB3-0048-000CN Spring Electrical contact spring
RS5-1637-000CN Bushing Bushing (black plastic)
RB3-1110-000CN Insulator Insulating sheet (Transparent plastic) - For the power supply base assembly
RB3-0057-000CN Plate Transfer slide plate - Small 'U' shaped metal insert plates
RB3-0057-000CN Plate Transfer slide plate - Small 'U' shaped metal insert plates
RH2-5519-000CN Connector Connector assembly - For optional paper tray
WS1-6336-000CN Connector Connector assembly - For optional bottom paper tray
RS7-0428-000CN Gear 30 tooth gear (White plastic)
XA9-1262-000CN Screw M4 pan-head phillips screw with self-tapping threads - 10mm long
XA9-1262-000CN Screw M4 pan-head phillips screw with self-tapping threads - 10mm long
XB4-7401-005CN Screw M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
XB4-7401-005CN Screw M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
RG5-6939-000CN Registration Registration roller assembly - Includes the roller, bushings, mounting plate, paper sensor, and the sensor flag
RG5-6939-020CN Roller Registration roller assembly - Includes the roller, bushings, mounting plate, paper sensor, and the sensor flag
RG5-7123-000CN Cable Grounding cable assembly
RG5-6940-050CN Shutter Registration shutter assembly - Includes the metal roller, mounting frame, grounding springs, and the dual coupling gear
RG5-7122-000CN Cable Cable assembly - 'Y' type cable (three connectors) - The 14-pin connector splits into an 8-pin connector and a 6-pin connector
RB3-0052-000CN Cover Gear Cover (Small Black plastic cover) - Covers the left end of the feed drive shaft
RB3-0065-000CN Plate Contact plate - copper clad metal spring - Holds the left end of the small 500 Meg-ohm resistor
RB3-0066-000CN Plate Contact plate - copper clad metal spring - Holds the right end of the small 500 Meg-ohm resistor
RB2-9925-000CN Flag Sensor arm and flag - Activates the photosensor (Does NOT include the roller)
RB2-7195-000CN Roller Sensor flag roller (small White plastic roller)
RB2-9924-000CN Holder Sensor assembly mounting holder
RB3-0067-000CN Pulley Pulley roller (accommodates one feed belt) - Small black roller approximately 1.59cm (5/8 inch) long with one ball type pulley
RB3-0067-000CN Pulley Pulley roller (accommodates one feed belt) - Small black roller approximately 1.59cm (5/8 inch) long with one ball type pulley
RG5-7128-000CN Cable Cable assembly (four 3-pin connectors)
WG8-5382-000CN PC Board Sensor PC board - Small board with flag activated photosensor
WG8-5593-000CN PC Board Sensor PC board - Small board with flag activated photosensor
RS6-2766-000CN Spring Tension spring for HP Color LaserJet 1500 Series
RG5-7130-000CN Cable High voltage cable assembly
XA9-0890-000CN Screw M3 truss-head phillips screw with machine threads - 6mm long
XA9-0890-000CN Screw M3 truss-head phillips screw with machine threads - 6mm long
WT2-5700-000CN Clamp Cable clamp - White plastic clamp with mounting pin
RB2-9999-000CN Spring Torsion spring for HP Color LaserJet 2820 Series
RF5-4067-030CN Roller Transfer roller assembly - Long black foam type roller - Transfers static charge to paper
RB3-1094-000CN Bushing Bushing assembly (Black plastic bushing with small guide roller on top)
RB3-0015-000CN Spring Compression spring
RH5-3115-000CN Resistor 500 Meg-ohm, 300mW
RH5-3169-000CN Resistor Resistor - 500 Meg ohm, 300mW
RB3-1088-000CN Guide Transfer inlet guide assembly - Angled metal guide between the registration roller and the transfer roller
RF5-4065-000CN Guide Entrance guide assembly
WT2-5737-000CN Connector Drawer connector - Connector located on bottom of tray assembly frame on right side, which connects tray assemblies to each other
RG5-6967-000CN PC Board Registration sensor PC Board - Small board with flag activated photosensor
RG5-7613-000CN PC Board Registration sensor PC Board - Small board with flag activated photosensor
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