RB3-0007-000CN printer parts diagram.


RB3-0007-000CN is represented by #2 in the diagram below.

Power Supply Base Assembly
RB3-0007-000CN is represented by #2 in the diagram below.
  • 1
  • 3
    • 3 RH2-5520-000CN - Connector for the fusing assembly - Seven small contol pins plus three separated high current pins
  • 4
    • 4 RG5-7146-000CN - High voltage cable assembly (two 15-pin connectors and two 14-pin connectors)
  • 5
    • 5 WT2-5737-000CN - Drawer connector - Connector located on bottom of tray assembly frame on right side, which connects tray assemblies to each other
  • 8
    • 8 RG5-6971-000CN - Cable assembly (two 3-pin connectors and a spad lug)
    • 8 RG5-7161-000CN - Cable assembly (two 3-pin connectors and a spad lug)
  • 11
    • 11 RG5-7108-000CN - Cable assembly (two 8-pin connectors, Purple wire)
  • 13
    • 13 RH3-2241-000CN - Low voltage power supply - For 110V to 127V AC operation - Includes the AC power input connector and power switch
    • 13 RH3-2243-000CN - Low voltage power supply - For 220V to 240V AC operation - Includes the AC power input connector and power switch
  • 14
    • 14 RG5-6960-000CN - High voltage power supply board (HVT) assembly - Has contacts for the eight high voltage springs in the printer
  • 15
RB3-0006-000CN Holder Holder - Housing for the fusing connector assembly
RB3-0007-000CN Insulator Insulating sheet (Transparent plastic)
RH2-5520-000CN Connector Connector for the fusing assembly - Seven small contol pins plus three separated high current pins
RG5-7146-000CN Cable High voltage cable assembly (two 15-pin connectors and two 14-pin connectors)
WT2-5737-000CN Connector Drawer connector - Connector located on bottom of tray assembly frame on right side, which connects tray assemblies to each other
RG5-7126-000CN Cable Cable assembly (two 5-pin connectors)
RG5-7109-000CN Cable Cable assembly (two 7-pin connectors)
RG5-6971-000CN Cable Cable assembly (two 3-pin connectors and a spad lug)
RG5-7161-000CN Cable Cable assembly (two 3-pin connectors and a spad lug)
RG5-7106-000CN Cable Cable assembly (two 2-pin connectors)
RG5-7107-000CN Cable Cable assembly (8-pin, red wire)
RG5-7108-000CN Cable Cable assembly (two 8-pin connectors, Purple wire)
RB3-0062-000CN Support PC board support (Black plastic holder)
RH3-2241-000CN Power Supply Low voltage power supply - For 110V to 127V AC operation - Includes the AC power input connector and power switch
RH3-2243-000CN Power Supply Low voltage power supply - For 220V to 240V AC operation - Includes the AC power input connector and power switch
RG5-6960-000CN Power Supply High voltage power supply board (HVT) assembly - Has contacts for the eight high voltage springs in the printer
RG5-7124-000CN Power Supply Sub-high voltage board - Small auxillary PC board
RG5-7616-000CN Power Supply Sub-high voltage board - Small auxillary PC board
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