RB1-8961-000CN printer parts diagram.


RB1-8961-000CN is represented by #3 in the diagram below.

500 Sheet Tray
RB1-8961-000CN is represented by #3 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RB1-9009-000CN - Level indicator - Small oval button on front left side of tray - Moves vertically to show amount of paper in tray
  • 2
    • 2 RB1-8962-000CN - Arm lifter - White plastic arm that holds top right side metal corner piece up when loading paper in tray
  • 3
    • 3 RB1-8961-000CN - Arm lifter - White plastic arm that holds top left side metal corner piece up when loading paper in tray
  • 4
    • 4 C4125-67901 - 500 sheet universal paper tray assembly - This is ONLY the tray that holds the paper, NOT the optional feeder assembly (C4124A) that the printer sits on - Holds A5 to Legal size paper - Replaces C3122A Tray
  • 6
    • 6 RF5-1885-000CN - Feed/separation roller - Roller is gray with blue tab protruding out one side
RB1-9009-000CN Indicator Level indicator - Small oval button on front left side of tray - Moves vertically to show amount of paper in tray
RB1-8962-000CN Lifter Arm lifter - White plastic arm that holds top right side metal corner piece up when loading paper in tray
RB1-8961-000CN Lifter Arm lifter - White plastic arm that holds top left side metal corner piece up when loading paper in tray
C4125-67901 Tray 500 sheet universal paper tray assembly - This is ONLY the tray that holds the paper, NOT the optional feeder assembly (C4124A) that the printer sits on - Holds A5 to Legal size paper - Replaces C3122A Tray
RB1-8974-000CN Clutch Separation roller clutch - Torque limiter
RF5-1885-000CN Roller Feed/separation roller - Roller is gray with blue tab protruding out one side
RS5-2622-020CN Spring Separation roller tension spring
RS5-2809-020CN Spring Separation roller tension spring
RF5-2489-000CN Spindle Separation roller mounting assembly
RB1-8948-000CN Gear Separation roller drive gear
RB1-8946-000CN Bushing Separation roller bushing
RB1-8945-000CN Coupler Separation roller/gear coupler
RB1-8947-000CN Panel Separation roller access panel
RF5-2760-000CN Stop Paper stop - Used for the 500-sheet paper tray
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