Q7829-67912 printer parts diagram.


Q7829-67912 is represented by #5 in the diagram below.

ADF Assembly
Q7829-67912 is represented by #5 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 Q7829-67901 - ADF assembly - Includes rear cover, cable, input tray, front cover, white scan background, mylar holder assembly, left cover, photo interrepter with conector, PCA motor
    • 1 Q7829-67939 - ADF assembly - Includes rear cover, cable, input tray, front cover, white scan background, mylar holder assembly, left cover, photo interrepter with conector, PCA motor
    • 1 Q7829-67944 - ADF assembly - Includes rear cover, cable, input tray, front cover, white scan background, mylar holder assembly, left cover, photo interrepter with conector, PCA motor
  • 2
    • 2 Q7829-67904 - ADF rear end cover - Protects the rear side of the ADF - Located on top of the scanner controler bord cover
  • 3
    • 3 Q7829-67907 - Control board cable - Connects automatic document feeder (ADF) to the scanner
  • 5
    • 5 Q7829-67912 - ADF input paper tray assembly - Includes the adjustable width
  • 6
    • 6 Q7829-67909 - ADF reflector foam - White plastic sheet with foam that reflects the light wile scanning
Q7829-67901 ADF ADF assembly - Includes rear cover, cable, input tray, front cover, white scan background, mylar holder assembly, left cover, photo interrepter with conector, PCA motor
Q7829-67939 ADF ADF assembly - Includes rear cover, cable, input tray, front cover, white scan background, mylar holder assembly, left cover, photo interrepter with conector, PCA motor
Q7829-67944 ADF ADF assembly - Includes rear cover, cable, input tray, front cover, white scan background, mylar holder assembly, left cover, photo interrepter with conector, PCA motor
Q7829-67904 Cover ADF rear end cover - Protects the rear side of the ADF - Located on top of the scanner controler bord cover
Q7829-67907 Cable Control board cable - Connects automatic document feeder (ADF) to the scanner
Q7829-67903 Motor PCA motor assembly ADF
Q7829-67912 Tray Assembly ADF input paper tray assembly - Includes the adjustable width
Q7829-67909 Foam ADF reflector foam - White plastic sheet with foam that reflects the light wile scanning
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