Q7829-60152 is represented by #1 in the diagram below.
Scanner top assembly
- 1
- 1 Q7829-60152 - Top cover assembly - Covers the scanner glass assembly - Does not include lift-up door or any other attaching parts
- 2
- 2 Q7829-60153 - Right side scanner cover - Located on the right side portion of the top cover
- 3
- 3 Q7829-60154 - Bottom cover - Protects the bottom part of the scanner assembly - where the scanner sits on
- 4
- 4 Q7829-60143 - Scanner glass assembly - Glass plate on which the documents are placed to be scanned - Mounts in the scanner bezel
- 5
- 5 Q7829-60144 - Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used
- 5 Q7829-60144 - Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used
- 5
- 5 Q7829-60144 - Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used
- 5
- 5 Q7829-60144 - Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used
- 5
- 5 Q7829-60144 - Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used
- 5
- 5 Q7829-60144 - Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used
- 5
- 5 Q7829-60144 - Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used
- 5
- 5 Q7829-60144 - Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used
- 5
- 5 Q7829-60144 - Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used
- 5
- 5 Q7829-60144 - Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used
- 5
- 5 Q7829-60144 - Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used
- 5
- 5 Q7829-60144 - Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used
- 5
- 5 Q7829-60144 - Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used
- 5
- 5 Q7829-60144 - Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used
Top cover assembly - Covers the scanner glass assembly - Does not include lift-up door or any other attaching parts
Right side scanner cover - Located on the right side portion of the top cover
Bottom cover - Protects the bottom part of the scanner assembly - where the scanner sits on
Glass Assembly
Scanner glass assembly - Glass plate on which the documents are placed to be scanned - Mounts in the scanner bezel
Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used
Plastic screw covers with an adhesive back - Covers screw heads that secure the plastic scanner top cover - Ten used