Q6502-40001 printer parts diagram.


Q6502-40001 is represented by #2 in the diagram below.

LaserJet 3052/3055 all-in-one Scanner Components,
Q6502-40001 is represented by #2 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 Q6502-60101 - Control panel - Front conrol panel for LaserJet 3052AIO - Does not include overlay
    • 1 Q6503-60101 - Control panel - Front conrol panel for LaserJet 3055AIO - Does not include overlay
  • 2
    • 2 Q6502-40001 - Control panel overlay - Snaps on top of the control panel assembly - Unpainted and unlabled
    • 2 Q6502-40027 - Control panel overlay - Snaps on top of the control panel assembly (Traditional Chinese)
    • 2 Q6502-40029 - Control panel overlay - Snaps on top of the control panel assembly (Simplified Chinese)
  • 3
    • 3 RM1-0898-000CN - Left scanner link assembly - Connects between the top of the printer and the bottom of the scanner - Allows for limited tilting of the scanner assembly for toner cartridge access
  • 4
    • 4 RM1-0899-000CN - Right scanner link assembly - Connects between the top of the printer and the bottom of the scanner - Allows for limited tilting of the scanner assembly for toner cartridge access
Q6502-60101 Control Panel Control panel - Front conrol panel for LaserJet 3052AIO - Does not include overlay
Q6503-60101 Control Panel Control panel - Front conrol panel for LaserJet 3055AIO - Does not include overlay
Q6502-40001 Overlay Control panel overlay - Snaps on top of the control panel assembly - Unpainted and unlabled
Q6502-40027 Overlay Control panel overlay - Snaps on top of the control panel assembly (Traditional Chinese)
Q6502-40029 Overlay Control panel overlay - Snaps on top of the control panel assembly (Simplified Chinese)
RM1-0898-000CN Link Left scanner link assembly - Connects between the top of the printer and the bottom of the scanner - Allows for limited tilting of the scanner assembly for toner cartridge access
RM1-0899-000CN Link Right scanner link assembly - Connects between the top of the printer and the bottom of the scanner - Allows for limited tilting of the scanner assembly for toner cartridge access
RU5-2199-000CN Spring Compression spring
RU5-2199-000CN Spring Compression spring
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