Q5916-67927 printer parts diagram.


Q5916-67927 is represented by #5 in the diagram below.

Q5916-67927 is represented by #5 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 PF2284K042NI - ADF document input tray - Includes the tray body with width adjustment side wings and pull-out extender
  • 2
    • 2 PF2282K035NI - ADF paper seperation pad assembly - Mounts in the center of the ADF separation pad frame assembly at the rear part of the paper input tray
  • 3
    • 3 Q5916-60103 - Replacement digital sender - Replacement unit includes engine only
  • 4
    • 4 PF2282K043NI - Mylar holder assembly - This is the cover (holder) that holds the Clear mylar sheet in place - Mounts on the bottom of the ADF assembly
  • 5
    • 5 Q5916-67927 - Formatter board assembly - Includes the formatter board mounted in the metal card cage - Does NOT include the hard drive, memory DIMM, or compact flash card - Mounts in the bottom rear of the digital senderFormatter for Digital Sender 9200c
  • 6
    • 6 PF2282K039NI - ADF paper pickup roller assembly - Includes the pickup roller, separation roller, and drive gear mounted in a frame - Mounts on the bottom of the ADF cover assembly (above the input paper tray)
  • 7
    • 7 PF2282K040NI - Pickup roller cover - `C` shaped plastic cover that surrounds the paper pickup roller assembly - Mounts on the bottom of the ADF cover assembly
PF2284K042NI Tray ADF document input tray - Includes the tray body with width adjustment side wings and pull-out extender
PF2282K035NI Pad ADF paper seperation pad assembly - Mounts in the center of the ADF separation pad frame assembly at the rear part of the paper input tray
Q5916-60103 Digital Sender Replacement digital sender - Replacement unit includes engine only
PF2282K043NI Holder Mylar holder assembly - This is the cover (holder) that holds the Clear mylar sheet in place - Mounts on the bottom of the ADF assembly
Q5916-67927 Formatter Formatter board assembly - Includes the formatter board mounted in the metal card cage - Does NOT include the hard drive, memory DIMM, or compact flash card - Mounts in the bottom rear of the digital senderFormatter for Digital Sender 9200c
PF2282K039NI Roller ADF paper pickup roller assembly - Includes the pickup roller, separation roller, and drive gear mounted in a frame - Mounts on the bottom of the ADF cover assembly (above the input paper tray)
PF2282K040NI Cover Pickup roller cover - `C` shaped plastic cover that surrounds the paper pickup roller assembly - Mounts on the bottom of the ADF cover assembly
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