Q3948-67902 printer parts diagram.


Q3948-67902 is represented by #3 in the diagram below.

ADF components
Q3948-67902 is represented by #3 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 Q6500-67901 - ADF cover - Replacement cover for ADF mounted on flatbed scanner lid
  • 2
    • 2 C7309-40153 - Cleanout assembly strip - Green plastic bar with two grab tabs - Can be removed to help clear paper jams in the automatic document feeder assembly
  • 3
    • 3 Q3948-67902 - ADF paper sensor flag replacement kit - Includes the paper sensor flag and spring
  • 4
    • 4 5851-2559 - SHAFT ADF pickup roller assembly - Includes *black shaft frame that pickup rollers attach to and both pickup rollersAutomatic document feeder (ADF) paper pick-up roller assembly
    • 4 5851-3580 - SHAFT ADF pickup roller assembly - Includes *black shaft frame that pickup rollers attach to and both pickup rollers Automatic document feeder (ADF) paper pick-up roller assembly
  • 5
    • 5 Q2665-60125 - ADF paper seperation pad assembly - Mounts in the center of the ADF separation pad frame assembly at the rear of the paper input tray
Q6500-67901 Cover ADF cover - Replacement cover for ADF mounted on flatbed scanner lid
C7309-40153 Cover Cleanout assembly strip - Green plastic bar with two grab tabs - Can be removed to help clear paper jams in the automatic document feeder assembly
Q3948-67902 Flag ADF paper sensor flag replacement kit - Includes the paper sensor flag and spring
5851-2559 Roller SHAFT ADF pickup roller assembly - Includes *black shaft frame that pickup rollers attach to and both pickup rollersAutomatic document feeder (ADF) paper pick-up roller assembly
5851-3580 Roller SHAFT ADF pickup roller assembly - Includes *black shaft frame that pickup rollers attach to and both pickup rollers Automatic document feeder (ADF) paper pick-up roller assembly
Q2665-60125 Pad ADF paper seperation pad assembly - Mounts in the center of the ADF separation pad frame assembly at the rear of the paper input tray
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