Q3709-67901 printer parts diagram.


Q3709-67901 is represented by #2 in the diagram below.

250 Sheet Tray - External Covers
Q3709-67901 is represented by #2 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 XB4-7401-005CN - M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
  • 1
    • 1 XB4-7401-005CN - M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
  • 2
    • 2 Q3709-67901 - Replacement 250-sheet paper input feeder assembly - Includes tray base which attaches to printer, and the paper cassette tray - Accommodates 148mm x 210mm (5.8 x 8.3 inches) to 216mm x 356mm (8.5 x 14 inches) media - Only one 250-sheet feeder supported
    • 2 Q3709A - Optional 250 sheet paper input tray - Includes tray base which attaches to printer, and the slide out paper tray - Accommodates 148mm x 210mm (5.8 x 8.3 inches) to 216mm x 356mm (8.5 x 14 inches) media - Only one 250 sheet tray supported per printer
  • 3
    • 3 RB3-1168-000CN - Left side support frame/cover assembly - For the base on the 250-sheet input tray assembly
  • 4
    • 4 RB3-0108-000CN - Metal support cross-brace - Mounts on the top rear of the left and right support frame/cover assemblies
    • 4 RB3-0108-020CN - Metal support cross-brace - Mounts on the top rear of the left and right support frame/cover assemblies - For the base on the 250-sheet input tray assembly
  • 5
    • 5 RB3-0282-000CN - Inner cover - Covers the small interconnecting PC board
  • 6
    • 6 RB3-0283-000CN - Inner cover - Covers the bottom of the connector that interconnects the input tray base to the printer
  • 7
    • 7 RB2-3019-000CN - Shipping stopper (bright orange plastic) - Helps to prevent damage to the paper tray by restricting the movement of the lift plate (Removed for normal use)
  • 10
    • 10 RG5-7635-000CN - 250-sheet paper cassette tray assembly (complete) - Pull out cassette that the paper is loaded into - Does NOT include the paper feed base assembly
  • 11
    • 11 RG5-7634-000CN - Right side support frame/cover assembly - Includes the frame/cover, printer interface connector, cable, feed drive PC board, and snap-on lid - For the base on the 250-sheet input tray assembly
XB4-7401-005CN Screw M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
XB4-7401-005CN Screw M4 truss head (flanged) screw - 10mm long - Typically used to secure plastic parts to the left and right side plates
Q3709-67901 Tray Replacement 250-sheet paper input feeder assembly - Includes tray base which attaches to printer, and the paper cassette tray - Accommodates 148mm x 210mm (5.8 x 8.3 inches) to 216mm x 356mm (8.5 x 14 inches) media - Only one 250-sheet feeder supported
Q3709A Tray Optional 250 sheet paper input tray - Includes tray base which attaches to printer, and the slide out paper tray - Accommodates 148mm x 210mm (5.8 x 8.3 inches) to 216mm x 356mm (8.5 x 14 inches) media - Only one 250 sheet tray supported per printer
RB3-1168-000CN Cover Left side support frame/cover assembly - For the base on the 250-sheet input tray assembly
RB3-0108-000CN Cross Brace Metal support cross-brace - Mounts on the top rear of the left and right support frame/cover assemblies
RB3-0108-020CN Cross Brace Metal support cross-brace - Mounts on the top rear of the left and right support frame/cover assemblies - For the base on the 250-sheet input tray assembly
RB3-0282-000CN Cover Inner cover - Covers the small interconnecting PC board
RB3-0283-000CN Cover Inner cover - Covers the bottom of the connector that interconnects the input tray base to the printer
RB2-3019-000CN Stop Shipping stopper (bright orange plastic) - Helps to prevent damage to the paper tray by restricting the movement of the lift plate (Removed for normal use)
RB2-6297-000CN Foot Rubber foot - Square self-adhesive rubber foot
RG5-7635-000CN Tray Assembly 250-sheet paper cassette tray assembly (complete) - Pull out cassette that the paper is loaded into - Does NOT include the paper feed base assembly
RG5-7634-000CN Cover Right side support frame/cover assembly - Includes the frame/cover, printer interface connector, cable, feed drive PC board, and snap-on lid - For the base on the 250-sheet input tray assembly
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