Q2669-00015 printer parts diagram.


Q2669-00015 is represented by #2 in the diagram below.

Scanner Assembly - Main Assembly Locator
Q2669-00015 is represented by #2 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RM1-0893-000CN - Scanner input paper tray assembly - Includes the tray base, adjustable width guides with gear mechanism for HP printer.
  • 2
    • 2 Q2669-00001 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (French)
    • 2 Q2669-00002 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (German)
    • 2 Q2669-00003 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Italian)
    • 2 Q2669-00004 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Spanish)
    • 2 Q2669-00005 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Danish)
    • 2 Q2669-00006 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Dutch)
    • 2 Q2669-00007 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Finnish)
    • 2 Q2669-00008 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Portuguese)
    • 2 Q2669-00009 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Swedish)
    • 2 Q2669-00010 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Czechoslovakian)
    • 2 Q2669-00011 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Hungarian)
    • 2 Q2669-00012 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Polish)
    • 2 Q2669-00013 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Russian)
    • 2 Q2669-00014 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Slovakian)
    • 2 Q2669-00015 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Turkish)
    • 2 Q2669-00016 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Arabic)
    • 2 Q2669-00017 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Greek)
    • 2 Q2669-00018 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Hebrew)
    • 2 Q2669-00019 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Korean)
    • 2 Q2669-00020 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Simplified Chinese)
    • 2 Q2669-00021 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Traditional Chinese)
    • 2 Q2669-00023 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Norwegian)
    • 2 Q2669-00024 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Vietnamese)
    • 2 Q2669-00043 - Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Thai)
    • 2 RC1-2564-000CN - Scanner top cover - Dark plastic cover on the top of the printer - Has holes for all the function keys and display (With silk-screened English text) - Does not include the control panel assembly or any non-English overlays
    • 2 RK2-0232-000CN - Scanner control panel assembly - Includes the display and all the number and function keys mounted on a circuit board (Does NOT include the top cover)
RM1-0893-000CN Tray Assembly Scanner input paper tray assembly - Includes the tray base, adjustable width guides with gear mechanism for HP printer.
Q2669-00001 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (French)
Q2669-00002 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (German)
Q2669-00003 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Italian)
Q2669-00004 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Spanish)
Q2669-00005 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Danish)
Q2669-00006 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Dutch)
Q2669-00007 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Finnish)
Q2669-00008 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Portuguese)
Q2669-00009 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Swedish)
Q2669-00010 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Czechoslovakian)
Q2669-00011 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Hungarian)
Q2669-00012 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Polish)
Q2669-00013 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Russian)
Q2669-00014 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Slovakian)
Q2669-00015 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Turkish)
Q2669-00016 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Arabic)
Q2669-00017 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Greek)
Q2669-00018 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Hebrew)
Q2669-00019 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Korean)
Q2669-00020 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Simplified Chinese)
Q2669-00021 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Traditional Chinese)
Q2669-00023 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Norwegian)
Q2669-00024 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Vietnamese)
Q2669-00043 Overlay Adhesive backed control panel overlay (or faceplate) - Covers the silk-screened English operational text on the scanner top cover (Thai)
RC1-2564-000CN Cover Scanner top cover - Dark plastic cover on the top of the printer - Has holes for all the function keys and display (With silk-screened English text) - Does not include the control panel assembly or any non-English overlays
RK2-0232-000CN Control Panel Scanner control panel assembly - Includes the display and all the number and function keys mounted on a circuit board (Does NOT include the top cover)
RC1-2560-000CN Tray Scanner output tray (U-shaped wire-form)
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