Q1273-60086 printer parts diagram.


Q1273-60086 is represented by #7 in the diagram below.

Right-hand Assemblies
Q1273-60086 is represented by #7 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 Q1273-60046 - Service station complete MR service Service station assembly - Includes drop detector.
    • 1 Q1273-60255 - Service station complete MR service Service Station Assembly - Includes drop detector
  • 2
    • 2 Q1273-60047 - Aerosol fan assembly Hewlett Packard Designjet Plotters.
    • 2 Q1273-60226 - Aerosol fan assembly Hewlett Packard Designjet Plotters.
  • 3
    • 3 Q1273-60048 - Vacuum fan assembly for Hewlett Packard Designjet Plotters.
    • 3 Q1273-60257 - Vacuum fan assembly for Hewlett Packard Designjet Plotters.
  • 4
    • 4 Q1273-60066 - Drop detector - Sensor that detects ink drops from the printheads DROP DETECTOR SENSOR HP T620 T790 T795 T1120 T1200 T1300 T2300 T7100 Z3100 Z5200 Z5600 and similar models.
    • 4 Q1273-60236 - Drop detector - Sensor that detects ink drops from the printheads DROP DETECTOR SENSOR HP T620 T790 T795 T1120 T1200 T1300 T2300 T7100 Z3100 Z5200 Z5600 and similar models.
    • 4 Q1273-60236 - Drop detector - Sensor that detects ink drops from the printheads DROP DETECTOR SENSOR HP T620 T790 T795 T1120 T1200 T1300 T2300 T7100 Z3100 Z5200 Z5600 and similar models.
  • 5
    • 5 Q1273-60067 - Service station cable - Includes printhead cleaner door switch
    • 5 Q1273-60273 - Service station cable - Includes printhead cleaner door switch
  • 6
    • 6 Q1273-60084 - Aerosol filter - Located between the aerosol fan assembly and the vacuum fan assembly
  • 7
    • 7 Q1273-60086 - Right bracket assembly - Used to connect the right cover assembly
Q1273-60046 Service Station Service station complete MR service Service station assembly - Includes drop detector.
Q1273-60255 Service Station Service station complete MR service Service Station Assembly - Includes drop detector
Q1273-60047 Aerosol Management Aerosol fan assembly Hewlett Packard Designjet Plotters.
Q1273-60226 Aerosol Management Aerosol fan assembly Hewlett Packard Designjet Plotters.
Q1273-60048 Aerosol Management Vacuum fan assembly for Hewlett Packard Designjet Plotters.
Q1273-60257 Aerosol Management Vacuum fan assembly for Hewlett Packard Designjet Plotters.
Q1273-60066 Sensor Drop detector - Sensor that detects ink drops from the printheads DROP DETECTOR SENSOR HP T620 T790 T795 T1120 T1200 T1300 T2300 T7100 Z3100 Z5200 Z5600 and similar models.
Q1273-60236 Sensor Drop detector - Sensor that detects ink drops from the printheads DROP DETECTOR SENSOR HP T620 T790 T795 T1120 T1200 T1300 T2300 T7100 Z3100 Z5200 Z5600 and similar models.
Q1273-60067 Cable Service station cable - Includes printhead cleaner door switch
Q1273-60273 Kit Service station cable - Includes printhead cleaner door switch
Q1273-60084 Filter Aerosol filter - Located between the aerosol fan assembly and the vacuum fan assembly
Q1273-60086 Bracket Right bracket assembly - Used to connect the right cover assembly
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