Q1273-60071 printer parts diagram.


Q1273-60071 is represented by #3 in the diagram below.

Scan-Axis Assemblies
Q1273-60071 is represented by #3 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 Q1273-60050 - Ink supply tubes - Does not include trailing cable assembly
    • 1 Q1273-60254 - Ink supply tubes - include trailing cable assembly Srk tubes+trailing cables MR serv. Please let us know type of trailing cable required: B Bare male Q1273-60158 type or A Encased female Q1273-60156 type.
    • 1 Q1273-60300 - Ink supply tubes - Does not include trailing cable assembly
  • 2
    • 2 CQ109-67004 - Belt and tensioner assembly - Carriage belt and the metal tensioner for 42-inch plotters / DesignJet.
    • 2 Q1273-60069 - BELT only KIT MR SERV 42 Belt assembly, tensioner (metal wheels) not included. Belt For 42-inch plotters. (for belt and tensioner order CQ109-67004).
    • 2 Q1273-60228 - BELT only KIT MR SERV 42 Belt assembly, tensioner (metal wheels). Belt For 42-inch plotters.
  • 3
    • 3 Q1273-60071 - Scan-axis motor assembly - For 42-inch plotters
  • 4
    • 4 Q1273-60070 - Encoder kit - Includes strip and encoder sensor - For 42-inch plotters
    • 4 Q1273-60239 - Encoder kit - Includes strip and encoder sensor - For 42-inch plotters
  • 6
    • 6 Q1273-60112 - Rear tube brackets (two used) - Used to connect the ink supply tubes to the chassis
    • 6 Q1273-60112 - Rear tube brackets (two used) - Used to connect the ink supply tubes to the chassis
    • 6 Q1273-60266 - Rear tube brackets (two used) - Used to connect the ink supply tubes to the chassis
  • 6
    • 6 Q1273-60266 - Rear tube brackets (two used) - Used to connect the ink supply tubes to the chassis
Q1273-60050 Ink System Ink supply tubes - Does not include trailing cable assembly
Q1273-60254 Ink System Ink supply tubes - include trailing cable assembly Srk tubes+trailing cables MR serv. Please let us know type of trailing cable required: B Bare male Q1273-60158 type or A Encased female Q1273-60156 type.
Q1273-60300 Ink System Ink supply tubes - Does not include trailing cable assembly
CQ109-67004 Belt Belt and tensioner assembly - Carriage belt and the metal tensioner for 42-inch plotters / DesignJet.
Q1273-60069 Belt BELT only KIT MR SERV 42 Belt assembly, tensioner (metal wheels) not included. Belt For 42-inch plotters. (for belt and tensioner order CQ109-67004).
Q1273-60228 Belt BELT only KIT MR SERV 42 Belt assembly, tensioner (metal wheels). Belt For 42-inch plotters.
Q1273-60071 Motor Scan-axis motor assembly - For 42-inch plotters
Q1273-60070 Encoder Encoder kit - Includes strip and encoder sensor - For 42-inch plotters
Q1273-60239 Encoder Encoder kit - Includes strip and encoder sensor - For 42-inch plotters
Q1273-60108 Clip Ink supply tubes clips (five used)
Q1273-60112 Bracket Rear tube brackets (two used) - Used to connect the ink supply tubes to the chassis
Q1273-60112 Bracket Rear tube brackets (two used) - Used to connect the ink supply tubes to the chassis
Q1273-60266 Bracket Rear tube brackets (two used) - Used to connect the ink supply tubes to the chassis
Q1273-60266 Bracket Rear tube brackets (two used) - Used to connect the ink supply tubes to the chassis
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