Q1251-60256 printer parts diagram.


Q1251-60256 is represented by #2 in the diagram below.

Pinch-Wheel Assembly and Lever
Q1251-60256 is represented by #2 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 C6090-60073 - Pinch assembly kit - Includes all required pinch wheels, pinchwheel mounts and springs - 42 inches
    • 1 C6095-60181 - Pinch assembly kit - Includes all required pinchwheels, pinchwheel mounts and springs (1 used) - 60 inches
  • 2
    • 2 C6090-60076 - Pincharm lift (Cam lever shaft) mechanism - Includes Cam (a long bar), Cam Lever Arm, Cam Linkage Rod and Screws - 42-inches
    • 2 C6095-60179 - Pincharm lift (cam lever shaft) mechanism - Includes cam (long bar) , cam lever arm, cam linkage rod and screws - For 60-inch version
    • 2 Q1251-60256 - Pincharm lift (cam lever shaft) mechanism - Includes cam (a long bar), cam lever arm, cam linkage rod and screws - 42 inches
    • 2 Q1253-60039 - Pincharm lift (cam lever shaft) mechanism - Includes cam (long bar), linkage, linkage screw, cam lever arm, cam linkage rod and screws - For 60-inch version
  • 3
    • 3 C6090-60102 - Lever - Used to actuate the pinch arm lift mechanism
C6090-60073 Pinch Assembly Pinch assembly kit - Includes all required pinch wheels, pinchwheel mounts and springs - 42 inches
C6095-60181 Pinch Assembly Pinch assembly kit - Includes all required pinchwheels, pinchwheel mounts and springs (1 used) - 60 inches
C6090-60076 Lifter Pincharm lift (Cam lever shaft) mechanism - Includes Cam (a long bar), Cam Lever Arm, Cam Linkage Rod and Screws - 42-inches
C6095-60179 Lifter Pincharm lift (cam lever shaft) mechanism - Includes cam (long bar) , cam lever arm, cam linkage rod and screws - For 60-inch version
Q1251-60256 Lifter Pincharm lift (cam lever shaft) mechanism - Includes cam (a long bar), cam lever arm, cam linkage rod and screws - 42 inches
Q1253-60039 Lifter Pincharm lift (cam lever shaft) mechanism - Includes cam (long bar), linkage, linkage screw, cam lever arm, cam linkage rod and screws - For 60-inch version
C6090-60102 Lever Lever - Used to actuate the pinch arm lift mechanism
C6090-60097 Bracket Lever support bracket
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