PF2284P079NI printer parts diagram.


PF2284P079NI is represented by #1 in the diagram below.

PF2284P079NI is represented by #1 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 PF2284P079NI - Right rear corner cover for the ADF assembly - Small plastic cover next to the support structure for the control panel
  • 2
    • 2 PF2284P044NI - Right cover for the ADF assembly - Larger of the two plastic side covers
  • 3
    • 3 PF2282P339NI - ADF white plastic scanner background plate - Used as a white background during flatbed document scanning - Mounts on the underside of the ADF assembly (above the scanner assembly)
  • 4
    • 4 PF2282P025NI - White backing plate assembly - Used as a white background for scanning documents when passing through the ADF assembly - Mounts on the underside of the ADF assembly towards the rear
  • 5
    • 5 PF2284P086NI - Rear cover for the ADF assembly - Rectangular cover with cutouts for the bottom base and the two hinge assemblies - Mounts on the rear of the ADF assembly
  • 6
    • 6 PF2284P088NI - Upper hinge cover for the ADF assembly - Snap-locks on to the top of each hinge on the rear of the ADF assembly (Two used)
  • 6
    • 6 PF2284P088NI - Upper hinge cover for the ADF assembly - Snap-locks on to the top of each hinge on the rear of the ADF assembly (Two used)
  • 7
    • 7 PF2284K042NI - ADF document input tray - Includes the tray body with width adjustment side wings and pull-out extender
  • 8
    • 8 PF2284K012NI - ADF left cover assembly - Includes the left cover, ADF cover release button assembly, and left corner cover
    • 8 PF2284P080NI - Left rear corner cover for the ADF assembly - Small plastic cover next to the support structure for the control panel
  • 9
    • 9 PF2282P343NI - Compression spring - Holds the white mylar backing plate firmly against the document passing through the ADF assembly (Two used)
  • 9
    • 9 PF2282P343NI - Compression spring - Holds the white mylar backing plate firmly against the document passing through the ADF assembly (Two used)
  • 10
    • 10 PF2284K015NI - Control panel support cover assembly (Does NOT include the control panel) - Includes the base structure, control panel support piece, and cable assembly - Mounts to the top of the ADF assembly
PF2284P079NI Cover Right rear corner cover for the ADF assembly - Small plastic cover next to the support structure for the control panel
PF2284P044NI Cover Right cover for the ADF assembly - Larger of the two plastic side covers
PF2282P339NI Plate ADF white plastic scanner background plate - Used as a white background during flatbed document scanning - Mounts on the underside of the ADF assembly (above the scanner assembly)
PF2282P025NI Plate White backing plate assembly - Used as a white background for scanning documents when passing through the ADF assembly - Mounts on the underside of the ADF assembly towards the rear
PF2284P086NI Cover Rear cover for the ADF assembly - Rectangular cover with cutouts for the bottom base and the two hinge assemblies - Mounts on the rear of the ADF assembly
PF2284P088NI Cover Upper hinge cover for the ADF assembly - Snap-locks on to the top of each hinge on the rear of the ADF assembly (Two used)
PF2284K042NI Tray ADF document input tray - Includes the tray body with width adjustment side wings and pull-out extender
PF2284K012NI Cover ADF left cover assembly - Includes the left cover, ADF cover release button assembly, and left corner cover
PF2284P080NI Cover Left rear corner cover for the ADF assembly - Small plastic cover next to the support structure for the control panel
PF2282P343NI Spring Compression spring - Holds the white mylar backing plate firmly against the document passing through the ADF assembly (Two used)
PF2284K015NI Cover Control panel support cover assembly (Does NOT include the control panel) - Includes the base structure, control panel support piece, and cable assembly - Mounts to the top of the ADF assembly
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