PF2284P060NI printer parts diagram.


PF2284P060NI is represented by #7 in the diagram below.

PF2284P060NI is represented by #7 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 PF2284P375NI - Compression spring - Provides downward pressure in the left ADF damper assembly - Mounts inside the left protruding pin on the bottom of the ADF assembly
  • 2
    • 2 PF2284P376NI - Compression spring - Provides downward pressure in the right ADF damper assembly - Mounts inside the right protruding pin on the bottom of the ADF assembly
  • 3
    • 3 PF2284P090NI - Damper pin spring cover - Cylindrical spring-loaded pins that protrude through the bottom of the ADF assembly and contact the scanner assembly top (Two used - Order springs separately)
  • 3
    • 3 PF2284P090NI - Damper pin spring cover - Cylindrical spring-loaded pins that protrude through the bottom of the ADF assembly and contact the scanner assembly top (Two used - Order springs separately)
  • 4
    • 4 PF2284P091NI - Damper base cover - Cross-shaped plastic piece - Holds the left and right ADF assembly damper springs in place (Two used)
  • 4
    • 4 PF2284P091NI - Damper base cover - Cross-shaped plastic piece - Holds the left and right ADF assembly damper springs in place (Two used)
  • 5
    • 5 PF2284P089NI - Output bin paper lever - Small plastic flap with hinge pins - Mounts to the bottom of the ADF base assembly and sticks up into the output tray
  • 6
    • 6 PF2284P061NI - Output tray extender and paper stop - Extends to accommodate legal size documents and acts as a paper stop - Slides out from the base of the ADF assembly
  • 7
    • 7 PF2284P060NI - Output bin extender cover - Keeps the output bin extender from sliding all the way out - Mounts to the bottom of the ADF base assembly
PF2284P375NI Spring Compression spring - Provides downward pressure in the left ADF damper assembly - Mounts inside the left protruding pin on the bottom of the ADF assembly
PF2284P376NI Spring Compression spring - Provides downward pressure in the right ADF damper assembly - Mounts inside the right protruding pin on the bottom of the ADF assembly
PF2284P090NI Pin Damper pin spring cover - Cylindrical spring-loaded pins that protrude through the bottom of the ADF assembly and contact the scanner assembly top (Two used - Order springs separately)
PF2284P091NI Cover Damper base cover - Cross-shaped plastic piece - Holds the left and right ADF assembly damper springs in place (Two used)
PF2284P089NI Lever Output bin paper lever - Small plastic flap with hinge pins - Mounts to the bottom of the ADF base assembly and sticks up into the output tray
PF2284P061NI Extender Output tray extender and paper stop - Extends to accommodate legal size documents and acts as a paper stop - Slides out from the base of the ADF assembly
PF2284P060NI Cover Output bin extender cover - Keeps the output bin extender from sliding all the way out - Mounts to the bottom of the ADF base assembly
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