PF2282P353NI is represented by #2 in the diagram below.
ADF internal components
- 2
- 2 PF2282P353NI - Paper guide - ADF clear plastic paper guide
- 3
- 3 PF2282K039NI - ADF paper pickup roller assembly - Includes the pickup roller, separation roller, and drive gear mounted in a frame - Mounts on the bottom of the ADF cover assembly (above the input paper tray)
- 4
- 4 PF2282K040NI - Pickup roller cover - `C` shaped plastic cover that surrounds the paper pickup roller assembly - Mounts on the bottom of the ADF cover assembly
ADF paper pickup roller assembly - Includes the pickup roller, separation roller, and drive gear mounted in a frame - Mounts on the bottom of the ADF cover assembly (above the input paper tray)
Pickup roller cover - `C` shaped plastic cover that surrounds the paper pickup roller assembly - Mounts on the bottom of the ADF cover assembly