IR4044K537NI printer parts diagram.


IR4044K537NI is represented by #6 in the diagram below.

IR4044K537NI is represented by #6 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 IR4044P337NI - Scanner support - Plastic column on a base - Mounts inside the bottom cover (towards the right side) and provides support for the flatbed scanner assembly (Two used)
  • 1
    • 1 IR4044P337NI - Scanner support - Plastic column on a base - Mounts inside the bottom cover (towards the right side) and provides support for the flatbed scanner assembly (Two used)
  • 2
    • 2 IR4044P525NR - Power supply assembly - Does NOT include the power switch actuator - Mounts in the scanner base assembly towards the front
  • 3
    • 3 IR4044K560NI - Ribbon cable assembly - Includes the ribbon cable with formatter bulkhead connector - Interconnects the formatter board to the scanner control board
  • 4
    • 4 IR4044K103NI - Intermediate PC board assembly - Includes the intermediate board with cable connectors and the formatter bulkhead connector
  • 5
    • 5 IR4044K538NI - Scanner Control Board (SCB) cable assembly - Connects from the scanner control board to the rear wall of the scanner base assembly (Connectors for the ADF assembly cable)
  • 6
    • 6 IR4044K537NI - Control panel cable assembly - Interconnects the control panel to the intermediate board
  • 7
    • 7 IR4044K107NI - Power switch actuator assembly - L shaped structure with mechanical linkage and power button - Linkage actuates the power switch on the power supply assembly
IR4044P337NI Support Scanner support - Plastic column on a base - Mounts inside the bottom cover (towards the right side) and provides support for the flatbed scanner assembly (Two used)
IR4044P525NR Power Supply Power supply assembly - Does NOT include the power switch actuator - Mounts in the scanner base assembly towards the front
IR4044K560NI Cable Ribbon cable assembly - Includes the ribbon cable with formatter bulkhead connector - Interconnects the formatter board to the scanner control board
IR4044K103NI PC Board Intermediate PC board assembly - Includes the intermediate board with cable connectors and the formatter bulkhead connector
IR4044K538NI Cable Scanner Control Board (SCB) cable assembly - Connects from the scanner control board to the rear wall of the scanner base assembly (Connectors for the ADF assembly cable)
IR4044K537NI Cable Control panel cable assembly - Interconnects the control panel to the intermediate board
IR4044K107NI Actuator Power switch actuator assembly - L shaped structure with mechanical linkage and power button - Linkage actuates the power switch on the power supply assembly
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