FG6-2176-000CN is represented by #2 in the diagram below.
Seperation Roller Assembly
- 1
- 1 FB4-6991-000CN - Four rollers on each side of center rollers of separation roller assembly
- 1
- 1 FB4-6991-000CN - Four rollers on each side of center rollers of separation roller assembly
- 1
- 1 FB4-6991-000CN - Four rollers on each side of center rollers of separation roller assembly
- 1
- 1 FB4-6991-000CN - Four rollers on each side of center rollers of separation roller assembly
- 1 FB4-6991-000CN - Four rollers on each side of center rollers of separation roller assembly
- 1
- 1 FB4-6991-000CN - Four rollers on each side of center rollers of separation roller assembly
- 1
- 1 FB4-6991-000CN - Four rollers on each side of center rollers of separation roller assembly
- 1
- 1 FB4-6991-000CN - Four rollers on each side of center rollers of separation roller assembly
- 3
- 3 FF5-5207-000CN - Separation roller - Shaft and three center rollers attached to the roller shaft in ADF separation roller assembly
Four rollers on each side of center rollers of separation roller assembly
Four rollers on each side of center rollers of separation roller assembly
Separation roller - Shaft and three center rollers attached to the roller shaft in ADF separation roller assembly