C8531-69018 printer parts diagram.


C8531-69018 is represented by #2 in the diagram below.

Tray 4 main body
C8531-69018 is represented by #2 in the diagram below.
  • 2
    • 2 C8531-69004 - HP 2000 Sheet High Capacity Input Tray. LaserJet 9000/9040/9050 Series 2000 Sheets. ( Not inc. / Requires RG5-6227-040CN)
    • 2 C8531-69018 - Tray 4 assembly (complete) - 2,000-sheet high capacity paper feeder assembly
  • 5
    • 5 RB2-7649-000CN - Right cover for the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly
  • 7
    • 7 RG5-6227-000CN - Paper path connection assembly - Directs paper from the high capacity input assembly output to the vertical input path on the print engine
    • 7 RG5-6227-000CN - Paper path connection assembly - Directs paper from the high capacity input assembly output to the vertical input path on the print engine
    • 7 RG5-6227-040CN - Paper path connection assembly - Directs paper from the high capacity input assembly output to the vertical input path on the print engine
  • 8
    • 8 RS5-9099-000CN - Stepped screw - Larger shoulder screw used to fasten the left side cover to the frame of the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly (two used)
  • 8
    • 8 RS5-9099-000CN - Stepped screw - Larger shoulder screw used to fasten the left side cover to the frame of the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly (two used)
    • 8 RS5-9099-000CN - Stepped screw - Larger shoulder screw used to fasten the left side cover to the frame of the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly (two used)
  • 8
    • 8 RS5-9099-000CN - Stepped screw - Larger shoulder screw used to fasten the left side cover to the frame of the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly (two used)
  • 10
    • 10 RF5-3645-000CN - Left cover for the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly
  • 11
    • 11 RB2-7652-000CN - Top cover for the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly
  • 12
    • 12 RB2-7650-000CN - Right rear cover for the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly
  • 13
    • 13 RB2-7648-040CN - Front cover and handle asembly - Plastic cover the protects the fornt side of the 2,000-sheet paper feeder tray 4 assembly
  • 14
    • 14 RF5-3644-000CN - Rear center cover for the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly
    • 14 RF5-3644-020CN - Rear center cover for the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly
  • 15
    • 15 RB2-7762-020CN - Paper size switching lever - To adjust paper size in tray (standard or custom size)
  • 16
    • 16 RG5-6208-150CN - Paper Input Unit (PIU) - PAPER PICK-UP ASSY.Paper pick-up assembly - For paper input tray 4
    • 16 RG5-6208-180CN - Paper Input Unit (PIU) - PAPER PICK-UP ASSY.Paper pick-up assembly - For paper input tray 4
  • 17
    • 17 RB2-7651-000CN - Left rear cover for the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly
  • 18
    • 18 RF5-3338-000CN - Feed separation pick-up roller - Rubber roller on a plastic collar with integrated gear and locking tab
C8531-69004 Tray Assembly HP 2000 Sheet High Capacity Input Tray. LaserJet 9000/9040/9050 Series 2000 Sheets. ( Not inc. / Requires RG5-6227-040CN)
C8531-69018 Tray Assembly Tray 4 assembly (complete) - 2,000-sheet high capacity paper feeder assembly
XA9-1300-000CN Screw Screw - M4 X 8mm long
XA9-1448-000CN Screw Screw - M4 X 8mm long
RB2-7709-000CN Caster Caster for HP LaserJet 9000 Series
RB2-7709-020CN Caster Caster for HP LaserJet M9040 MFP
RB2-7649-000CN Cover Right cover for the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly
RG5-6225-070CN Paper Path Module Vertical registration assembly - For tray 4
RG5-6225-100CN Paper Path Module Vertical registration assembly - For tray 4
RG5-6227-000CN Paper Path Module Paper path connection assembly - Directs paper from the high capacity input assembly output to the vertical input path on the print engine
RG5-6227-040CN Paper Path Module Paper path connection assembly - Directs paper from the high capacity input assembly output to the vertical input path on the print engine
RS5-9099-000CN Screw Stepped screw - Larger shoulder screw used to fasten the left side cover to the frame of the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly (two used)
RS5-9099-000CN Screw Stepped screw - Larger shoulder screw used to fasten the left side cover to the frame of the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly (two used)
XA9-0994-000CN Screw Screw - M4 x 6mm long
RF5-3645-000CN Cover Left cover for the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly
RB2-7652-000CN Cover Top cover for the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly
RB2-7650-000CN Cover Right rear cover for the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly
RB2-7648-040CN Cover Front cover and handle asembly - Plastic cover the protects the fornt side of the 2,000-sheet paper feeder tray 4 assembly
RF5-3644-000CN Cover Rear center cover for the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly
RF5-3644-020CN Cover Rear center cover for the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly
RB2-7762-020CN Lever Paper size switching lever - To adjust paper size in tray (standard or custom size)
RG5-6208-150CN Feeder Paper Input Unit (PIU) - PAPER PICK-UP ASSY.Paper pick-up assembly - For paper input tray 4
RG5-6208-180CN Feeder Paper Input Unit (PIU) - PAPER PICK-UP ASSY.Paper pick-up assembly - For paper input tray 4
RB2-7651-000CN Cover Left rear cover for the 2,000-sheet paper feeder assembly
RF5-3338-000CN Roller Feed separation pick-up roller - Rubber roller on a plastic collar with integrated gear and locking tab
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