C7791-60212 printer parts diagram.


C7791-60212 is represented by #8 in the diagram below.

Scan-Axis Assembly
C7791-60212 is represented by #8 in the diagram below.
  • 2
    • 2 C7791-60142 - Carriage assy cad rohs sv (HEWLETT-PACKARD CARRIAGE ASSEMBLY). Carriage assembly - Includes trailing cable.
  • 3
    • 3 C7791-60233 - Carriage belt Carriage belt - Used to move the carriage from side to side
    • 3 Q1292-67026 - Carriage belt - Used to move the carriage from side to side
  • 4
    • 4 C7791-60205 - Encoder strip Encoder strip - Clear strip with position marks - Used by the sensor in the carriage assembly to determine position
    • 4 Q1292-67003 - Encoder strip - Clear strip with position marks - Used by the sensor in the carriage assembly to determine position
  • 5
    • 5 C7790-60104 - Encoder strip holder - Wire loop that connects to the carriage assembly that is used to hold the encoder strip
    • 5 Q1292-60152 - Encoder strip holder - Wire loop that connects to the carriage assembly that is used to hold the encoder strip
  • 6
    • 6 C7791-60129 - RIDS assembly - Transports ink from the ink supply station to the printheads
C7790-60125 Spring Belt tensioner spring
Q1292-67006 Spring Belt tensioner spring
C7791-60142 Carriage Carriage assy cad rohs sv (HEWLETT-PACKARD CARRIAGE ASSEMBLY). Carriage assembly - Includes trailing cable.
C7791-60233 Belt Carriage belt Carriage belt - Used to move the carriage from side to side
Q1292-67026 Belt Carriage belt - Used to move the carriage from side to side
C7791-60205 Encoder Encoder strip Encoder strip - Clear strip with position marks - Used by the sensor in the carriage assembly to determine position
Q1292-67003 Encoder Encoder strip - Clear strip with position marks - Used by the sensor in the carriage assembly to determine position
C7790-60104 Holder Encoder strip holder - Wire loop that connects to the carriage assembly that is used to hold the encoder strip
Q1292-60152 Holder Encoder strip holder - Wire loop that connects to the carriage assembly that is used to hold the encoder strip
C7791-60129 Ink Delivery System RIDS assembly - Transports ink from the ink supply station to the printheads
C7790-60124 Holder Ink tube holder
Q1292-67005 Holder Ink tube holder
C7791-60212 Turnaround Assembly Turnaround assembly
Q1292-67012 Turnaround Assembly Turnaround assembly
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