C6426-40089 printer parts diagram.


C6426-40089 is represented by #3 in the diagram below.

C6426-40089 is represented by #3 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 C6426-40052 - OOPS flag - (out of paper) media sensor lever flag - Mounts on the top right edge of the upper paper guide
  • 2
    • 2 C6426-40021 - Upper paper guide (Does NOT include any attaching parts) - Spring loaded flat plate that presses the media against the top of the feed roller assembly - Caution: this part can easily be broken
  • 3
    • 3 C6426-40089 - DOOPS flag - Lifts the out of paper sensor (OOPS) flag out of the way when media is moving back towards the duplexer module - Mounts on the upper paper guide behind OOPS flag
  • 4
    • 4 C4557-20002 - Pinch roller - Provides downward pressure on media as it passes by upper paper guide
  • 4
    • 4 C4557-20002 - Pinch roller - Provides downward pressure on media as it passes by upper paper guide
  • 4
    • 4 C4557-20002 - Pinch roller - Provides downward pressure on media as it passes by upper paper guide
  • 4
    • 4 C4557-20002 - Pinch roller - Provides downward pressure on media as it passes by upper paper guide
C6426-40052 Flag OOPS flag - (out of paper) media sensor lever flag - Mounts on the top right edge of the upper paper guide
C6426-40021 Guide Upper paper guide (Does NOT include any attaching parts) - Spring loaded flat plate that presses the media against the top of the feed roller assembly - Caution: this part can easily be broken
C6426-40089 Flag DOOPS flag - Lifts the out of paper sensor (OOPS) flag out of the way when media is moving back towards the duplexer module - Mounts on the upper paper guide behind OOPS flag
C4557-20002 Roller Pinch roller - Provides downward pressure on media as it passes by upper paper guide
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