C6426-00006 printer parts diagram.


C6426-00006 is represented by #7 in the diagram below.

C6426-00006 is represented by #7 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 C6426-40018 - Belt attachment beam (I-shaped) - Used to secure the belt attachment tower to the carriage assembly
  • 1
    • 1 C6426-40018 - Belt attachment beam (I-shaped) - Used to secure the belt attachment tower to the carriage assembly
  • 2
    • 2 C6426-40017 - Belt attachment tower - Used to attach the carriage belt to the carriage assembly
  • 3
    • 3 C6426-40001 - Slider for carriage assembly - Rides along the upper guide rail on the print mechanism chassis
  • 4
    • 4 C6455-40050 - Belt attachment base - Mounts on rear of carriage assembly - Covers carriage PC board and holds belt attachment tower
  • 6
    • 6 C6429-60162 - Carriage assembly - Includes carriage, felt, felt retainers, ink cartridge latches - Does not include trailing cable, PC board, belt attachment hardware, or slider
  • 7
    • 7 C6426-00006 - Felt retainer - Holds the carriage lubrication felt on both sides of the pen carriage assembly
  • 7
    • 7 C6426-00006 - Felt retainer - Holds the carriage lubrication felt on both sides of the pen carriage assembly
  • 8
    • 8 C6409-80003 - Lubricating felt pad (C-shaped) - Lubricates the carriage assembly as it moves across the carriage rod
  • 8
    • 8 C6409-80003 - Lubricating felt pad (C-shaped) - Lubricates the carriage assembly as it moves across the carriage rod
C6426-40018 Beam Belt attachment beam (I-shaped) - Used to secure the belt attachment tower to the carriage assembly
C6426-40017 Tower Belt attachment tower - Used to attach the carriage belt to the carriage assembly
C6426-40001 Slider Slider for carriage assembly - Rides along the upper guide rail on the print mechanism chassis
C6455-40050 Base Belt attachment base - Mounts on rear of carriage assembly - Covers carriage PC board and holds belt attachment tower
C6429-60162 Carriage Carriage assembly - Includes carriage, felt, felt retainers, ink cartridge latches - Does not include trailing cable, PC board, belt attachment hardware, or slider
C6426-00006 Retainer Felt retainer - Holds the carriage lubrication felt on both sides of the pen carriage assembly
C6409-80003 Pad Lubricating felt pad (C-shaped) - Lubricates the carriage assembly as it moves across the carriage rod
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