C4785-69525 printer parts diagram.


C4785-69525 is represented by #7 in the diagram below.

C4785-69525 is represented by #7 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 C3764-67901 - Hardware kit - Includes access door springs, 2 lower pulleys with springs, cable holder, cable clamps, and metric screws - For multibin mailbox
  • 1
    • 1 C3764-67901 - Hardware kit - Includes access door springs, 2 lower pulleys with springs, cable holder, cable clamps, and metric screws - For multibin mailbox
  • 1
    • 1 C3764-67901 - Hardware kit - Includes access door springs, 2 lower pulleys with springs, cable holder, cable clamps, and metric screws - For multibin mailbox
  • 1
    • 1 C3764-67901 - Hardware kit - Includes access door springs, 2 lower pulleys with springs, cable holder, cable clamps, and metric screws - For multibin mailbox
  • 2
    • 2 C3766-60514 - Delivery head assembly - Includes ejector and delivery head roller motors
    • 2 C3766-69540 - Stapling unit - Includes top cover, bed assembly, and board
    • 2 C4787-69513 - Stapling unit - Includes top cover, bed assembly, and board
  • 3
    • 3 C3764-67900 - Metallic tape and housing kit - Includes metal tape holder, metallic tape, and housing
    • 3 C3764-67900 - Metallic tape and housing kit - Includes metal tape holder, metallic tape, and housing
  • 4
    • 4 C3764-60514 - Access door assembly - 6-roller assembly - Mounts to the top of the multi-bin mailbox
  • 7
    • 7 C3764-60501 - Flipper assembly
    • 7 C4785-69525 - 8-bin mailbox - Mailbox assembly without attachment rod - Includes ejector and delivery head roller motors (C3764A or C4785A)
C3764-67901 Kit Hardware kit - Includes access door springs, 2 lower pulleys with springs, cable holder, cable clamps, and metric screws - For multibin mailbox
C3764-67901 Kit Hardware kit - Includes access door springs, 2 lower pulleys with springs, cable holder, cable clamps, and metric screws - For multibin mailbox
C3766-60514 Head Assembly Delivery head assembly - Includes ejector and delivery head roller motors
C3766-69540 Stapler Stapling unit - Includes top cover, bed assembly, and board
C4787-69513 Stapler Stapling unit - Includes top cover, bed assembly, and board
C3764-67900 Tape Metallic tape and housing kit - Includes metal tape holder, metallic tape, and housing
C3764-67900 Tape Metallic tape and housing kit - Includes metal tape holder, metallic tape, and housing
C3764-60514 Door Access door assembly - 6-roller assembly - Mounts to the top of the multi-bin mailbox
C3764-60516 Shaft Hex shaft in jam access door assembly
C3764-67902 Guide Paper guide kit
C3764-67902 Guide Paper guide kit
C3764-60501 Flipper Flipper assembly
C4785-69525 Mailbox 8-bin mailbox - Mailbox assembly without attachment rod - Includes ejector and delivery head roller motors (C3764A or C4785A)
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