C4705-60091 printer parts diagram.


C4705-60091 is represented by #1 in the diagram below.

C4705-60091 is represented by #1 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 C4705-60091 - Pincharm assembly - Curved black plastic plate with four small rollers - Does NOT include spring or bushing
  • 1
    • 1 C4705-60091 - Pincharm assembly - Curved black plastic plate with four small rollers - Does NOT include spring or bushing
  • 1
    • 1 C4705-60091 - Pincharm assembly - Curved black plastic plate with four small rollers - Does NOT include spring or bushing
  • 1
    • 1 C4705-60091 - Pincharm assembly - Curved black plastic plate with four small rollers - Does NOT include spring or bushing
  • 1
    • 1 C4705-60091 - Pincharm assembly - Curved black plastic plate with four small rollers - Does NOT include spring or bushing
    • 1 C4705-60091 - Pincharm assembly - Curved black plastic plate with four small rollers - Does NOT include spring or bushing
  • 3
    • 3 C3195-60116 - Pincharm lift assembly - Does NOT include pincharm bar cam - Includes pinchwheel manual lift handle, spring, sensor, rocker plate, cam drive, cam journals, wire linkages, nuts, screws, and washer
  • 4
    • 4 C1633-20012 - Pinch arm bar cam (E-size) - Long rod from left to right side of printer - Used to lift the pinch arms
    • 4 C2847-20005 - Pinch arm bar cam (D-size) - Long rod from left to right side of printer - Used to lift the pinch arms
  • 5
    • 5 C1633-80005 - Compression spring - Installed between pincharm assembly and bushing
  • 5
    • 5 C1633-80005 - Compression spring - Installed between pincharm assembly and bushing
  • 5
    • 5 C1633-80005 - Compression spring - Installed between pincharm assembly and bushing
  • 5
    • 5 C1633-80005 - Compression spring - Installed between pincharm assembly and bushing
    • 5 C1633-80005 - Compression spring - Installed between pincharm assembly and bushing
  • 5
    • 5 C1633-80005 - Compression spring - Installed between pincharm assembly and bushing
C4705-60091 Pinch Assembly Pincharm assembly - Curved black plastic plate with four small rollers - Does NOT include spring or bushing
C4705-60091 Pinch Assembly Pincharm assembly - Curved black plastic plate with four small rollers - Does NOT include spring or bushing
C1633-40082 Bushing Pincharm spring retaining bushing
C1633-40082 Bushing Pincharm spring retaining bushing
C3195-60116 Lifter Pincharm lift assembly - Does NOT include pincharm bar cam - Includes pinchwheel manual lift handle, spring, sensor, rocker plate, cam drive, cam journals, wire linkages, nuts, screws, and washer
C1633-20012 Cam Pinch arm bar cam (E-size) - Long rod from left to right side of printer - Used to lift the pinch arms
C2847-20005 Cam Pinch arm bar cam (D-size) - Long rod from left to right side of printer - Used to lift the pinch arms
C1633-80005 Spring Compression spring - Installed between pincharm assembly and bushing
C1633-80005 Spring Compression spring - Installed between pincharm assembly and bushing
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