C4557-00030 printer parts diagram.


C4557-00030 is represented by #11 in the diagram below.

C4557-00030 is represented by #11 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 C4557-00031 - Paper length adjuster spring - Provides tension for paper input length adjuster
  • 2
    • 2 C4557-60049 - Paper input tray pressure plate
    • 2 C5870-40028 - Paper input tray base - Does not include the pressure plate assembly
    • 2 C5870-60081 - Paper input tray assembly (partial) - Includes only base of tray and pressure plate assembly
  • 3
    • 3 C5870-40037 - Length adjuster - Media input length adjuster
  • 4
    • 4 C4557-60049 - Paper input tray pressure plate
    • 4 C5870-60081 - Paper input tray assembly (partial) - Includes only base of tray and pressure plate assembly
  • 5
    • 5 C4557-80027 - Length adjust pad (Poron) - Mounted under the fine length adjuster
  • 6
    • 6 C5870-40028 - Paper input tray base - Does not include the pressure plate assembly
    • 6 C5870-60081 - Paper input tray assembly (partial) - Includes only base of tray and pressure plate assembly
  • 7
    • 7 C6410-40006 - Fine paper length adjuster (Purple) - Holds paper firmly against the back of the paper input tray
  • 9
    • 9 C4557-00029 - Left wall spring (front) - Holds left wall assembly in position
  • 10
    • 10 C6410-40005 - Width adjust (Purple) - Holds media against right wall of input tray
  • 11
    • 11 C4557-00030 - Left wall spring (rear) - Provides pressure against media
  • 12
    • 12 C6409-40034 - Left wall pusher - Pushes against left side of media to maintain correct edge alignment
C4557-00031 Spring Paper length adjuster spring - Provides tension for paper input length adjuster
C4557-60049 Tray Paper input tray pressure plate
C5870-40028 Tray Paper input tray base - Does not include the pressure plate assembly
C5870-60081 Tray Assembly Paper input tray assembly (partial) - Includes only base of tray and pressure plate assembly
C5870-40037 Guide Length adjuster - Media input length adjuster
C4557-60049 Tray Paper input tray pressure plate
C5870-60081 Tray Assembly Paper input tray assembly (partial) - Includes only base of tray and pressure plate assembly
C4557-80027 Pad Length adjust pad (Poron) - Mounted under the fine length adjuster
C5870-40028 Tray Paper input tray base - Does not include the pressure plate assembly
C5870-60081 Tray Assembly Paper input tray assembly (partial) - Includes only base of tray and pressure plate assembly
C6410-40006 Stop Fine paper length adjuster (Purple) - Holds paper firmly against the back of the paper input tray
C5870-00006 Channel Width adjust channel
C4557-00029 Spring Left wall spring (front) - Holds left wall assembly in position
C6410-40005 Guide Width adjust (Purple) - Holds media against right wall of input tray
C4557-00030 Spring Left wall spring (rear) - Provides pressure against media
C6409-40034 Guide Left wall pusher - Pushes against left side of media to maintain correct edge alignment
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